Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 37
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 037
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1325
- Language
- Latin
- Middle French
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 037: Astronomical Tracts. Statutes etc
- Campanus of Novara, Theorica planetarum || Theorica Campani
- Notes on Astronomical Conjunctions, 1306-1315
- Calendar of Exchequer Term Days
- Walter of Elveden, Kalendarium cum tribus cyclis decennoualibus
- Alexander de Villa Dei, Massa compoti
- Alexander de Villa Dei, Algorismus
- Astronomical Tables
- De complexione signorum
- Zodiac predictions
- pseudo-Hippocrates, Astrologia medicorum
- Gazetteer of England (Castles, abbeys, priories)
- Gazetteer of England (Suffolk)
- Gazetteer of England (Hertfordshire)
- Gazetteer of England (Berkshire)
- Statutes, Writs
- Proceedings of the London Eyre, 1321 (Itinerary, proclamation, returns, pleas)
- Proceedings of the London Eyre, 1321 (Quo warranto)
- Proceedings of the London Eyre, 1321 (Ordinances of the City of London)
- