Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 83
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 083
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1200 - 1299
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 083: Petrus Riga, Aurora. Peter of Poitiers, Genealogia historiarum
- Peter of Poitiers, Genealogia historiarum
- De duodecim gradibus humilitatis
- Alexander of Ashby OSA, Comprehensio historiarum ueteris ac noui testamenti
- Petrus Riga, Aurora || Petri de Riga Aurora
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Pierre de Poitiers (1130?-1205)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Peter of Poitiers
- Other form
- Pierre de Poitiers (1130?-1205)
- Petrus Pictaviensis
- Petrus Pictavensis
- Petrus Pictaviensis (112.?-1205)
- Pictavensis
- PETRUS PICTAVENSIS, cancellarius ecclesiae Parisiensis
- Pseudo - Petrus Pictaviensis
- Peter of Poitiers, c 1130-1205, Chancellor of Paris
- Peter, of Poitiers, approximately 1130-1205
- Petrus <Pictaviensis, Cancellarius>
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Alexandre d'Ashby (1148?-1209?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Alexander of Ashby OSA
- Other form
- Alexander of Ashby
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pierre Riga (11..-1209)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Petrus Riga
- Other form
- Pierre Riga (11..-1209)
- Petri de Riga
- Pierre Riga
- Author: Petrus, Riga
- Peter Riga, c 1140-1209, Canon of Reims Cathedral
- Petrus de Riga
- Petrus Riga (v. 1140 – 1209)
- Petrus <Riga>
- Petrus Riga - gest. 1209 - auteur
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: The first and last two folios of CCCC MS 83 contain part of a fine, fourteenth-century, glossed copy of Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae. The rest of the manuscript dates from the early thirteenth century, probably datable to 1208-16, and contains Peter of Poitiers (d. 1205), Genealogia historiarum (Compendium ueteris testamenti) (also in CCCC MSS 29 and 437), an anonymous tract on the virtues and vices, De duodecim gradibus humilitatis, Alexander of Ashby OSA (d. by 1213), Comprehensio historiarum ueteris et noui testamenti, and Petrus Riga (d. 1209), Aurora, a late-twelfth-century verse commentary on, and summary of, the Bible. The book is notable for its illustrations in tinted drawing, as in the medallions containing Creation scenes and portraits of biblical figures and historical figures in the first text.
Contents :
1r-7v - Peter of Poitiers, Genealogia historiarum
Note: (1r) treats of the Creation. In the C. is a line of medallions: at the sides paragraphs of Historia, Allegoria, Moralis Sentencia. The medallions contain good drawings in outline washed with green, yellow and red
Note: (1r) At top 1. Mandorla. Christ holds globe and blesses 2. Medallion. Christ seated holds crescent in R. hand, book in L. On L. are sun and cloud 3. Christ seated faces R. and points to cloud above: water beneath on R. 4. Seated: on L. are cloud and trees
Note: (1v) 5. Seated faces R. Sun, moon and stars in sky 6. Seated blessing: birds on L. and water with fishes 7. Standing touches the head and hands of Adam who sits on L.: beasts also on L. 8. Standing creates Eve
rubric: (2r) Incipit compendium ueteris testamenti secundum magistrum petrum pictauiensem can(c)ellarium ecclesie parisiensis
incipit: (2r) Considerans hystorie prolixitatem necnon et difficultatem
Note: (2r) A genealogy in medallions occupies great part of the page. Some of the medallions contain pictures: usually single figures or busts, viz.
Note: (2r) 1. Adam and Eve, each stands in a conventional bush
Note: (2v) 2. Noe: seated
Note: (3r) 3. Thare
Note: (3r) 4. Abraham, scroll and book
Note: (3r) 5. Ysaac
Note: (3v) 6. Jacob
Note: (4r) 7. Esrom
Note: (4r) 8. Aram
Note: (4r) 9. Naason (half-length: long-nosed, looking up, grotesque)
Note: (4v) 10. Salmon
Note: (4v) 11. Saul rex (after this a gap)
Note: (5r) 12. Amasias
Note: (5v) 13. Josias
Note: (6v) 14. Azor
Note: (7r) 15. Eliud
Note: (7r) 16. Joseph uir Marie
Note: (7r) 17. Julius Cesar, a seated king
Note: (7v) 18. Maria mater domini seated with crown and sceptre
Note: (7v) 19. Christus natus: swaddled in manger
Note: (7v) 20. Christus puer: in tub, between two women; one pours water over His head
Note: (7v) 21. Christus passus: on the Cross
8r-8v - De duodecim gradibus humilitatis
Note: (8r) has a series of rhyming quatrains on the gradus humilitatis et superbie. The former begins at bottom on L.
rubric: (8r) Incipit prefatio de XII. gradibus humilitatis
incipit: (8r) Nolens tibi quippiam frater denegareCogor de duodecim gradibus tractare
Note: (8r) The gradus superbie descend from top, ending with
rubric: (8r) Excusatio autoris super opere
explicit: (8r) Credo tibi stephane uel nunc satisfeciDum et primis gradibus secundos adieciIn quo si quid aliter quam decet effeciFac donari ueniam. tu te donans preci
Note: f. 8v is blank
9r-25r - Alexander of Ashby OSA, Comprehensio historiarum ueteris ac noui testamenti
rubric: (9r) Incipit proemium in libro compendii qui breuiter scribitur
incipit: (9r) Laborem in ludum conuertit fructus
explicit: (10v) frui colloquio
rubric: (10v) Quomodo historie memoriter debeant retineri uersus sequentes docent
incipit: (10v) Ut autem historie ueteris et noui testamenti etc.
Note: (10v) Eight lines: Incipiens ab adam quem plantauit deus etas ... Claudere fulgorem uespera nulla potest
rubric: (10v) Incipit liber compendii. In primo uersus de Genesy. Incipit prima etas
incipit: (11r) Ante dies omnes mundi fuit omnis in uno
Note: This epitome ends
rubric: (24v) De cognitione dei et pace ecclesie
explicit: (25r) Huc properemus eo pace fruemur ibi
25r-246v - Petrus Riga, Aurora || Petri de Riga Aurora
rubric: (25r) Incipit proemium in libro qui dicitur aurora
incipit: (25r) Frequens sodalium peticio
explicit: (25r) totus refulgurat
rubric: (25v) Incipit liber (proemium) magistri petri Canonici Beati Dionisii Remensis in librum qui intitulatur aurora etc.
incipit: (25v) Primo facta die duo celum terra leguntur
Note: The books paraphrased are: Gen. - 4 Reg., Tobit, Esther, Judith, Daniel, 1, 2 Macc., ending
explicit: (156r) cesar in aure tua
Note: (156v) Then follows Euuangelica Hystoria
incipit: (156v) Post legem ueterem respira petre refulget
Note: ends
explicit: (200r) Petrus finit et ipse suum
Note: (200r) Actus
incipit: (200r) Dixi me finisse librum sed rursus in actus
Note: ends
explicit: (215v) Denecat obque fidem detur [nobis] iob idem petre metrum
rubric: (215v) Expliciunt actus apostolorum
Note: (215v) Iob
incipit: (215v) Librum iob moysi quidam tribuere magistri
Note: ends
explicit: (225v) compleuit fine decenti
Note: (225v) Cantica
incipit: (225v) Solus origenes cum doctos uicerit omnes
Note: Ends
explicit: (246v) ueterum de germine natus
rubric: (246v) Explicit liber in canticis canticorum
Note: The lower part of this leaf (f. 246r-246v) is cut off. It doubtless had a mark of ownership
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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