Ketubah (כתובה), Livorno, 14 Nisan 5508 (12 April 1748)
The bridal couple mentioned in this marriage contract, Dona Sarah,
daughter of Jacob Guttieres Pegna (Peña) and David, son of the
late Benjamin Racah (or Raccah), both are members of wealthy
families of the Sephardic community of Livorno. As is customary,
the ketubah lists the dowry and increment: It consists of a house
on the Piazza delle Erbe with a value of 907 piesas, 6 solidos and
10 dinaros da ocho reali di Spagna, plus 150 piesas in cash and an
increment valued at half of the dowry. The unusually large ketubah
is decorated with interlace design in the style of “love
knots”, floral scrolls, a pair of birds and two winged putti
supporting a blank cartouche intended for the family emblem.