Oxford. Bodleian Library 1227
Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne 1182
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek 685
Paris. Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal 545
Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits 407
UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library 352
London. British Library 268
The John Rylands Library 162
Paris. Bibliothèque Mazarine 155
The Huntington Library 113
Bruges Grand Seminar 103
Bruges Public Library 100
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal 94
Basel. Universitätsbibliothek 88
Houghton Library, Harvard University 77
Oxford. Christ Church, Library 74
Munich. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 68
Le Mans, Médiathèque Louis-Aragon 61
Cologny. Fondation Martin Bodmer 52
Cambridge. Cambridge University Library 49
Zürich. Zentralbibliothek 49
Paris. École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts 45
Durham. Cathedral Library 38
Genève. Bibliothèque de Genève 38
Zürich. Braginsky Collection 37
Vatikan, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 27
Hermetschwil. Benediktinerinnenkloster 26
Schaffhausen. Stadtbibliothek 24
Tours, Bibliothèque municipale, Fonds Raymond Marcel 23
Engelberg. Stiftsbibliothek 18
Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library 18
Bern. Burgerbibliothek 16
Einsiedeln. Stiftsbibliothek 16
Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum 16
Fribourg/Freiburg. Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire/Kantons- und Universitätsbibliothek 15
Bibliothèque de l'Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer 14
Ghent. University Library 14
Wil. Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina 13
Durham. University Library 12
Sion/Sitten. Médiathèque Valais 12
St. Gallen. Kantonsbibliothek, Vadianische Sammlung 10
Luzern. Staatsarchiv 9
Aarau. Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek 8
La Flèche, Bibliothèque du Prytanée national militaire 8
Montpellier. Médiathèque centrale Emile Zola 8
Porrentruy. Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne 8
Zürich. Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum 8
Basel. Pharmazie-Historisches Museum der Universität Basel 7
Müstair. Benediktinerinnenkloster St. Johann 7
Neuchâtel. Bibliothèque publique et universitaire 7
Solothurn. Staatsarchiv 7
Solothurn. Zentralbibliothek 7
Cambridge. Cambridge University Archives 6
Fribourg/Freiburg. Archives de l'État de Fribourg/Staatsarchiv Freiburg 6
Orléans. Médiathèque 6
Aarau. Staatsarchiv Aargau 5
Firenze. Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 5
Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek Fulda 5
Mariastein. Benediktinerkloster 5
Oxford. Balliol College 5
St. Gallen. Stiftsarchiv (Abtei Pfäfers) 5
Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 4
Bremen. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek 4
Cambridge. Sidney Sussex College 4
Cambridge. St. John's College Library 4
Cambridge. Trinity Hall Library 4
Estavayer-le-Lac. Paroisse catholique Saint-Laurent 4
Frauenfeld. Kantonsbibliothek Thurgau 4
Orselina. Convento della Madonna del Sasso 4
Schaffhausen. Staatsarchiv 4
Cambridge. Queen's College Library 3
Fribourg/Freiburg. Couvent des Cordeliers/Franziskanerkloster 3
Metz. Bibliothèque-médiathèque 3
Oxford. Exeter College 3
Oxford. Magdalen College, Library 3
Romont. Abbaye de la Fille-Dieu Romont 3
