Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 168
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 168
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 168: Documents Relating to Bishop Cox of Ely
- The location of places derived from the church fathers and others || Loci communes ex patribus, &c. collecti
- Notes on church history 603 AD - 1509 AD || Notae historicae ordine chronologico dispositae de rebus ecclesiasticis ab anno 603 ad annum 1509
- Laws of Cnut, Ethelred, Edgar, Edmund, Athelstan, Ine and Alfred || Leges Canuti, Ethelredi, Edgari, Edmundi, Adelstani, Inae et Aluredi
- Poems on the butcher of Paris || Carmina in Lanienam Parisiensem
- Letter of Bishop Cox of Ely exhorting the parishioners of every parish to be charitable to their poor neighbours: dated Dodington 12 July, 1569 || Letter exhorting the parishioners of every parish to be charitable to their poor neighbours, sent by order of council: dated Dodington 12 July, 1569
- Letter of Bishop Cox of Ely to the ministers of every parish to certify the names of those that refuse to come to church and receive the sacraments: dated Somersham 13 November 1569 || Letter to the ministers of every parish to certify unto him the names of those that refuse to come to church and receive the sacraments, sent by order of council: dated Somersham 13 November 1569
- Letter of Bishop Cox of Ely enjoining the ministers to use only the catechism set forth in the book of service, dated Somersham 7 August 1572 || Letter enjoining the ministers to use only the catechism set forth in the book of service, and to certify unto him quarterly the names of such parents as refuse permitting their children to learn it, dated Somersham 7 August 1572
- Letter of Bishop Cox of Ely to the ministers of his diocese to be diligent in catechising, dated Ely-palace March 1, 1572 || Letter to the ministers of his diocese to be diligent in catechising, dated Ely-palace March 1, 1572
- Letter from the council to Bishop cox of Ely, requiring him to enforce the observance of uniformity in religion thro' his diocese, dated Greenwich 7 November 1573 || Letter from the council to the bishop, requiring him to enforce the observance of uniformity in religion thro' his diocese, dated Greenwich 7 November 1573
- Letter from Richard Cox, bishop of Ely to the several parishes to enforce the observance of uniformity in religion || Letter from the bishop to the several parishes on this occasion
- Coronation oath || Juramentum regis quando coronatur
- A prayer for the beginning of every year in the queen's reign || Another prayer for the beginning of every year in the queen's reign
- Form and order of the psalmes || The forme and order of the psalmes as they were used to be songe in the house of the late right reverend father Richard Cox sometime L. B. of Ely || Metrical Psalms
- Epitaph of pope Sixtus V || Epitaphia papae Sixti
- Historical notes beginning in 1558 || Notae historicae incipientes A. D. 1558
- Poems in Latin and English || Carmina Latina et Anglicana
- English verses || English verses with the following burdens
- Speech of Cromwell earl of Essex at his execution || Speech as I conjecture of Cromwell earl of Essex at his execution
- Prayer to be said before the Mass || Oratio dicenda ante missam
- Indulgence granted to the confraternity of St Christopher and St George in the city of York || Indulgentia concessa confraternitati S. Christophori et Georgii in civitate Eboraci
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Richard Cox (1500-1581)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Bishop Cox of Ely
- Other form
- Richard Cox
- Richard Cox, archdeacon of Ely
- Dr Cox
- Richard Cox, bishop of Ely
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 168 contains a miscellany of sixteenth-century transcriptions of a wide variety of written work including letters, speeches, prayers, poems, proverbs, historical notes, Anglo-Saxon laws and more. The volume is commonly associated with Bishop Richard Cox of Ely (c.1500-81) who also served as tutor and then as almoner to Henry VIII's son, Edward. As M. R. James points out, W. Stanley's identification of this manuscript as Parker's 'Misc Y' is inaccurate. This volume was, in fact, donated by Dr John Jegon, probably after 1600.
