1187 results
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Reggio 3
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 1326–1375
- Language
- Hebrew
Written for Manoaḥ ben Avraham.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, Oxford University Archives WPBeta/E/6a
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 10th February 1256
- Language
- Latin
Letters patent granting that for the future the rent of houses occupied by scholars of Oxford is to be
Oxford. Bodleian Library, Mason CC 84
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 1575
- Language
- English
English metrical psalter the Scottish psalter developed independently with its own texts a /or tunes for
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Auct. D. inf. 2. 11
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- c. 1440-1450
- Language
- French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600), Latin
Made in France for the English market.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Auct. D. 4. 4
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- c. 1370-1380
- Language
- Latin
Manuscript made for Humphrey de Bohun and his daughter Mary (mother of Henry V and Duke Humfrey of Gloucester
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Montagu e. 9
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- after 1515
- Language
- Latin
Written for Guilano de Medici, in early humanistic script.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, Sinica 6523
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Language
- Chinese
For more details, see http://serica.bodleian.ox.ac.uk.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. D’Orville 1
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- c. 1550
- Language
- No linguistic content
Probably bound in the Netherlands for Cardinal de Granville, c. 1550.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Laud Misc. 165
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Language
- Latin
Partly written for himself by James le Palmer, fol. 595.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, Filmstrip Roll 271.1, frame 8
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 1797
- Language
- English
The Windrush (Wainrush) near Burford has eight symbols for water mills in less than five miles, two are
Oxford. Bodleian Library, Filmstrip Roll 333.2, frame 4
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 1614
- Language
- English
Manuscript map on three membranes made for Sir Edward Barrett: second membrane, lower part; third membrane
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 93
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 15th century, middle
- Language
- French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600), Latin
Manuscript made for Yolande de Lalaing, wife of Reinoud II van Brederode.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Canon. Liturg. 8
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 15th century, third quarter
- Language
- Latin
Made probably for Pantesilea Contarini, abbess of S. Maria delle Vergini, Venice (d.1461).
Oxford. Bodleian Library, BOD: Douce O subt. 15
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 1606
- Language
- Latin
Map source, Luis Teixeira, 1592 for map of Japan, in Abraham Ortelius, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, English
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 337
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- Before 1463 (?)
- Language
- French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600)
Douce 336 for vol. I. Arms of Estouteville impaling Paynel.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, Wood 276 b.fol. xxx
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 1644
- Language
- English
North of the city (with A for St. Giles Church) is at the bottom of the map. Scale c.1:10,000
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Bodl. 435
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 14th century, early
- Language
- Latin
written in the 14th century by ‘Johannes de Wodetun’ (John of Wood Eaton), and including instructions for
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Rawl. liturg. e. 8
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 15th century, middle
- Language
- Latin
Introductory full-page miniature for Hours of the Virgin (Matins). Annunciation.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. th. e. 50
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- Dated 1439
- Language
- Latin
Manuscript made for a Dominican convent.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 365
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- Dated 1475
- Language
- French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600)
Written in French in 1475 at Ghent by David Aubert for Margaret of York.
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