Saint-Omer. Bibliothèque d'agglomération 3
Sarnen. Benediktinerkollegium 3
Sion/Sitten. Archives de l'Etat du Valais/Staatsarchiv Wallis 3
Toulouse. Bibliothèque municipale 3
Trogen. Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden 3
Appenzell. Landesarchiv Appenzell Innerrhoden 2
Autun. Bibliothèque municipale 2
Beromünster. Stiftskirche St. Michael 2
Bever. Dorfarchiv Bever 2
Bulle. Musée gruérien 2
Krakow. Jagiellonian Library 2
London. Lambeth Palace Library 2
Luzern. Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek 2
Oxford. Corpus Christi college, Library 2
Oxford. Merton College 2
Oxford. St. John's College 2
Sion/Sitten. Archives du Chapitre/Kapitelsarchiv 2
Solothurn. Domschatz der St.-Ursen-Kathedrale 2
Torre. Archivio parrocchiale 2
Vevey. Musée historique de Vevey 2
Zofingen. Stadtbibliothek 2
Überlingen. Leopold-Sophien-Bibliothek 2
Angers, Bibliothèque municipale 1
Angers. Bibliothèque municipale 1
Arras. Médiathèque municipale 1
Avranches. Bibliothèque municipale Edouard Le Héricher 1
Besançon. Bibliothèque municipale 1
Cambridge. Pembroke College Library 1
Cambridge. St Catharine's College Library 1
Cambridge. Trinity College Library 1
Castro. Archivio parrocchiale 1
Chavannes-près-Renens. Archives cantonales vaudoises 1
Chironico. Archivio parrocchiale 1
Claro. Archivio parrocchiale 1
Cleveland. The Cleveland Museum of Art 1
Frauenfeld. Katholisches Pfarrarchiv Frauenfeld 1
Holkham Hall Library 1
Leiden University Libraries 1
Mairengo. Archivio parrocchiale 1
Mulhouse. Bibliothèque-Médiathèque 1
Oxford. Keble College, Library 1
Oxford. Lincoln College 1
Oxford. Queen's College, Library 1
Porrentruy. Archives cantonales jurassiennes 1
Quinto. Archivio parrocchiale 1
Sarnen. Staatsarchiv Obwalden 1
Schlatt. Eisenbibliothek 1
Sils / Segl Maria. Dorfarchiv Sils i.E. / Segl 1
St. Gallen. Stadtarchiv der Ortsbürgergemeinde 1
St. Paul in Kärnten. Stiftsbibliothek St. Paul im Lavanttal 1
Tesserete. Archivio parrocchiale 1
Tours, Bibliothèque Municipale, Fonds Raymond Marcel 1
Tours. Bibliothèque municipale 1
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg 1
Urnäsch. Gemeindearchiv Urnäsch 1
Wädenswil. Dokumentationsstelle Oberer Zürichsee 1
Paris (France) 2098
Abbey of St. Gall (Switzerland) 666
England (United Kingdom) 238
France 197
Western Europe 135
Italy 92
Germany 58
Venice (Veneto, Italy) 50
Flanders 49
Paris (France) (?) 45
London (United Kingdom) 44
Canterbury (Kent, United Kingdom) 35
Oxford (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom) 28
France, Northern 26
Florence (Tuscany, Italy) 23
Basel (Switzerland) 21
Italy, Northern 20
France (?) 19
Engelberg Abbey (Switzerland) 15
Flanders (?) 14
Bruges (West Flanders, Belgium) (?) 13
England (United Kingdom) (?) 13
Freiburg (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 13
London. Westminster Abbey (United Kingdom) 13
Winchester (Hampshire, United Kingdom) 13
Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 12
Ireland 12
Germany, Southwestern 11
Koksijde (West Flanders, Belgium) 11
Netherlands, Southern 11
Tours (Indre-et-Loire, France) 11
Byzantium 10
Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 10
Canterbury. Christ Church Cathedral (United Kingdom) 10
France, Northwestern 10
France, Southern 10
Lyon (Rhône, France) 10
Mainz (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) 10
Schaffhausen (Switzerland) 10
Switzerland 10
Abbey of St. Gall (Switzerland) (?) 9