Contents :
1r-56r - The location of places derived from the church fathers and others || Loci communes ex patribus, &c. collecti
Note: Collected from Fathers and medieval writers
56v-63v - Notes on church history 603 AD - 1509 AD || Notae historicae ordine chronologico dispositae de rebus ecclesiasticis ab anno 603 ad annum 1509
Note: Mostly on the Popes
64r-66v - Laws of Cnut, Ethelred, Edgar, Edmund, Athelstan, Ine and Alfred || Leges Canuti, Ethelredi, Edgari, Edmundi, Adelstani, Inae et Aluredi
Note: (4 pp.) called by Liebermann (p. xxii) Corpus
67r-102v - Poems on the butcher of Paris || Carmina in Lanienam Parisiensem
rubric: (67r) In perfidiam et crudelitatem quam Carolus nonus Galliae Rex in Christianos exercuit
Note: A series of 8 Latin poems: the first begins
incipit: (67r) Fama fuit Moscum furiis urgentibus armaAduersus ciues expediisse suos
Note: (72r) Two pages, one with swan-marks (?) of Roger, Richard, John, Jane Cox, Eliz. Whithed, and Brame
Note: (73r) The other with miscellaneous notes
Note: (73v) 27 blank leaves
103r-103r - Letter of Bishop Cox of Ely exhorting the parishioners of every parish to be charitable to their poor neighbours: dated Dodington 12 July, 1569 || Letter exhorting the parishioners of every parish to be charitable to their poor neighbours, sent by order of council: dated Dodington 12 July, 1569
Note: Items 5-11 occupy 5 pp.
103r-103r - Letter of Bishop Cox of Ely to the ministers of every parish to certify the names of those that refuse to come to church and receive the sacraments: dated Somersham 13 November 1569 || Letter to the ministers of every parish to certify unto him the names of those that refuse to come to church and receive the sacraments, sent by order of council: dated Somersham 13 November 1569
103v-103v - Letter of Bishop Cox of Ely enjoining the ministers to use only the catechism set forth in the book of service, dated Somersham 7 August 1572 || Letter enjoining the ministers to use only the catechism set forth in the book of service, and to certify unto him quarterly the names of such parents as refuse permitting their children to learn it, dated Somersham 7 August 1572
104r-104r - Letter of Bishop Cox of Ely to the ministers of his diocese to be diligent in catechising, dated Ely-palace March 1, 1572 || Letter to the ministers of his diocese to be diligent in catechising, dated Ely-palace March 1, 1572
104r-104v - Letter from the council to Bishop cox of Ely, requiring him to enforce the observance of uniformity in religion thro' his diocese, dated Greenwich 7 November 1573 || Letter from the council to the bishop, requiring him to enforce the observance of uniformity in religion thro' his diocese, dated Greenwich 7 November 1573
Note: Wilkins, Concilia IV 279
105r-115v - Letter from Richard Cox, bishop of Ely to the several parishes to enforce the observance of uniformity in religion || Letter from the bishop to the several parishes on this occasion
Note: (105v) Blank leaves
117r-117r - Coronation oath || Juramentum regis quando coronatur
117r-117r - A prayer for the beginning of every year in the queen's reign || Another prayer for the beginning of every year in the queen's reign
120r-161v - Form and order of the psalmes || The forme and order of the psalmes as they were used to be songe in the house of the late right reverend father Richard Cox sometime L. B. of Ely || Metrical Psalms
rubric: (120r) Munday morning Psal. 1
incipit: (120r) That man is bleste that hath not gone etc.
Note: (122v) Ends with Thursday morning
Note: (123r) Blank leaves
171r-173v - Epitaph of pope Sixtus V || Epitaphia papae Sixti
174r-194r - Historical notes beginning in 1558 || Notae historicae incipientes A. D. 1558
Note: Scattered over several leaves: may be of interest
194v-199v - Poems in Latin and English || Carmina Latina et Anglicana
Note: Includes several poems to Queen Elizabeth, an epitaph for Richard Cox etc.
204r-208v - English verses || English verses with the following burdens
Note: (1)
incipit: (204r) Hold back thy tonge at meat and meal;Speake but few wordes, bestow them well
Note: (2)
incipit: (204v) The black shepe is a perylous beast,Cujus contrarium falsum est
Note: (3)
incipit: (205r) Say well and do well they are things twayne;Thryse happye is he, in whom both raygne
Note: (4)
incipit: (205v) My derlyng dere long have I sowght,Lost is my labour, she is clere nowght
Note: (5)
incipit: (207v) Lorde wounde my fleasshe with thy feareFor I feare thy judgements
Note: (6)
incipit: (208r) For he that by wyll doth rule his witteDoth oftymes loose when he shulde knitte
Note: These verses were printed in the Percy Society's publications (H. P. S.), vol. XIII, no. 50, 1844, by James Goodwin
209r-210r - Speech of Cromwell earl of Essex at his execution || Speech as I conjecture of Cromwell earl of Essex at his execution
incipit: (209r) Masters I am come hither to dye
Note: (2 pp.)
210v-210v - Prayer to be said before the Mass || Oratio dicenda ante missam
Note: Items 26, 27. On one page, the last
210v-210v - Indulgence granted to the confraternity of St Christopher and St George in the city of York || Indulgentia concessa confraternitati S. Christophori et Georgii in civitate Eboraci
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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