Vatican. Biblioteca apostolica vaticana,
- Source
- Heidelberg University Library, Bibliotheca Palatina
- Library
- Vatikan, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Shelfmark
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 15. Jh. (1. Hälfte?), vor 1459
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- 1ra–325vb - AT
- 4ra–74vb - Pentateuch
- 4ra–20rb - Genesis
- 20rb–33vb - Exodus
- 33vb–43ra - Levitikus
- 43ra–55vb - Numeri
- 55vb–66vb - Deuteronomium
- 67rb–74vb - Josua
- 74vb–82vb - Richter
- 82va–83va - Rut
- 84rb–94vb - Samuel (= I Könige)
- 94vb–103rb - II Samuel (= II Könige)
- 103rb–113rb - III Könige (= Liber Malachim)
- 113rb–122va - IV Könige (= Liber Malachim)
- 122vb–131vb - I Chronik
- 131vb–142vb - II Chronik, mit dem Gebet des Manasse, apokryph
- 143rb–146rb - I Esra
- 146rb–151vb - II Esra
- 151vb–155vb - III Esra, apokryph
- 156ra–159ra - Tobias
- 159rb–163rb - Judit
- 163va–167va - Ester
- 168rb–176rb - Hiob
- 176va–179va - Capitulare
- 181ra–200vb - Psalmen
- 201rb–208ra - Sprüche Salomos
- 208rb–210va - Prediger
- 210va–211vb - Hoheslied
- 212ra–216va - Weisheit
- 216vb–229vb - Jesus Sirach
- 229vb–291va - Große Propheten
- 230ra–245rb - Jesaja
- 245vb–263vb - Jeremia
- 263vb–265rb - Klagelieder
- 265va–267vb - Baruch
- 267vb–284rb - Hesekiel
- 284vb–291va - Daniel
- 291va–308ra - Zwölf kleine Propheten
- 291vb–294ra - Hosea
- 294rb–295rb - Joel
- 295va–297rb - Amos
- 297va–297vb - Obadja
- 298ra–298vb - Jona
- 298vb–300ra - Micha
- 300rb–301ra - Nahum
- 301va–302rb - Habakuk
- 302rb–303ra - Zefanja
- 303rb–304ra - Haggai
- 304rb–307ra - Zacharias
- 307rb–308ra - Malachias
- 308ra–318va - I Makkabäer
- 318va–325vb - II Makkabäer
- 327ra–412ra - NT
- 327ra–365rb - Evangelien
- 328rb–338va - Matthäus
- 338vb–345rb - Markus
- 345va–356vb - Lukas
- 356vb–365rb - Johannes
- 365rb–389vb - Briefe des Paulus
- 366rb–370rb - Römer-Brief
- 370va–374va - I Korinther-Brief
- 374vb–377va - II Korinther-Brief
- 377va–379ra - Galater-Brief
- 379ra–380va - Epheser-Brief
- 380va–381va - Philipper-Brief
- 381va–382va - Kolosser-Brief
- 382va–383rb - I Thessaloniker-Brief
- 383va–384ra - II Thessaloniker-Brief
- 384ra–385ra - I Timotheus-Brief
- 385ra–385vb - II Timotheus-Brief
- 386ra–386va - Titus-Brief
- 386va–386vb - Philemon-Brief
- 386vb–389vb - Hebräer-Brief
- 390ra–401rb - Apostelgeschichte
- 401rb–406va - Apostolische Briefe
- 401va–402vb - Jakobus-Brief
- 402vb–403vb - I Petrus-Brief
- 403vb–404va - II Petrus-Brief
- 404vb–405vb - I Johannes-Brief
- 405vb–406ra - II Johannes-Brief
- 406ra–406rb - III Johannes-Brief
- 406rb–406va - Judas-Brief
- 406vb–412ra - Offenbarung des Johannes
- 413ra–453rb - Alphabetisches Glossar der hebräischen Namen
- see more
- Place
- Preferred form
- Italy
- Original form
- Italien
- Other form
- Italie
- Italie (?)
- Italie (Toscane?)
- Italie (Venise ?).
- Italie ?
- Italie (région de Venise ?).
- Italie (Florence ?)
- Italie,
- Italie.
- Itàlia
- Italy
- Italia
- Italië
- Italie (Toscane ?)
- Itàlia (Toscana?)
- Italien (Toskana?)
- Italy (Tuscany?)
- Italia (Toscana?)
- Italy (Verona)
- Italy (Naples?)
- Italy (Florence?)
- Italy (Naples?)(
- Italy (Rome?)
- Italy (Florence)
- Italy, Bologna (?)
- Italy, probably Naples
- Italy, Naples
- Italy, possibly Naples
- Italy (perhaps Bologna)
- Italy (Nonantola)
- Probably Northern Italy
- Padua or Venice
- Italy (Tuscany)
- Italy, northern (?)
- Italy and France (illumination)
- Italy and France (?)
- Most likely northern Italy
- Probably northern Italy (Verona?)
- [Italy]
- Italy, copied by Leon ben Joshua de Rossi of Cesena
- Italy [Ancona or Pesaro?], [copied by Joseph ben Nissim Fermi?]
- [Italy] copied by Samson ben Elijah Halfan
- Italy, Venice?
- Fols. 2-4: [Italy]
- Treviglio? (Italy)
- Fols. 1-98: [Italy]; fols. 100-302: [Italy]
- Rovere (della Luna, Trent?) (Italy)
- Ff. 1-64: [Italy]
- Italy, North?
- Italy, Bologna?
- Italy, Reggio-Emilia?
- Italy, Padua?
- Italy, Ferrara or Bologna
- Italy, Padua or Rome
- Italy, Ferrara?
- Italy, Genoa?
- Italy, Probably Padua
- Italy, Parma or Cremona?
- Italy, Padua or Venice
- Italy, Lombardy or Bologna?
- Italy, Umbria?
- Italy, Rome?
- Italy, Ferrara or Venice?
- Italy, Northeast?
- Italy, Bologna or Venice?
- Italy, Veneto, Venice?
- Italy, Rome or Naples
- Italy, South?
- Italy, Florence?
- Italy, Verona?
- Italy, Brescia or Padua?
- Italy, Ferrara or Padua?
- Italy, Venice or Padua
- Italy, Cremona Brescia? and Bologna
- Italy, Ferrara or Verona?
- Italy, Urbino or Mantua(?)
- Italy, Padua or Rome?
- Italy, Naples?
- Italy, North?, Siena?
- Italy, Probably Venice
- Italy, Venice or Treviso
- Italy, North? or French, South?
- Italy, Mantua or Ferrara?
- Italy, Rimini?
- Italy, Padua or Venice?
- Italy, Florence or Rome
- Italy, Northwest?
- Italy, North, Genoa?
- Italy, Lombardy or Verona
- Italy, Emilia?
- Italy, Venice or Verona
- Italy, Veneto?
- Italy, Emilia or Mantua?
- Italy, Northeast, Ferrara?
- Italy, Central?
- Italy, Genoa (?)
- Italy, Herculaneum(?)
- IT
- Italy.
- Italië (?)
- Italia (?)
- [Italien (Teil 1)
- [Italien ]
- Italien (II)
- Italien (II.)
- Italien (I)
- Italien (IV)
- Itália
- [Italië]
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Siena (Tuscany, Italy) (?)
- Original form
- Siena (?)
- Related
- Biblissima portal