Abbey of Stavelot (Belgium) 9
Constantinople/Istanbul (Turkey) 9
Fulda Abbey (Germany) 9
Rome (Italy) 9
Schaffhausen. All Saints Abbey (Switzerland) 9
Amsterdam (Netherlands) 8
Bruges (West Flanders, Belgium) 8
Germany (?) 8
Germany, Southern 8
Orient 8
Regensburg area (Germany) 8
Rochester (Kent, United Kingdom) 8
Tamil Nadu (India) 8
Durham (Durham, United Kingdom) 7
France, Eastern 7
France, Northern (?) 7
France, Western 7
Freiburg. Cistercian nuns' cloister Günterstal (Germany) 7
Portugal 7
St. Albans Abbey (United Kingdom) 7
Upper Rhine 7
Basel (Switzerland) (?) 6
Basel. Charterhouse (Switzerland) 6
Bern. Cathedral of St. Vincent (Switzerland) 6
Germany, Southern (?) 6
Ingolstadt (Bavaria, Germany) 6
Milan (Lombardy, Italy) 6
Naples (Campania, Italy) 6
Netherlands 6
Nuremberg (Bavaria, Germany) 6
Padua (Veneto, Italy) 6
Peterborough Abbey (United Kingdom) 6
Reading (Berkshire, United Kingdom) 6
Saint Gall. Dominican Convent of St. Katharina (Switzerland) 6
Spain 6
Ashkenaz region 5
Austria 5
Bologna (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 5
Bourges (Cher, France) 5
Constance (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 5
England, Northern (United Kingdom) 5
France, Northeastern 5
Glastonbury Abbey (United Kingdom) 5
Lucerne (Switzerland) 5
Rouen (Seine-Maritime, France) 5
Vienna (Austria) 5
Worcester (Hereford and Worcester, United Kingdom) 5
Yemen 5
Angers (Maine-et-Loire, France) 4
Antwerp (Antwerp, Belgium) 4
Bavaria (Germany) 4
Belgium (?) 4
Brescia (Lombardy, Italy) 4
Bury St. Edmunds Abbey (United Kingdom) 4
Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) (?) 4
Edinburgh (Scotland, United Kingdom) 4
Einsiedeln (Schwytz, Switzerland) 4
Fountains Abbey (United Kingdom) 4
Freising (Bavaria, Germany) 4
Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland) 4
Fustat (Egypt) 4
Italy (?) 4
Lake Constance area 4
Lissewege (West Flanders, Belgium) 4
Regensburg (Bavaria, Germany) 4
Reichenau Abbey (Germany) 4
Saint Gall. Dominican Convent of St. Katharina (Switzerland) (?) 4
Thorney Abbey (United Kingdom) 4
Ulm (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 4
Aachen (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 3
Augsburg (Bavaria, Germany) 3
Belgium 3
Bern (Switzerland) 3
Bremen (Bremen, Germany) 3
Canterbury. St. Augustine's Abbey (United Kingdom) 3
Cirencester (Gloucester, United Kingdom) 3
Constantinople/Istanbul (Turkey) (?) 3
Dendermonde. Brigittine Monastery (Belgium) 3
Durham (Durham, United Kingdom) (?) 3
England, Southeastern (United Kingdom) 3
England, Southwestern (United Kingdom) 3
Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 3
France, Central 3
France, Southern (?) 3
Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland) 3
Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland) (?) 3
Ghent (East Flanders, Belgium) (?) 3
Haguenau (Bas-Rhin, France) 3
Hauterive Abbey (Switzerland) (?) 3
Italy, Northern (?) 3
Königsfelden. Abbey of Königsfelden (Switzerland) 3
London (United Kingdom) (?) 3
Luxeuil Abbey (France) 3
Lyon (Rhône, France) (?) 3
Muri Abbey (Switzerland) 3
Normandy (France) 3
Reims (Marne, France) 3
Rhineland (Germany) 3
Salisbury (Wiltshire, United Kingdom) 3
Sanaa (Yemen) 3
Spain (?) 3
St. Georgen. Community of Benedictine nuns (Switzerland) 3
Troyes (Aube, France) 3
Venice (Veneto, Italy) (?) 3
Wales (United Kingdom) 3
Warth. Kartause Ittingen (Switzerland) 3
