Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 468
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 468
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1275 - 1299
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- Greek
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 468: Psalter (Latin and Greek)
- List of Greek prepositions
- Miscellaneous verses and prognostics
- Kalendar of Ramsey Abbey
- Psalter in Latin and Greek. Litany (fragment) || Psalterium Latino-Graecum, viz. Latinum ex una parte paginae, ex altera Graecum literis Latinis scriptum || Psalter in Latin (Gallican version), and Greek in Latin letters
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- Description
Summary: The psalter in CCCC MS 468, dating to c. 1250, has parallel Latin-Greek text, although the Greek is written in Latin script. It contains a calendar of the Benedictine Abbey of Ramsey and probably belonged to the prior, Gregory of Huntingdon (fl. c. 1290). On the front flyleaf are the cipher characters of a Greek system of numbers brought back from Greece by John of Basingstoke, archdeacon of Leicester (d. 1252). The book also contains a section of verses concerned with prognostics, proverbs and the world of nature.
Contents :
iiv-iiiv - List of Greek prepositions
Note: (iiv) In a hand of cent. xiii late, a list of Greek prepositions and their meanings
incipit: (iiv) apo longitudinem. unde apologus dicitur ab apo quod est longe et logos sermo priuacionem. unde apocalipsis ab apo quod est de et calipsos uelacio
Note: The other prepositions are: ypo, yper, epi, peri, para, chata, meta, dia, ana, anti, amphi
Note: ypres prope. ex hoc ut quidam dicunt dicitur interpres. en, sin, pros
ivr-xv - Miscellaneous verses and prognostics
Note: In a different and thicker hand
Note: (ivr) a.
incipit: (ivr) In principio creauit deus ... faciem abissi
explicit: (ivr) propter hoc fecit deus duo luminaria ... Circulus lune constat ex xix annis. Circulus autem solis ex xx octo annis
Note: (ivr) b.
Note: Miscellaneous verses
incipit: (ivr) Cultor erat gratus bene degens fiat amatus
Note: On numbers, kalendar, compotus
Note: Note
incipit: (viv) Sciendum quod dies dicitur dupliciter
Note: (viir) c.
Note: Change of hand. Prognostics of Esdras
incipit: (viir) Signum quod ostendit dominus hesdre prophete ut ostenderet filiis hominum. kal. ianuarii si fuerint die dominico hyemps bona erit
Note: See Tischendorf, Apoc. Apocr. and Mercati, Studi e testi 5 (1901), p. 74 for other texts
incipit: (viir) Olim dictum erat in gallia quod spiritus nequam de iiii filiis regis Hnr II taliter creditur prophetasse. li plus beus a martheus. li marchis a paris. li peteuin a limozin. li sanztere mora en bere Hnr. gaufridus. Ricard. Iohannes
Note: (Much corrected by the original hand)
Note: (viiv) d.
Note: Verses on trees (11)
incipit: (viiv) Fraxinus et corulus planus et salix acer ornus
explicit: (viiv) Fucus auellana glans nux castanea barra
Note: (viiv) e.
Note: On avarice
incipit: (viiv) Captiuata largitas longe relegaturExulansque probitas misere fugatur Dum uirtuti prauitas praue nouercatur Imperat cupiditas atque principatur
explicit: (viiir) Redimuntur scelera mediante precioCuius offert dextera mundus abit uicioEt euadit aspera et expirat ulcioSic excusant munera quos accusat accio
Note: (viiir) f.
Note: Prognostics of thunder according to the zodiacal signs
incipit: (viiir) Accedens quicunque cupis cognoscere uerbaLucida laudanda uera probata bona
Note: Ends
explicit: (xr) Esto memor quod si tonitrum duo signa ministratIudicium primum non feret immo sequens
Note: (xr) g.
