210 results
Cambridge. St. John's College Library, MS S.54
- Collection
- Cambridge Digital Library
- Library
- Cambridge. St. John's College Library
- Date
- 1470-1500
[Untitled - Incipit: Of X and M and oþyr too Of I and E I syng all soo X for crystys hym selfe was dyth
Cambridge. Cambridge University Library, MS Add. 4126
- Collection
- Cambridge Digital Library
- Library
- Cambridge. Cambridge University Library
- Date
- Mid-19th century C.E.
nineteenth century, this Book of Hours was made by the miniaturist Caleb Wing (b. 1801, d. 1875) (for
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Tanner 67
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 1638
- Language
- English
the milliners of the Royal Exchange on behalf of the "Imbrederers working in their own homes" who had for
Oxford. Bodleian Library, Auct. K 3.3a
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 1490-1495, 18th century
- Language
- Greek
Erotemata [Greek] ([Milan: Uldericus Scinzenzeler, c.1493])This volume was rebound for the Library
Durham. Cathedral Library, MS. A.IV.36
- Collection
- Durham University and Cathedral Library
- Library
- Durham. Cathedral Library
- Date
- end 12th century, [14th century], [end 12th century]
- Language
- Latin, Old English
Table of contents for (e)-(g)
Oxford. Christ Church, Library, MS a.3 (West Table)
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Christ Church, Library
- Date
- c. 1598
- Language
- English
For a detailed description please see
Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 17814
- Collection
- Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
- Library
- Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits
- Date
- X e siècle (dernier quart)
- Language
- latin
England, Made for Christ Church, Canterbury
London. British Library, Royal MS 7 E VI
- Collection
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Language
- lat
The first part (ff. 2r-203v) contains a martyrology with local addition for the Benedictine abbey of
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 228
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 15th century
- Language
- English, Middle (1100-1500)
Anglicana script for text in holster-book format.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Digby 205
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 15th century, middle
- Language
- English, Middle (1100-1500)
Reserved space for initial never painted in. Unfinished.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Laud Misc. 740
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 15th century, second quarter
- Language
- English, Middle (1100-1500)
Probably made c. 1430 for Sir Thomas Cumberworth of Somerby, Lincolnshire.
Oxford. Christ Church, Library, MS 152
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Christ Church, Library
- Date
- 1401–1500
- Language
- English, Middle (1100-1500)
There is reasonably extensive evidence for production and early ownership in the mid-south and near southwest
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Ashmole 1445
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 16th-17th centuries
- Language
- English
Text: section 7, text of alchemical receipt for an elixir.Composite manuscript.
London. British Library, Sloane MS 2839
- Collection
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Language
- lat, xno
These include scholastic texts from Late Antiquity that were used for education at the school of medicine
Oxford. Christ Church, Library, Mus 19
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Christ Church, Library
- Date
- 1680–1690
- Language
- English
Aldrich’s choral compositions were intended for use in cathedral services at Christ Church.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Savile 100
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- c. 1552
- Language
- Latin
Equatorium (instrument for finding positions of planets).
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Laud Misc. 558
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Language
- Latin
Copied in Salisbury for Gilbert Kymer by Herman Zurke of Greifswald, between 1459 and 1460.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Bodl. 247
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 14th century, middle
- Language
- Latin
Inscription for a bell, begins 'Oro deum verum'.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. liturg. g. 1
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 15th century, beginning
- Language
- Latin, English
Latin Psalter, for the use of a Benedictine monastery, with a calendar similar to that of York.
Oxford. Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 128
- Collection
- Digital Bodleian (Oxford University)
- Library
- Oxford. Bodleian Library
- Date
- 15th century
- Language
- Latin
Space reserved for initials but not painted in. Unfinished.Bought by Douce in April 1807.
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