Abbey of Echternach (Luxembourg) 2
Abbey of Fontenay (France) (?) 2
Abingdon (Oxford, United Kingdom) 2
Altona (Hamburg, Germany) 2
Bamberg (Bavaria, Germany) 2
Battle Abbey (United Kingdom) 2
Bavaria (Germany) (?) 2
Bengal 2
Bever (Grisons, Switzerland) 2
Bourges (Cher, France) (?) 2
Casale Monferrato (Piedmont, Italy) 2
Clairvaux Abbey (France) (?) 2
Corbie Abbey (France) 2
Crowland (Lincoln, United Kingdom) 2
Cyprus (?) 2
East Anglia (United Kingdom) 2
Ely (Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom) 2
Engelberg Abbey (Switzerland) (?) 2
England, Southern (United Kingdom) 2
Exeter (Devon, United Kingdom) 2
Eynsham. Benedictine Abbey (United Kingdom) 2
Fleury Abbey (France) 2
France, Eastern (?) 2
Fulda Abbey (Germany) (?) 2
German Anglo-Saxon region 2
Germany, Northwestern 2
Germany, Western 2
Ghent (East Flanders, Belgium) 2
Greece 2
Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) 2
Heidelberg (Germany) 2
Hermetschwil Abbey (Switzerland) 2
Kirkham (North Yorkshire, United Kingdom) 2
Laon (Aisne, France) (?) 2
Lombardy (Italy) 2
London. Palace of Westminster (United Kingdom) 2
Lorsch Abbey (Germany) 2
Malmesbury Abbey (United Kingdom) 2
Mexico 2
Muri Abbey (Switzerland) (?) 2
Naples (Campania, Italy) (?) 2
Norwich (Norfolk, United Kingdom) 2
Noyon (Oise, France) 2
Orléans (Loiret, France) 2
Padua (Veneto, Italy) (?) 2
Parma (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 2
Poitiers (Vienne, France) 2
Pontigny Abbey (France) 2
Prague (Czech Republic) 2
Provence (France) (?) 2
Ramsey Abbey (United Kingdom) 2
Rhineland (Germany) (?) 2
Rievaulx (North Yorkshire, United Kingdom) 2
Rome (Italy) (?) 2
Saint-Gilles. Abbey of St. Gilles (France) 2
Sephardic region 2
Sint-Truiden Abbey (Belgium) 2
Speyer (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) 2
Switzerland (?) 2
Switzerland, Eastern 2
Tegernsee Abbey (Germany) 2
Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Greece) 2
Torre (Ticino, Switzerland) 2
Witham (Essex, United Kingdom) (?) 2
Wittenberg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) 2
York (North Yorkshire, United Kingdom) 2
Zadar (Zadar, Croatia) 2
Zürich (Switzerland) 2
Zürich (Switzerland) (?) 2
Aargau (Switzerland) (?) 1
Abbey Dore (Hereford and Worcester, United Kingdom) 1
Abbey of Hérivaux (France) 1
Abbey of Massay (France) 1
Abbey of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (France) (?) 1
Abbey of St. Maurice (Switzerland) (?) 1
Abbeytown (Cumbria, United Kingdom) 1
Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India) 1
Ahun (Creuse, France) 1
Alemannic-speaking region 1
Alessandria (Piedmont, Italy) 1
Algeria (?) 1
Alsace (France) (?) 1
Amiens (Somme, France) 1
Amsterdam (Netherlands) (?) 1
Anchin Abbey (France) 1
Ancona (Marches, Italy) 1
Ancona (Marches, Italy) (?) 1
Anglo-Saxon center (?) 1
Anjou (France) 1
Ankara (Turkey) 1
Aquitaine (France) (?) 1
Aragon (Spain) 1
Arras (Pas-de-Calais, France) 1
Arras (Pas-de-Calais, France) (?) 1
Ashkenaz region (?) 1
Audenarde (Belgium) 1
Austria (?) 1
Auxerre (Yonne, France) (?) 1
Avignon (Vaucluse, France) 1
Bari (Apulia, Italy) 1
Barnwell Priory (United Kingdom) 1
Basel. Dominican cloister (Switzerland) 1
Bath (Avon, United Kingdom) 1
Bavaria, Northern (Germany) (?) 1
Bayeux (Calvados, France) 1
Beirut (Lebanon) (?) 1
Bellinzona (Ticino, Switzerland) 1
Belvoir (Leicester, United Kingdom) 1
Benediktbeuern Abbey (Germany) 1
Bern (Switzerland) (?) 1