Note: Proverbial verses
incipit: (xr) Cui satis est quod habet satis illum constat habere
Note: On f. xv in a large hand
incipit: (xv) Aspiciens. ueterem. circum. quasi. quis. benedicta
Note: (xv) h.
Note: Hand of cent. xvi
rubric: (xv) Noys sermo ad hominem
Note: (22 lines)
incipit: (xv) Sensilis hic mundus mundi melioris ymagoVt plenus plenis partibus esse queat
explicit: (xv) Vt indeflexos leges celique meatusExemplar uite possit habere sue
1r-9v - Kalendar of Ramsey Abbey
Note: The main hand begins
Note: Kalendar in red, blue and black
Note: JanuaryMaurus red, Wulstan blue February 28. Osuualdi archiepiscopi blue March Cuthbert red. Erasures (red) on 29 and 31 April 11. Guthlacii red 19. Ælphegii archiepiscopi martyris red 24. Inuentio Sancti yuonis archiepiscopi blue May Dunstan red, Augustine blue June 10. Translatio Sancti yuonis archiepiscopi blue, with octave 23. Etheldrede xii lectiones 30. Marcialis episcopi July 17. Kenelmi regis in red 31. Neoti abbatis et Germani episcopi red September 10. Eguuini episcopi red 16. egithe Virginis (!) 22. Dedicatio ecclesie Ram(esie) blue October 8. Translatio Sancti Osuualdi blue 17. Æthelredi et æthelbricti blue November 16. Ædmundi Confessoris red 17. Hugonis episcopi blue 20. Ædmundi Regis martyris red December 4. Tumulatio Sancti Benedicti red
Note: ff. 7r-9v blank
10r-158v - Psalter in Latin and Greek. Litany (fragment) || Psalterium Latino-Graecum, viz. Latinum ex una parte paginae, ex altera Graecum literis Latinis scriptum || Psalter in Latin (Gallican version), and Greek in Latin letters
Note: Psalmus primus sic incipit: Beatus vir qui non abiit in consilio impiorum, et in via peccatorum non stetit, et iin cathedra pestilentiae non sedit Macharios anir os ku keporeutihi en buli asebon ke en odo amartholon uc esti ke epi cathedran limon uck eka- thisen
Note: I give as a specimen Ps. iii
Note: (11r)
Note: It will be seen that the Greek contains a good many mistakes
Note: (18r) In Ps. xiii the verses Sepulcrum patens-ante oculos eorum have no equivalent in the Greek
Note: Titles are in Latin only
Note: On and after ff. 81v, 82r the two inner columns are every now and then given to the Greek and the two outer to the Latin. This is not continuous. Sometimes the Latin and Greek change places irregularly: after about f. 100r the old arrangement is resumed
Note: At Ps. cx (cxi) is the note: alfabetum hebreum. quere super hunc locum in triplici psalterio
Note: The lower part of f. 125v is blank, without defect in the text. On f. 126v a blank is left and the latter half of Ps. cxviii (cxix) Jod (manus tuae fecerunt me) is wanting
Note: After f. 145v is an inserted leaf in the same hand but larger script (f. 146r-146v), containing a supply of an omission on f. 146r
Note: Ps. cli Pusillus eram follows on f. 146v
Note: At the end, in the Greek column
rubric: (147v) exelipon i psalmi dauid tu basileos. Expl. psalmi dauid regis
rubric: (147v) Incipiunt cantica
Note: Asma ysaye profite. Cant. Ezechie, Anne, Moysi (1), Abbacuc, Moysi (2), Benedicite, Benedictus, Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, Pater noster, Credo (printed by Ussher, De Symbolis, Opera VII 307, 8)
Note: Ending
explicit: (158v) Vitam eternam. Amen. Zoin eonion amin
Note: Litany, in Latin only, in two columns. Apostles: Marcialis. Martyrs: Stephane, Clemens, Syxte, Dionisii cum sociis Thoma Nigasi cum sociis, Gereon. cum sociis ending here imperfectly
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