Contents: This 12th-century manuscript consists of two treatises
dedicated to the art of rhetoric. Although they were composed by
different authors, the two rhetorical works are closely related.
The De Inventione (On Invention) was written by Cicero in his
youth; the Rhetorica ad Herennium (Rhetoric for Herennius) is
anonymous, though it was attributed to Cicero during the Middle
Ages and the early modern period. These texts are often linked
together in manuscripts. Here there is no interruption between the
end of the De Inventione and the Ad Herennium. The rubric shows
that the Ad Herennium is considered as the third book of the De
Inventione (f. 59r): 'Incipit tercius'. ff. 3r-59r: Cicero, De
inventione , Book 1 (ff. 3r-27v), beginning: 'Sepe et multum hoc
mecum cogitavi'; Book 2 (ff. 27v-59r), beginning: 'Crotoniatae
quondam cum florerent omnibus copiis et in Italia cum primis beati
numerarentur', ending: 'et hic liber non parum continet litterarum
que restant in reliquis dicemus'. ff. 59r-112v: Pseudo-Cicero,
Rhetorica ad Herennium , Book 1 (ff. 59r-66r), beginning: 'Etsi
negociis familiaribus impediti, vix satis ocium suppeditare
possumus'; Book 2 (ff. 66r-78v), beginning: 'De tertio genere
cause, id est de iudicali. In primo libro Herenni breviter
exposuimus'; Book 3 (ff. 79r-89r), beginning: 'Ad omnem iudicialem
causam quemadmodum conveniret iventionem rerum accomodari'; Book 4
(ff. 89r-112v), beginning: 'Quoniam in hoc libro Herenni de
elocutione conscripsimus', ending: 'Hec Omnia adipiscemur si
rationes perceptionis diligentia consequemur et exercitatione.
Marci Tullii Ciceronis ad Herennium explicit'. Decoration:A tinted
drawing of Cicero seated, holding a scroll with the opening words:
'Marci Tulii liber primus incipit' and a large framed initial
consisting of a twisted dragon in red, blue and light brown on a
dark red ground (f. 3r). Large interlace initials in red, blue and
yellow with zoomorphic and foliate decoration (ff. 4v, 27v, 59r,
89r).Initials with penwork decoration in red, blue and yellow wash.
Small initials in red and blue. Rubrics in red. Paraphs in black.
Initials highlighted in red.
Preferred form
France, Northern
Original form
Northern France
Other form
Nord de la France
Nord de la France (?) (Fichier Avril)
Nord de la France (?)
France (Nord).
France (Nord)
France (Nord) (?)
France (nord)
France (Nord : voir Faral, Bastin, Œuvres complètes de Rutebeuf, p. 26-27).
France (Nord de la France ?)
França (nord)
Francia (norte)
Frankrijk (noorden)
France (nord : Laon ?)
França (nord: Laon?)
Nordfrankreich (Laon?)
Northern France (Laon?)
Francia (norte: Laon?)
Northern France (Paris?)
France, North, Chelles (nunnery) or Jouarre (nunnery) (?)