Bern. Inselkloster St. Michael 1
Beromünster (Switzerland) 1
Besançon (Archdiocese) 1
Besançon (Doubs, France) 1
Bohemia (?) 1
Bologna (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) (?) 1
Boxgrove (West Sussex, United Kingdom) 1
Bratislava (Slovakia) 1
Bremgarten (Aargau, Switzerland) 1
Brittany (France) 1
Brittany (France) (?) 1
Brnakot (Armenia) 1
Bréziers (Hautes-Alpes, France) 1
Buda (Hungary) 1
Buildwas (Shropshire, United Kingdom) 1
Bukhara (Uzbekistan) 1
Burton upon Trent (Stafford, United Kingdom) 1
Caen (Calvados, France) 1
Calabria (Italy) 1
Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States) 1
Canterbury (Kent, United Kingdom) (?) 1
Canterbury. Christ Church Cathedral (United Kingdom) (?) 1
Carthusian monastery of Allerengelberg (Italy) (?) 1
Castro (Ticino, Switzerland) 1
Central Europe (?) 1
Champlost (Yonne, France) 1
Chichester (West Sussex, United Kingdom) 1
Chironico (Ticino, Switzerland) 1
Chur (Switzerland) 1
Chur (Switzerland) (?) 1
Cittanova (Calabria, Italy) (?) 1
Claro (Ticino, Switzerland) 1
Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme, France) 1
Cluny Abbey (France) 1
Constance (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) (?) 1
Constance. Petershausen Monastery (Germany) 1
Constance. Zoffingen Convent (Germany) 1
Convent of Interlaken (Switzerland) (?) 1
Corfu (Ionian Islands, Greece) 1
Crete (Greece) (?) 1
Cîteaux Abbey (France) 1
Deutschkreutz (Burgenland, Austria) 1
Deutz (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) (?) 1
Deventer (Overijssel, Netherlands) 1
Diessenhofen. Kloster Sankt Katharinenthal (Switzerland) 1
Diessenhofen. Kloster Sankt Katharinenthal (Switzerland) (?) 1
Dijon (Côte-d'Or, France) 1
Diocese of Constance (?) 1
Disibodenberg monastery (Germany) (?) 1
Dorset. Cerne Abbey (United Kingdom) 1
Dover (Kent, United Kingdom) 1
Durham. Cathedral Priory (United Kingdom) 1
Dürnstein (Austria) 1
Egypt 1
Einsiedeln (Schwytz, Switzerland) (?) 1
England, Western (United Kingdom) 1
Ephesus (ancient city) 1
Erfurt (Thuringia, Germany) 1
Ernen (Valais, Switzerland) 1
Europe 1
Fano (Marches, Italy) 1
Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) (?) 1
Ferrières Abbey (France) 1
Fez (Fas-Meknas, Morocco) 1
Flanders (Netherlands) 1
Florence (Tuscany, Italy) (?) 1
France, Southeastern 1
France, Southwestern 1
Franconia 1
Franconia (?) 1
Frankfurt am Main (Hesse, Germany) 1
Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland) (?) 1
Fribourg. Augustinian Monastery (Switzerland) 1
Fribourg. St. Nicholas Cathedral (Switzerland) 1
Fulda (Hesse, Germany) 1
Genoa (Liguria, Italy) (?) 1
Germany, Southwestern (?) 1
Germany, Western (?) 1
Ghent. St. Peter Abbey (Belgium) 1
Glarus (Glarus, Switzerland) 1
Gotha (Thuringia, Germany) 1
Guadalajara (Castilla–La Mancha, Spain) 1
Hagnaby Abbey (United Kingdom) 1
Hauterive Abbey (Switzerland) 1
Herat (Afghanistan) 1
Hereford (Hereford and Worcester, United Kingdom) (?) 1
Hermetschwil Abbey (Switzerland) (?) 1
Hildesheim (Germany) 1
Hizan (Bitlis, Turkey) 1
Holmcultram Abbey (United Kingdom) 1
India 1
Iraq (?) 1
Ireland (?) 1
Italy, Northeastern 1
Italy, Northeastern (?) 1
Italy, Northwestern (?) 1
Ittingen. Monastery of the Canons Regular of St. Lawrence (Switzerland) 1
Jerusalem 1
Kalkar (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 1
Kirchberg (Ulm area, Germany) 1
Kraków (Lesser Poland, Poland) 1
Kreuzlingen (Thurgau, Switzerland) 1
La Charité-sur-Loire. Priory (France) 1
