Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 39

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 039
Biblissima authority file
  • 1300 - 1325
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 039: Vincent of Beauvais OP, Speculum naturale, books 2-17
  • Vincent of Beauvais OP, Speculum naturale, books 2-17 || VincentiiSpeculum Naturale I-XV
  • Preferred form
    • Vincent de Beauvais (1190?-1264)
    • Author
    Original form
    • Vincent of Beauvais OP
    Other form
    • Vincentius Bellovacensis (1190?-1264)
    • Vincent de Beauvais
    • Vincent de Beauvais (1190?-1264)
    • Vincentius Bellovacensis
    • Vincentii Bellovacensis
    • Vincent de Beauvais 1190?-1264
    • Vincent, de Beauvais, ca. 1190-1264
    • Vincent, of Beauvais, d. 1264
    • Vincentius Bellovacensis 1190-1264
    • Vincent van Beauvais
    • Author: Vincentius, Bellovacensis
    • Vincent of Beauvais
    • Vincent de Beauvais (1190?-1264?)
    • Vincent, of Beauvais, -1264
    • Vincentius Bellovacensis, -1264
    • F. Vincentius Belvacensis
    • Vincent de Beauvais (vers 1184 / 1194 - 1264)
    • Vincentius, Bellovacensis (ca. 1190-1264)
    • Vincent de Beauvais, 1190?-1264?
    • Vinzenz
    • Beauvais, Vincent de, 1190?-1264, O.P.
    • Beauvais, Vincent de, O.P., 1190?-1264 > , ant. bibliog.
    • Vicente de Beauvais, 1190?-1264
    • Vicente de Beauvais, 1190?-1264, O.P.
    • Vincentius Bellovacensis - ca. 1190 - 1264 - auteur
    • see more
    Biblissima portal
    Biblissima authority file
  • Summary: CCCC MS 39 is an early fourteenth-century copy of the Speculum naturale, the encyclopaedia of natural history by Vincent of Beauvais OP (1189/94-c. 1264). M. R. James suggested that the book might be from Norwich cathedral priory, but that has been rejected by subsequent research.

    Contents :

    3r-384v - Vincent of Beauvais OP, Speculum naturale, books 2-17 || VincentiiSpeculum Naturale I-XV

    Note: Without title: libri I - XV (II - XVII). Note that in the printed editions Liber I is the compiler's Preface to the whole Speculum, which is not in this copy. Liber I of this MS. therefore = Liber II of the print and so on. Further, books X and XI of the print are here shortened (esp. book X) into one book, Liber IX. Liber X of the MS. therefore = XII of the print and so on, XV of the MS. = XVII of the print.

    rubric: (3r) De diuersis mundi acceptionibus ex libro qui dicitur ymago mundi

    incipit: (3r) Mundi factura quinque modis describitur

    Note: Liber XV ends

    explicit: (384v) ubi de columba. Hec de auibus dicta sufficiant

    rubric: (384v) Explicit liber XVus sequitur XVIus.

    Note: In col. 2, in a different and smaller hand

    rubric: (384v) Incipiunt virtutes Rose marine

    incipit: (384v) Recipe florem ipsum in panno

    explicit: (384v) ab omni infirmitate custodit

  • Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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