Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 348
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 348
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 348: Matthew Paris OSB, Historia Anglorum (1135-79). Continuation of Matthew Paris OSB, Chronica maiora III (1259-72), Leges Anglicanae
- Matthew Paris OSB, Historia Anglorum (excerpt, 1135-1179) || Historia Matthei Parisiensis a morte Henrici I. ad annum 1179
- Matthew Paris OSB, Chronica maiora III (1259-72) || Continuatio historiae Matthei Parisiensis ab anno 44to Henrici III. ad obitum ejus
- Laws and institutes of Ine || Leges et institutiones Inae regis
- Laws and institutes of Alfred the Great || Leges et institutiones Aluredi regis West-Saxonum
- Laws and institutes of Alfred the Great and Guthrum || Leges et institutiones Aluredi regis et Godruni regis East-Angliae
- Laws and institutes of Edward the Elder || Leges et institutiones Edwardi senioris
- Laws and institutes of Æthelstan || Leges et institutiones Adelstani
- Laws and institutes of Edmund || Leges et institutiones Edmundi
- Laws and institutes of Edgar || Leges et institutiones Edgari
- Laws and institutes of Æthelred the Unready || Leges et institutiones Ethelredi
- Laws and institutes of Cnut || Leges et institutiones Kanuti regis
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Matthieu Paris (1200?-1259)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Paris OSB
- Other form
- Paris, Matthew, 1200-1259
- Matthew Paris
- Matthew Paris (1200-1259)
- Paris, Matthew, (1200-1259)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 348 is another instance of Parker not simply collecting original manuscript versions of texts he regarded as important, but actually creating new copies of them. This codex contains two distinct texts, one, the Chronica minora of Matthew Paris OSB (c. 1195-1259), is copied from the version of the same text now in BL Royal 14.C.VII. The same manuscript was used as the basis for a much fuller transcription now in CCCC MS 56. The second text in this manuscript is a transcription of a number of Anglo-Saxon law codes from Alfred to Cnut copied from the version of the so-called Quadripartitus collection in CCCC MS 96. Both texts reveal Parker's interest in English history, and in particular in the Saxon origins of the English state and society.
Contents :
1r-65v - Matthew Paris OSB, Historia Anglorum (excerpt, 1135-1179) || Historia Matthei Parisiensis a morte Henrici I. ad annum 1179
rubric: (1r) Ex Mattheo Parisiensi. libri comitis Arundel
incipit: (1r) Defuncto autem Rege Henrico
explicit: (62v) junior rex Torneamenta exercuit
rubric: (62v) A. d. mo co lxxixo
Note: This article is transcribed from the Arundel MS. (now Royal 14. C. VII in the British Museum). A more complete transcript is in no. 56
66r-93v - Matthew Paris OSB, Chronica maiora III (1259-72) || Continuatio historiae Matthei Parisiensis ab anno 44to Henrici III. ad obitum ejus
incipit: (66r) Eodem anno Rex anglorum henricus tercius a conquestu anno regni sui quadrages. tercio in Galliam transfretavit
explicit: (92r) per lincem designatum omnia penetrantem
Note: (finis vitae cum fat (?))
Note: This article is transcribed from the Arundel MS. (now Royal 14. C. VII in the British Museum). A more complete transcript is in no. 56
94r-98v - Laws and institutes of Ine || Leges et institutiones Inae regis
Note: (94r) The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii) Corpus
99r-103v - Laws and institutes of Alfred the Great || Leges et institutiones Aluredi regis West-Saxonum
Note: The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii) Corpus
103v-105r - Laws and institutes of Alfred the Great and Guthrum || Leges et institutiones Aluredi regis et Godruni regis East-Angliae
Note: The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii) Corpus
105r-106v - Laws and institutes of Edward the Elder || Leges et institutiones Edwardi senioris
Note: The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii)Corpus
106v-115v - Laws and institutes of Æthelstan || Leges et institutiones Adelstani
Note: The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii) Corpus
115v-117v - Laws and institutes of Edmund || Leges et institutiones Edmundi
Note: The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii) Corpus
117v-119r - Laws and institutes of Edgar || Leges et institutiones Edgari
Note: The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii) Corpus
119r-127v - Laws and institutes of Æthelred the Unready || Leges et institutiones Ethelredi
Note: The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii) Corpus
128r-138v - Laws and institutes of Cnut || Leges et institutiones Kanuti regis
Note: The Laws are copied from MS. 96, and this copy is called by Liebermann (pp. xx, xxii) Corpus
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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