Lahore (Punjab, Pakistan) 1
Lake Constance area (?) 1
Lalden (Valais, Switzerland) 1
Lausanne (Vaud, Switzerland) 1
Le Mans (Sarthe, France) 1
Le Mans. Abbey of St. Vincent (France) 1
Le Thoureil. Abbey of Saint-Maur (France) (?) 1
Leeds (West Yorkshire, United Kingdom) 1
Leipzig (Saxony, Germany) 1
Leominster (Hereford and Worcester, United Kingdom) 1
Leuven (Flemish Brabant, Belgium) 1
Liessies Abbey (France) 1
Lissewege (West Flanders, Belgium) (?) 1
Little Gidding (United Kingdom) 1
Livorno (Tuscany, Italy) 1
Liège (Liège, Belgium) 1
Low Countries (?) 1
Low Countries (historical region) 1
Lower Rhine 1
Lower Saxony (Germany) (?) 1
Lund (East Yorkshire, United Kingdom) 1
Lüneburg. St. Michael's Abbey (Germany) 1
Magdeburg area (Germany) 1
Mainz (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) (?) 1
Mairengo (Ticino, Switzerland) 1
Maltby (Rotherham, United Kingdom) 1
Mantua (Lombardy, Italy) 1
Mantua (Lombardy, Italy) (?) 1
Marmoutier Abbey (France) (?) 1
Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) 1
Martigny (Valais, Switzerland) 1
Martigny (Valais, Switzerland) (?) 1
Massachusetts (United States) 1
Medingen Abbey (Germany) 1
Memmingen (Bavaria, Germany) 1
Mercia (kingdom) 1
Metten. Benediktinerkloster (Germany) 1
Metz (Moselle, France) (?) 1
Midlands (United Kingdom) 1
Mikulov (South Moravian, Czech Republic) 1
Milan (Lombardy, Italy) (?) 1
Modena (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 1
Monastery of Panagia Eikosifoinissa (Greece) 1
Montebourg Abbey (France) 1
Montecassino Abbey (Italy) 1
Moravia 1
Morocco (?) 1
Mount Athos (Greece) 1
Much Wenlock (Shropshire, United Kingdom) 1
Munich (Bavaria, Germany) (?) 1
Murbach Abbey (France) 1
Nantes (Loire-Atlantique, France) (?) 1
Naters (Valais, Switzerland) 1
Neuvelle-lès-la-Charité. Abbey La Charité (France) 1
Newburgh Priory (United Kingdom) 1
Normandy (France) (?) 1
North Africa (?) 1
Northern Europe (?) 1
Northumbria (kingdom) 1
Orient (?) 1
Orléans (Loiret, France) (?) 1
Oxford (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom) (?) 1
Palermo (Sicily, Italy) 1
Paris area (France) (?) 1
Park Abbey (Belgium) 1
Pesaro (Marches, Italy) (?) 1
Peterborough (Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom) 1
Pfäfers. Monastery of Pfäfers (Switzerland) 1
Piacenza (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 1
Pleshey (Essex, United Kingdom) 1
Plympton (Devon, United Kingdom) 1
Poland 1
Pontigny Abbey (France) (?) 1
Quinto (Ticino, Switzerland) 1
Regensburg-Prüfening (Bavaria, Germany) (?) 1
Regensburg. Abbey of St. Emmeram (Germany) 1
Reichenau Abbey (Germany) (?) 1
Reims (Marne, France) (?) 1
Rhaetia 1
Rhenish Franconia (?) 1
Rodez (Aveyron, France) (?) 1
Rorschach. Monastery of Mariaberg (Switzerland) 1
Rouen (Seine-Maritime, France) (?) 1
Saint Gall. Lower hermitage of St. Leonhard (Switzerland) 1
Saint Gall. Lower hermitage of St. Leonhard (Switzerland) (?) 1
Saint-Omer (Pas-de-Calais, France) 1
Saint-Omer (Pas-de-Calais, France) (?) 1
Salamanca (Castile and León, Spain) 1
Salisbury (Wiltshire, United Kingdom) (?) 1
Saluzzo (Piedmont, Italy) 1
Santorso (Veneto, Italy) 1
Sarnen (Obwald, Switzerland) 1
Savoie (?) 1
Schaffhausen (Switzerland) (?) 1
Schongau (Bavaria, Germany) 1
Schönau Abbey (Germany) (?) 1
Scotland (United Kingdom) 1
Scotland (United Kingdom) (?) 1
Seligenstadt (Hesse, Germany) 1
Sens (Yonne, France) 1
Serbia 1
Sevilla (Andalusia, Spain) 1
