London. British Library, Add MS 18298
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Add MS 18298
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Psalter with gloss in Latin
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Anselme de Laon (1050?-1117)
- Original form
- Anselm of Laon, c 1050-1117
- Other form
- Anselmus Laudunensis
- Anselmus Laudunensis (?)
- Anselmus Laudunensis (1050?-1117)
- Anselme de Laon
- Anselm of Laon, -1117
- Anselm of Laon
- Anselm, of Laon, -1117
- Anselmus Laudunensis, 1050?-1117
- Anselmus, Laudunensis, 1050-1117
- Anselmo de Laon, ca 1050-ca 1117 > , co-autor
- Anselmus, Laudunensis, ?-1117 > , coment.
- Anselmus Laudunensis - ca. 1050-1117 - oorspronkelijke auteur
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- This manuscript from the second half of the twelfth century contains a Psalter and Canticles with an interlinear and marginal gloss that has been attributed to the circle of Anselm of Laon (d. 1117).Decoration:ff. 1r-2r: A Prologue to the Psalter, beginning (after a 'Nota'): 'Prophetia est aspiration divina'. ff. 2v-185v: A Psalter with interlinear and marginal glosses, beginning: 'Hic ostenditur immunis ab Omni malo'. ff. 186r-195r: Canticles with interlinear and marginal glosses. f. 196r: A tract on curing hemorrhoids ‘Cura emorroydarum’ (in a contemporary script). [f. 195v and f. 196v are blank]. Decoration:10 large initials with foliate decoration and zoomorphic figures, in red, blue, green and yellow (ff. 2v, 30r, 47r, 63v, 64r 81r, 102r, 122r, 124v, 143v), creating a ten-fold Psalter division. 1 large red initial with a zoomorphic figure against a green background (f. 162v), marking the first of the fifteen Gradual Psalms (Psalm 119). Numerous small initials in blue, green or red, some with red penwork decoration.
- Place
- Preferred form
- France, Eastern
- Original form
- Eastern France
- Other form
- France (Est)
- France (Est) (?)
- Est de la France
- France (Est )
- France (Est?)
- Ostfrankreich
- França (est)
- Francia (este)
- Frankrijk (oosten)
- France (est : Lorraine ?)
- França (est: Lorena?)
- Ostfrankreich (Lothringen?)
- Eastern France (Lorraine?)
- Francia (este: Lorena?)
- Lothringen
- Lorena
- Lotharingen
- Lorraine
- France: evidently Eastern France
- France, East
- Oost-Frankrijk?
- Oost-Frankrijk
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Germany, Southern
- Original form
- Southern Germany
- Other form
- Allemagne (Sud) (?)
- Allemagne (Sud)
- Süddeutschland
- Alemanya (sud)
- Alemania (sur)
- Duitsland (zuiden)
- Upper German speaking area
- Upper German linguistic area
- Southern German region
- Southern Germany (Zurich?)
- Southern Germany (Augsburg?)
- Germany, South
- [Süddeutschland und Ostfranken]
- [Süddeutschland, Augsburg/Regensburg?]
- [Süddeutschland]
- Zuid-Duitsland
- [South Germany]
- Süddeutsch
- Süddeutsch
- III.–VI. Süddeutschland
- I. Süddeutschland
- V.–VII. Süddeutschland
- X. Süddeutschland
- V. Süddeutschland
- IV. Süddeutschland
- Verschiedene Orte in Süddeutschland
- II. Süddeutschland
- II./III. Süddeutschland
- Süddeutschland (I, III, V-IX)
- Süddeutschland (I)
- Süddeutschland (II)
- Süddeutschland (III)
- Süddeutschland
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- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License