Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 92
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 092
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1175 - 1325
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 092: John of Worcester OSB ('Florence of Worcester'), Chronica chronicarum
- John of Worcester OSB ('Florence of Worcester'), Chronica chronicarum
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Jean de Worcester (10..-1140?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John of Worcester OSB ('Florence of Worcester')
- Other form
- John of Worcester
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 92 contains a copy of the Chronica chronicarum (Chronicon ex chronicis) of John of Worcester (d. c. 1140), from the Creation to 1131 with later, anonymous, additions that take the Chronica up to the late thirteenth century. Once attributed to Florence of Worcester (d. 1118), it is now known that, using the existing chronicles of Marianus Scotus and Eadmer of Canterbury as the basis for his work, John compiled the Chronica, adding numerous details of English history. This manuscript of the text was produced at Abingdon Abbey in the third quarter of the twelfth century, but was later at Peterborough Abbey, from where it presumably passed into Parker's collection.
Contents :
1r-203r - John of Worcester OSB ('Florence of Worcester'), Chronica chronicarum
incipit: (1r) Adam centum xxx annorum genuit Seth. Et postea uixit
Note: (1r) Genealogy of the descendants of Noah's sons: and, in central column, of Schef (i. garba) to Woden: with two xiiith cent. notes on Schef and Woden
incipit: (1v) Angli saxones imperatoris martiani tempore a brittonibus inuitati
Note: Ed. Thorpe I p. 258, MHB 635
Note: (1v) Genealogies occupy the central column
Note: (5r) List of kings, continued in later hand (after Henry III) to Edward III
Note: (5v) blank
incipit: (6r) Anno dominice incarnatione secundum dionisium d. xix. Cerdic et Kinric filius eius secundum anglicam cronicam
Note: (Thorpe I 271)
explicit: (7r) coronam regni sicut ei iuratum fuerat adeptus est
Note: (7v) blank
rubric: (8r) Nomina lxx duorum discipulorum Christi (see below)
rubric: (8r) Nomina Hebreorum pontificum
Note: (8r) (Aaron to 'Pisanus')
Note: (8r) Continuing with Bishops of Jerusalem (Jacobus frater domini to Cirillus)
Note: The list of the Seventy on f. 8r is essentially the same as that in MS 183 and Vesp. B. VI. It has I believe never been printed. (James presents the list in two columns; see the Original James Record (PDF) for this manuscript)
Note: List of the Seventy Disciples: see a paper by the present writer in Journal of Theol. Studies 1910, f. 459
Note: (8r) Nomina lxx duorum discipulorum Christi: Iacob iustus, Mathias, Ioseph, Ioseph alius, Marchus euuangelista, Barnabas, Lucas euuangelista, Cleophas, Seneca, Symeon, Lucius, Manain, Sostenes, Cephas, Taddeus, Ermen qui et pastor, Andronicus, Iohannes, Amplias, Urbanus, Erodion, Asyncritis, Nason, Stephanus prothomartyr, Philippus, Prochorus, Nicanor, Symon, Parmena, Aquila, Iudas, Hilas, Siluanus, Symon cleophe, Iason, Agabus, Ananias, Ignatius, Symon cirenensis, Alexander, Rufus, Nathanael, Nichodemus, Cleophas, Symon, Iudas, Iacobus, Symon, Symon coriarius, Lucas, Barnabas, Iohannes, Barnabas, Stephanus, Chorisius, Hilichus, Gaius, Flegonta, Ermen, Apellen probabilis, Dionisius ariopagita, Aepenctus, Iesus qui dicitur iustus, Stachin, Ponplius, Aristobolus, Stephanus corinthiensis
Note: (8r) Erodius, Rufus, Olimpus, Titus, Phelemon: hii sunt qui electi fuerunt ab apostolis in ordinem pro his qui recesserant
Note: (9r) Nomina Romanorum pontificum
Note: (9r) To Alexander III, continued by two hands to Alexander IV
Note: These lists are not printed by Thorpe
rubric: (9v) Cantia: Nomina Archiepiscoporum dororenensis (!) ecclesie
Note: (9v) (Thorpe I 231, Monumenta Historica Britannica 616) to Ricardus: continued to Bonifacius
Note: Lists of English bishops (see below)
Note: On the lists of Bishops (see Thorpe I 231 sqq.) it may be remarked that their extent is as follows in this copy (the extinct sees not noted). (James presents this material in three columns, separated here by colons. For the columnar format see the Original James Record (PDF) for this manuscript)
Note: Canterbury: original to Ricardus (1174): continued to Bonifacius (1245) Rochester: original to Arnulfus 1076: continued to Gilebertus 1185 London: original to Gilebertus (I) 1128: continued to Willelmus (II) 1199 East Angles: original to Eouerardus 1121: continued to Johannes (II) 1200 Chichester: Stigand to Saffredus 1125: continued to Symon 1204 Winchester: original to Henricus 1129: continued to Petrus 1206 Salisbury: original to Gocelinus 1142: continued to Herebertus 1194 Wells: original to Godefridus 1123: continued to Jocelinus 1206 Exeter: original to Willelmus 1107-38: continued to Henricus 1194 Lichfield: original to Rotbertus (II) 1121: continued to Galfridus 1198 Hereford: original to Ricardus 1120: continued to Egidius 1200 Worcester: original to Theouulfus 1115-23: continued to (M)augerus 1200 Leicester (Loegerenses): original to Rotbertus (II): continued to Hugo York: original to Turstanus 1119: continued to Galfridus 1191 Durham: original to Randulfus 1099-1133: continued to Philippus 1197
Note: (12v) Paragraphs on the seven kingdoms, ending with one De sedibus episcoporum in concilio (Thorpe I 280)
Note: ff. 13r-14v blank
rubric: (15r) Primus liber incipit ab Adam usque ad Christum
Note: (ed. Howard 1592: not in MHB or Thorpe)
rubric: (15r) Incipit Epistola Dionisii exigui ad petronium episcopum de ratione paschali
incipit: (15r) Domino beatissimo etc.
Note: (15r) A pretty initial in pale colours
incipit: (19r) Adam centum xxx annorum
Note: (19r) Another pretty initial
Note: Marginal additions occur: chiefly laudes of Emperors
Note: On f. 90v begins
incipit: (90v) Angli saxones martiani principis tempore Beda teste
Note: (Thorpe I 1, MHB 522)
incipit: (150v) Adueniente quadragesima
Note: (1067: Thorpe II 1)
Note: (175r) The hand changes very distinctly at f. 175r. The hand of the portion after f. 175r is of the same character as that of the (Peterborough) Chronicle and Bestiary in MS 53
Note: On f. 175v (anno 1152)
rubric: (175v) Conrado imperatori successit Fridericus imperator
Note: (in red)
incipit: (175v) Celebratum est diuorcium inter lodowicum
Note: (This is the continuation, preserved in this MS. only, Thorpe II 136)
Note: Ends (1295)
explicit: (203r) ad debellandum inimicos suos
Note: (203v) blank
Note: On f. 204r are numbers
Note: on f. 204v pencil notes, partly obliterated, of events going down to 18 Edward I
Note: The continuation really begins at 1118 (Thorpe II 71). From 1131 to 1152 it is merely a copy of Henry of Huntingdon p. 253, l. 1 to p. 291, l. 29 collocatus (Rolls Series), and Thorpe does not print it
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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