Sheffield (South Yorkshire, United Kingdom) 1
Sherborne (Dorset, United Kingdom) 1
Sicily (Italy) 1
Sion. Cathedral Chapter (Switzerland) 1
Solothurn (Switzerland) 1
Solothurn (Switzerland) (?) 1
Speyer (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) (?) 1
Sponheim monastery (Germany) (?) 1
Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin, France) 1
Strasbourg. Cloister of St. Margareta and St. Agnes (France) 1
Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 1
Syria (?) 1
Säckingen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 1
Taiwan 1
Tegernsee Abbey (Germany) (?) 1
Tewkesbury (Gloucester, United Kingdom) 1
The Hague (Netherlands) 1
Tholey Abbey (Germany) 1
Thuringia (Germany) 1
Toulouse (Haute-Garonne, France) 1
Tournai (Hainaut, Belgium) 1
Tours (Indre-et-Loire, France) (?) 1
Tours. Abbey of St. Martin (France) 1
Treviso (Veneto, Italy) 1
Tyrol 1
Uherský Brod (Czech Republic) 1
Valais (Switzerland) (?) 1
Velké Meziříčí (Vysočina, Czech Republic) 1
Velletri (Lazio, Italy) 1
Verdun (Meuse, France) (?) 1
Verona (Veneto, Italy) 1
Vicenza (Veneto, Italy) 1
Vienna (Austria) (?) 1
Villingen. Convent of the Poor Clares (Germany) 1
Viterbo (Lazio, Italy) 1
Waverley Abbey (United Kingdom) 1
Wearmouth-Jarrow Abbey (United Kingdom) 1
Weingarten Abbey (Germany) (?) 1
Wells (Somerset, United Kingdom) 1
West Midlands (United Kingdom) (?) 1
Wil. Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina (Switzerland) 1
Winchcombe Abbey (United Kingdom) 1
Winchcombe Abbey (United Kingdom) (?) 1
Winchester (Hampshire, United Kingdom) (?) 1
Winterthur (Zurich, Switzerland) 1
Woodstock (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom) 1
Worcester cathedral priory (United Kingdom) 1
Worms (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) 1
Wädenswil (Zurich, Switzerland) 1
Würzburg (Bavaria, Germany) 1
Würzburg (Bavaria, Germany) (?) 1
Würzburg Cathedral (Germany) 1
Würzburg Cathedral (Germany) (?) 1
Yorkshire (United Kingdom) 1
Zufikon (Aargau, Switzerland) (?) 1
Île-de-France (France) 1
Île-de-France (France) (?) 1
6612 results
Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 102
Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
1500 - 1599
lat, eng
top is notedrubric: (5) Manus Johannis bradfordNote: For
Durham. Cathedral Library, MS. B.IV.26
Durham University and Cathedral Library
Durham. Cathedral Library
mid 13th century, 13th - 16th century, later 14th century, late 13th century, after 1439, 14th century, mid 14th century, 14/15th century, not before 1426
Latin, Latin
Priors of Durham; B) Tabula to the Rule of St Benedict; C) Rule of St Benedict; D) Gregory IX, Statutes for
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Canonici Or. 18
Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
Oxford. Bodleian Library
Maḥzor for the entire year, Italian rite, with additional texts in the margins and at the end
Durham. Cathedral Library, MS. A.I.5
Durham University and Cathedral Library
Durham. Cathedral Library
late 14th - early 15th century, early 15th century
Cost for binding and decorating book
London. British Library, Egerton MS 821
The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
London. British Library
divination), alongside computistical and astronomical texts, herbal remedies, charms and instructions for
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 111
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek
9th century
Latin, Old High German, German
Order of Service for the Monastery of St. Gall in the Directorium of 1583
Gall monk and teacher Notker the German, a blessing for pigs and a recipe for ink.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Barocci 192
Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
Oxford. Bodleian Library
Symeon Metaphrastes, Menologion for December 15-31, January 20-31. || Lectionary (fragment).
London. British Library, Add MS 14250
The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
London. British Library
Incipit Prefatio Bede Presbiteri De Hystoria Gentis Anglorum’ (Books I-V). ff. 148v-150v: Plympton annals for
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1156
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek
15th century, second third of the 15th century
Cistercian Nuns’ Cloister Günterstal near Freiburg im Breisgau, contains around a hundred Latin sermons for
San Marino. The Huntington Library, HM 679
Huntington Digital Library
The Huntington Library
No entries were made for the period between April 26 and June 1.
Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 3630
Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits
XIIIe siècle
Hugh of Saint-Cher (for postilla)
London. British Library, Royal MS 8 E IV
The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
London. British Library
These epistles were probably written in an Italian context because most of the cited names are Italian (see
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 915
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek
11th century, 9th century, 10th century, middle of the 9th century / 10th century / 11th century
Latin, German
Order of Service for the Monastery of St. Gall in the Directorium of 1583
Gall and several rules for monks.
Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Gaster Hebrew MS 1635
Manchester Digital Collections
The John Rylands Library
heb, gre, arc, lad
Mishnah; TalmudAbstract: Liturgical booklet for
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 433
St. Gallen. Stiftsbibliothek
9th century, third quarter of the 9th century
Order of Service for the Monastery of St. Gall in the Directorium of 1583
executed initials and an excellent image of dedication (Saint Augustine), containing mostly sermons for
Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Latin MS 39
Manchester Digital Collections
The John Rylands Library
The north transept is not finished: on the top of it is a huge pair of wheels for raising stones: against
Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 3473
Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits
XV e siècle
Hugh of Saint-Cher (for postilla)
San Marino. The Huntington Library, DE 24
Huntington Digital Library
The Huntington Library
English [eng]
Autograph memorandum, unsigned, on the conditions under which Duke Fitzjames (1712-1787) was recruiting for
London. British Library, Harley MS 82
The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
London. British Library
lat, grc
The first part of Harley MS 82, containing a register for the abbey, was added to the Martyrology in
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Bodley Or. 611
Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
Oxford. Bodleian Library
Seliḥot for Rosh ha-Shanah, Yom Kipur and Hoshanot, North African rite (Fez)
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