Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 300

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 300
Biblissima authority file
  • 1200 - 1299
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 300: Pictor in carmine
  • Pictor in carmine || Pictor in carmine, sive historiae veteris et novi testamenti in ecclesiis pingendae, carminibus expressae
  • Summary: The Pictor in carmine, contained in CCCC MS 300, is a treatise intended for painters, written in the late twelfth or early thirteenth century, in which events of the New Testament are provided with typological parallels from the Old, all having accompanying verses. This manuscript, dating from the thirteenth century, contains the long version of the text which exists in six other MSS. The work has been attributed to Adam of Dore OCist, who was Abbot of Dore (Herefordshire) and died at some time after 1216. The text has been edited from this manuscript by K.-A. Wirth.

    Contents :

    1r-76v - Pictor in carmine || Pictor in carmine, sive historiae veteris et novi testamenti in ecclesiis pingendae, carminibus expressae

    Note: Prologue

    rubric: (1r) Dolens in sanctuario

    Note: (1r) Initial cut out. Above are the words Theologia. Pictor. showing what it represented

    explicit: (1v) prestantiori copia temperare

    Note: Delisle, Mélanges de paléographie, p. 206 (from Sir T. Phillipps's MS. 11059)

    Note: (2r) List of subjects

    Note: (2r) (i) Colloquium gabrielis, etc.

    Note: (10v) (cxxxviii) Sedens christus in iudicio etc.

    Note: (11r) Text

    rubric: (11r) Colloquium gabrielis, etc.

    incipit: (11r) Per caput exangue planta mulieris in angue

    Note: (11r) Top of initial cut out

    Note: There are marginal Biblical references and other notes in the original hand

    Note: Ends

    explicit: (74v) Dispare mercede. dextros hinc inde sinistros

    Note: ff. 66r-67v blank

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