Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 425
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 425
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1200 - 1225 - 1400 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 425: Gerald of Wales, Vita Sancti Remigii episcopi, Vita Sancti Hugonis. Peter of Blois, archdeacon of Bath, Epistolae
- Gerald of Wales, Vita Sancti Remigii episcopi || Gulielmus de Barri dictus Cambrensis de vitis sancti Remigii et episcoporum Lincolniensium illi succedentium et aliorum sex Angliae episcoporum sui temporis || Vita Sancti Remigii
- Gerald of Wales, Vita Sancti Hugonis || Vita S. Hugonis Lincoln || Vita Sancti Hugonis
- Peter of Blois, archdeacon of Bath, Epistolae || Petri Blessensis epistolae LXXVIII
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Giraldus Cambrensis (1146?-1223?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Gerald of Wales
- Other form
- Giraldus Cambrensis
- Gerald of Wales, ?1146-1223
- Giraldus Cambrensis (ca1147-ca1223)
- Giraldus Cambrensis - ca.?1146 - ca.?1223 - auteur
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pierre de Blois (113.-1212?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Peter of Blois, archdeacon of Bath
- Other form
- Pierre de Blois (113.-1212?)
- Pierre de Blois
- Petrus Blesensis
- Petrus Blesensis (113.-1212?)
- Peter of Blois
- Peter of Blois, approximately 1135-approximately 1212
- Peter of Blois, c 1130-1212
- Petrus Blesensis, 1135-1212
- Petrus <Blesensis> (1135-1204)
- Petrus Blesensis Bathoniensis
- Pierre de Blois (1130?-1212?)
- Petrus Blesensis, ca. 1135-ca. 1211
- Petrus Blesensis, ca. 1135-ca. 1211 > , co-autor
- Petrus Blesensis - ca. 1135 - 1204 - auteur
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- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 425 consists of two once-separate volumes. The first contains the unique surviving copies of two hagiographical works by Gerald of Wales (1146-1226), his lives of St Remigius and St Hugh. It has been suggested that the manuscript could be an autograph, and on these grounds has been located to Lincoln between 1209 and 1223. The second volume is a c. 1450 copy of letters of Peter of Blois (d. 1212). The two were probably combined by Matthew Parker. He added a table of contents and the initials "TW" to the start of the first volume, perhaps suggesting that he acquired it from one of the Twynes or from Thomas Wootton.
Contents :
6r-45v - Gerald of Wales, Vita Sancti Remigii episcopi || Gulielmus de Barri dictus Cambrensis de vitis sancti Remigii et episcoporum Lincolniensium illi succedentium et aliorum sex Angliae episcoporum sui temporis || Vita Sancti Remigii
Note: hoc ordine Vita sancti Remigii, p. 20. Roberti Bloet, p.37. Alexandri, p.38. Roberti de Chimel, p.39. Gaufredi Electi, p. 40. Walteri Constantiensis, p.41. Hugonis Burgundiensis, p. 42. Vitae episcoporum Angliae tergeminorum, viz. Thomae Cantuar. et Henrici Winton. p. 45. Bartholomei Exoniensis et Rogeri Wigor. p. 62. Baldwini Cisterciensis postea Cantuar. et Hugonis Cartusiensis postea Lincoln. p. 73
Note: Printed by Dimock in Vol. VII of the Rolls ed. of Giraldus. He says of the MS. of all the early manuscripts of Giraldus's different works which I have had to study, this C.C.C. 425 seems to me to have the best claim to be looked upon, if not as his own autograph copy, yet as written and revised and added to under his own eye. At any rate it was, in all likelihood, written before Giraldus' death: it certainly gives us a most correct text: and the text, probably, of Giraldus's last revision. (Introd., p. ix.)
Note: It is the only manuscript of these Lives extant
rubric: (6r) Prefatio donum declarans et gratiam comparans
Note: (6r) Gold initial with half-length of a mitred archbishop (Stephen Langton) on blue ground
incipit: (6r) Reuerendo patri ac domino Stephano dei gratia Cantuariensi archiepiscopo
Note: (p. 1 Rolls)
Note: (9r) Capitula (p. 9 Rolls)
rubric: (9v) Incipit proemium
incipit: (9v) Vitas uirorum
Note: (p. 11 Rolls)
Note: (11v) Text (p. 14 Rolls)
Note: (11v) Initial has half-length of Remigius in blue with crozier
Note: 47 is an added slip, cf. p. 44 of print
Note: On 54 the hand that wrote the title on p. 1 adds a title in capitals
rubric: (27v) De Thoma Cantuarenci
Note: (31v) (Dimock, p. 57 )
rubric: (31v) De Bartholomeo Exoniensi et Rogero Wigorniensi
Note: (31v) An initial with half-lengths of the two
Note: (37r) Similarly, (Dimock, p. 67)
rubric: (37r) de Baldewino Cisterciensi et Hugone Cartusiensi
Note: (37r) An initial with two half-length figures
explicit: (44v) sub hoc conpendio terminetur
rubric: (44v) Explicit
Note: 89, 90 blank
46r-80v - Gerald of Wales, Vita Sancti Hugonis || Vita S. Hugonis Lincoln || Vita Sancti Hugonis
Note: Edited by Dimock in Vol. VII of the Rolls ed. of Giraldus. This is the only manuscript
rubric: (46r) Incipiunt capitula in vitam Sancti Hugonis
Note: Dimock, p. 83
Note: 93, 94 are an added slip with capitula of the Third Distinction of the work: 93 being blank
rubric: (47r) Incipit proemium in uitam Sancti Hugonis Lincolniensis
incipit: (47r) Quanto rarius
Note: (Dimock, p. 87)
Note: (48r) Text. Initial with half-length of Hugh blessing
Note: (60v) Distinctio II
Note: (68v) Distinctio III
Note: Ends
explicit: (79r) regnat et imperat in secula seculorum. Amen
rubric: (79r) Explicit
Note: 160-162 blank
81r-191r - Peter of Blois, archdeacon of Bath, Epistolae || Petri Blessensis epistolae LXXVIII
rubric: (81r) Epistole Petri Blesensis
Note: (P. L. CCVII)
rubric: (81r) Scribitur regi ad cuius mandatum presentis operis epistolas dispersas collegerat et est hoc quasi prohemium operis
incipit: (81r) Henrico dei gratia illustrissimo
rubric: (82r) Consolacio ad regem de obitu filii junioris regis
Note: There are 78 Epistles. The last
rubric: (189v) Congratulatur istis de reparacione ecclesie blesensis et hortatur eos
incipit: (190r) Dilectis dominis ... R. decano ... Gratias ago gratie largitori
Note: Ends unfinished
explicit: (191r) Ille qui infirma
Note: (191r) The verso of this leaf and recto of the next are blank and pasted together
Note: (192r) A blank leaf follows
Note: On the margin of f. 110v
Note: (190v) martinus clamidem cum paupere dimidiauit
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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