Bruges. Bibliothèque publique, Ms. 131
- Source
- Mmmonk
- Library
- Bruges Public Library
- Shelfmark
- Ms. 131
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 12de eeuw; ca. 1170-ca. 1180
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- [Convoluut met Regel Tempeliers; diverse brieven]
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Bernard de Clairvaux (saint, 1090?-1153)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Bernardus Claraevallensis - 1090 - 1153 - auteur
- Other form
- S. Bernardus
- Bernardus Claraevallensis (saint ; 1090?-1153)
- Bernardus Claraevallensis
- Bernardus Claraevallensis,
- Bernard
- Bernard de Clairvaux (saint ; 1090?-1153)
- S. Bernardus Clarevallensis
- Bernard de Clairvaux
- Bernard, de Clairvaux (S.)
- Bernardus beatus
- Bernardi Claraevallensis
- Beati Bernardi
- S. Bernardus [Claravallensis]
- Bernardus
- S. Bernardus Claraevallensis
- Bernair
- S. Bernardi
- Bernardi
- Bernard (Saint), abbé de Clairvaux
- Bernard de Clairvaux, saint, 1090?-1153
- Bernhard von Clairvaux
- Bernardo de Claraval
- Bernat de Claravall
- Author: Bernardus, Claraevallensis
- Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153
- Bernard of Clairvaux, ?1090-1153, Abbot of Clairvaux
- Bernard of Clairvaux OCist
- St Bernard
- Bernardus Claraevallensis, 1090-1153
- Bernard (saint)
- Bernhard von Clairvaux, Heiliger, 1090-1153
- Bernardus<Claraevallensis>
- Bernhard <von Clairvaux, Heiliger> (1090-1153)
- Sant Bernhart
- D. Bernardus
- Bernardus Abbas
- Bernadus Abbas
- Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint (1090 or 1091-1153)
- Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint (1090 or 1091-1153)
- Bernardus (ca. 1090/91-1153)
- Bernardo, Santo, 1090-1153
- Bernhard, von Clairvaux, Heiliger, 1090-1153
- Bernardus <Claraevallensis>
- Bernardo, Santo, 1090-1153 > , co-autor
- Bernardus Claraevallensis - 1090 - 1153 - auteur (dubium)
- Bernardus Claraevallensis - 1090 - 1153 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- Bernardus Claraevallensis - auteur
- Bernardus - auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Guillaume de Saint-Thierry (1085?-1148?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Guilelmus de Sancto Theodorico - 1085 - ca. 1153 - auteur
- Other form
- Guillelmus de Sancto Theodorico
- Guillelmus Sancti Theodoriciabbas
- Guilelmus Sancti Theodorici (1085?-1148?)
- Guillelmus de sancto Theodorico
- Willelmus abbas Sancti Theodorici Remensis
- Guilelmus Sancti Theodorici
- Guillaume, abbé de Saint-Thierry
- Author: Guilelmus, de Sancto Theodorico
- William of St. Thierry
- William of Saint-Thierry (attributed to Saint Bernard in the rubric)
- William of Saint-Thierry OCist
- Guilelmus <de Sancto Theodorico> (1085-1153)
- Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, 1075-1148, O.Cist.
- Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, O.Cist., 1075-1148 > , co-autor
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Gerhoch de Reichersberg (1092?-1169)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gerhohus Reicherspergensis - 1092 - 1169 - auteur
- Other form
- Gerhoch de Reichersberg (1092?-1169)
- Gerhohus Reichersbergensis
- Gerhohus
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pierre le Vénérable (1094?-1156)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Petrus Venerabilis - 1092 - 1156 - auteur
- Other form
- Pierre le Vénérable (1094?-1156)
- Petrus Venerabilis
- Pierre le Vénérable (1092?-1156)
- PETRUS VENERABILIS, abbas Cluniacencis
- Petrus Venerabilis (1092?-1156)
- PETRUS VENERABILIS, abbas Cluniacensis
- Author: Petrus, Venerabilis
- Peter the Venerable OSB
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Abbaye des Dunes
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.)
- Other form
- Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist) (?)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Summary:
Manuscript 131, dating from c. 1170-1180, is a composite manuscript. The manuscript belongs to Ten Duinen Abbey. It contains the oldest known copy in Latin of the Rule of the Templars by Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153). The second text in the manuscript contains De laude novae militae - in praise of the new knighthood - by Bernard, written for the Templars. The other five texts contain letters from and to Bernard by William of St.-Thierry (1085 - ca. 1153), Gerhoh of Reichersberg (1092 - 1169), Peter the Venerable (1092 - 1156). [Summary by Sarah Vanroye]
[Convoluut met Regel Tempeliers; diverse brieven]
Convoluut: ff. 2r-83v afkomstig uit O-Frankrijk (Clairvaux?); ff. 84r-158v afkomstig uit N-Frankrijk of Vlaanderen (Ten Duinen?)
Folio 1v bevat een inhoudstafel: 'Regula templarensium auctoritate multorum patrum precipue domini B. abbatis edita; Liber domini B. ad eosdem de laude noue militie; Liber apollogeticus; Epistula domini Willelmi abbatis ad fratres de Monte Dei; Epistula fratris Geroch ad dominum B. abbatem de symoniacis; Epistula cuiusdam heremite ad Rainardum morimundensem abbatem; Liber Petri cluniacensis ad dominum B. abbatem de obiectis et responsis utriusque ordinis'
Folio's 17v, 120v blanco
Topic general subdivision:
158 ff. + ii
25 x 18 cm
Decoration and binding:
gedecoreerde initialen
Campmansband (ca. 1625-1650)
gotische textualis
Cisterciënzerabdij Ten Duinen (S.O.Cist.)
- Summary:
- Place
- Preferred form
- France (?)
- Original form
- [Frankrijk?]
- Preferred form
- Clairvaux Abbey (France) (?)
- Original form
- [Clairvaux?]
- Preferred form
- Flanders
- Original form
- [Vlaanderen]
- Other form
- Flandres
- Flandre
- Flandre -- Jusqu'à 1482
- Flandre (?)
- Flanders, probably Bruges
- Flanders
- Flanders/Germany
- Flanders, Antwerp?
- Flanders, Ghent(?)
- Flanders, Lille?
- Flanders, Ghent?
- Flanders, Hainaut?
- Flanders, Bruges?
- Flanders (possibly executed in England)
- Flanders, Mosan?
- Flanders, Ghent or Malines?
- Flanders, Hainault
- Bruges?
- [Flandern]
- Flandern
- Vlaanderen
- Vlaanderen?
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Koksijde (West Flanders, Belgium)
- Original form
- [Koksijde]
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Provided by Bruges Public Library
- Manifest URL
- Biblissima portal