Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 628
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 628
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1240
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 628: Psalter (Latin)
- Psalter
- Canticles, Gloria and Credo
- Litany
- Prayers
- see more
- Description
Summary: The Revd. William Favell, an old member of the college (matric. 1922), gave this illuminated French Psalter, CCCC MS 628, to Corpus Christi College in 1976. It was probably made in Paris c. 1240, certainly after 1234 because St Dominic, canonised in that year, is in the Litany. At the liturgical divisions of the Psalter there are eight fine full-page historiated initials. The figure style derives out of that of the artists of the Bibles moralisées made for the French royal family in the period c. 1220-40.
Contents :
1r-176v - Psalter
Note: The psalms of the liturgical divisions have large full-page historiated initials with gold grounds. The lesser psalms have four line fully illuminated initials with coils and leaves on a gold ground, and in some cases short illuminated extensions into the border. There are line endings with ornamental patterns in gold, blue and red
Note: (1r) Psalm 1. David harping; David beheading Goliath
Note: (28r) Psalm 26. Christ crowning David
Note: (45v) Psalm 38. Christ standing in discussion with David
Note: (62r) Psalm 52. The fool, holding a bauble and biting on a disc, stands before David
Note: (79r) Psalm 68. Christ blessing holding an orb; David, with arms extended, in the water. This initial is very damaged and rubbed
Note: (98r) Psalm 80. David playing bells
Note: (117r) Psalm 97. Two clerics in copes standing at a lectern
Note: (137r) Psalm 109. God the Father seated with the Son, with the Holy Ghost between them
Note: (176v) Psalm 150. A grotesque with a helmet holding a shield with a blason, yet to be identified, or a chevron gules between two roundels and a cross sable
176v-193v - Canticles, Gloria and Credo
Note: (176v) Confitebor. Six line ornamental initial with coils and leaves on a gold ground. The other canticles have four line initials of similar type
Note: (192v) Gloria. Four line ornamental initial
Note: (193r) Credo. Four line ornamental initial
194r-197v - Litany
Note: Saints characteristic of Paris are Denis among the martyrs, Germanus and Marcellus among the confessors, and Genevieve among the virgins. The inclusion of Dominic among the confessors suggests a date after 1234 when he was canonised
Note: (194r) Kyrie. Four line ornamental initial
Note: (197r) Litany Collects. Four line ornamental initials
197v-198r - Prayers
Note: Both have four line ornamental initials
incipit: (197v) Protector vite sperantium
incipit: Pietate quaesumus Domine
Note: 198v blank
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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