Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 123
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 123
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1399
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 123: Herbert of Bosham, Epistolae. Robert Grosseteste, Epistolae
- Herbert of Bosham, Epistolae
- Robert Grosseteste, Epistolae
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Herbert de Boseham (1120?-1194?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Herbert of Bosham
- Other form
- Peter Lombard, edited by Herbert of Bosham
- Herbert of Bosham, 1120-1194
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Robert Grosseteste (1175?-1253)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Robert Grosseteste
- Other form
- Grosseteste, Robert (1175?-1253)
- Robert de Lincoln (Grossetête)
- Robertus Grosseteste
- Robertus Grosseteste (1175?-1253)
- ROBERTUS GROSSETESTE, ep. Lincolniensis
- Roberto Grosseteste
- Roberti Grosthead
- Robertus Grosthead
- Author: Grosseteste, Robertus
- Translator: Grosseteste, Robertus
- Robert Grosseteste (attributed)
- Grosseteste, Robert, 1175?-1253
- Robert Grosseteste, c 1170-1253, Bishop of Lincoln
- Robert Grosseteste (attrib.)
- Grosseteste, Robert, 1175-1253
- Robert Grosseteste (1175?-1253)
- Robert Grossetête
- Linconiensis
- Magister R.
- Dominus Lincolniensis
- Robertus Grosseteste - ca. 1168 - 1253 - vertaler
- Robertus Grosseteste - ca. 1168 - 1253 - auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 123 is the unique collection of the Epistolae of Herbert of Bosham (d. c. 1194), Thomas Becket's secretary and author of a version of the Vita Sancti Thomae Cantuariensis. The Epistolae gathered here do not represent the complete version of the letters as originally conceived, since both the early and later quires have suffered losses. The manuscript was copied in second half of the fourteenth century, though its long-presumed provenance from the cathedral priory of Christ Church, Canterbury, has been disputed by Neil Ker.
Contents :
1r-64v - Herbert of Bosham, Epistolae
Note: Ep. 1 begins imperfectly
Note: (1r) (dis)crecio tua serenissime consul. Detracto igitur huic epistole
Note: Ep. 46.
rubric: (61r) Hernulfi Lexoviensis Ep. ad Thomam
Note: Ends
explicit: (62v) que mutua simul inuicem ratione connexe
Note: (P. L. CCI, col. 59)
Note: ff. 63r-64v contain portions of letters which I do not find printed
Note: f. 63r begins
Note: (63r) fieri in seculo. cur te subtrahis ab hominibus seculi. dicas uolumus. Tu cum homo sis an sis de celo an sis de mundo an de inferno
Note: On f. 63v (the writer complains of being at Court)
Note: (63v) puto si flactus (Flaccus) aduiueret apologum suum de urbano et rusticano mure michi adaptaret... Esopus eciam de sua cornice garriret etc.
Note: ends
Note: (63v) Tu ergo bone ihesu qui tres mortuos le...
Note: f. 64r begins
Note: (64r) ab omnibus celebratus est in abscondito iam in celebri est ignominiosus iste contractus et scelestum commercium
Note: Col. 2
Note: (64r) uulgi genus quod tota die deridendo clamare non cessat. Ecce hic christus, ecce ibi, crucifixus eboracensis cantuariensi preualuit. sic cotidie contendunt et litigant
Note: f. 64v, col. 2
Note: (64v) aduerto quod epistolici caracteris iam excesserim modum
Note: Ends
Note: (64v) nam absque fortitudine omnes de quibus propheta dicit Dederunt preciosa queque pro cibo ad refocillandam ...
65r-131r - Robert Grosseteste, Epistolae
Note: Quires 4, 5 (ff. 38r-61v) contain letters 4-42
Note: Quires 1, 2 contain letters 74 (end)-130
Note: (88v) Ep. 130 ends on 24v
Note: Then follows the letter (Ep. 127, Luard)
incipit: (89r) Moyses qui tradente domino susceperat gubernaculum
explicit: (101v) omnium supremo in ipsa superiori potestate obeditur
Note: (101v) Scripta sunt hec in crastino sancte lucie a. d. 1456, deo gracias
Note: See also MS 257. 4, MS 453. 2.
Note: On ff. 62r-63v in double columns is a list of the Epistles (1-121)
Note: 1. Deus est prima forma et forma omnium
Note: 2. Quando paulisper a peregrinando supersedebat, etc.
Note: Then follow Epp. 1 (1 Luard), 3 Luard, 16 Luard
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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