Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 467
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 467
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1425
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 467: John Grandisson, Vita Sancti Thomae Cantuariensis
- John Grandisson, Vita Sancti Thomae Cantuariensis
- Agent
- Preferred form
- John Grandison (1292-1369)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Grandisson
- Other form
- John Grandison
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 467 is a fifteenth-century copy of the Life of St Thomas Becket by John Grandisson (d. 1369), also found in CCCC MSS 275 and 464. It has some decorated initials. The manuscript has an inscription saying that it was given to Robert Hare (d. 1611) by John Swift, auditor (d. 1570). It had presumably passed into the hands of Matthew Parker before 1575. Hare was a recusant - he gave the famous manuscript by Thomas Elmham OSB (d. c. 1427) to Trinity Hall (MS 1) in Cambridge on condition that it was returned to St Augustine's Canterbury if it was ever rebuilt - and his antiquarian links with scholars such as Parker, Arthur Agarde, John Stow, etc, shed an interesting light on the friendly scholarly relations which could exist between Protestants and Roman Catholics at this time.
Contents :
1r-125r - John Grandisson, Vita Sancti Thomae Cantuariensis
rubric: (1r) Prologus vite beati Thome martiris a Johanne de Grandissono Exoniense collecte
Note: Handsome initial in colour on gold and border of gold and colour
incipit: (1r) Archimartiris necnon archipresulis
explicit: (1v) eiusdem martiris gloriosi
Note: (1v) Capitula
rubric: (5v) Expliciunt compendia capitulorum prime partis. Incipit capitulum I
incipit: (5v) Benedictionibus diuine dulcedinis preuentus
Note: (53r) Pars II
Note: (59v) Text, Initial
Note: (91r) Pars III
Note: (95r) Text, Initial
Note: (111r) Pars IV
Note: (114r) Text, Initial
Note: Ends
explicit: (125r) festumque eius solenniter celebrandum ad laudem et gloriam domini nostri Ihesu Christi qui, etc. in secula seculorum. Amen. laus deo
Note: See also MS 464
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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