134 results
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 521
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 14de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
Elements is a mathematical treatise, used as a foundation for the study of mathematics.
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 529
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 13de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
Elements is a mathematical treatise, used as a foundation for the study of mathematics.
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 533
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 12de eeuw; ca. 1126-ca. 1150
- Language
- Latin
This was the standard textbook for the study of Latin grammar at the time.
Bruges. Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire, Ms. 11/11
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Grand Seminar
- Date
- 13de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
For questions regarding this manuscript, please contact the special collections curator at the Major
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 512
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 13de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
His writings are based on his experiments, laying the groundwork for the theory on perspective.
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, SVC Ms. 26
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- eerste kwart 16de eeuw (1500)
- Language
- Latin
Paris, for the Archdiocese of Bamberg
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 502
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 14de eeuw; achterste dekblad 12de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
Spaces have been reserved for initials and rubrics, but these have never been added.
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 499
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 14de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
It recalls expenses made for the construction of a road and (perhaps) water infrastructure.
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 501
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 14de eeuw; eerste helft 14de eeuw, mogelijk tussen 1328 (voltooiing van Tractatus Longior) en 1336 (pennenproeven op schutblad)
- Language
- Latin
These have been added throughout the manuscript until fol 142, afterwards spaces have been left open for
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 518
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 14de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
The latter pattern is also used for the running titles.
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 514
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 13de - 14de eeuw; ff. 1r-22r: 13de eeuw; ff. 23r-111r: 14de eeuw; ff. 112r-117v: 13de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
In Oresme's text, they are fully absent: spaces for initials are nonetheless present.
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 129
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 14de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
The final leaves (ff. 166r-208v) contain sermons for a number of important feasts: Christmas, Purification
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 513
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 13de-14de eeuw
- Language
- Latin
He was especially interested in Aristotle's natural philosophy and relied heavily on Averroes for explaining
Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 736 coll. KBS-FRB
- Collection
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Date
- 15de eeuw (1400-1420)
- Language
- Latin, English
vooraan, verso: blancoF. ii vooraan, recto: toevoeging in 15de-eeuwse hand getiteld 'a medycyne for
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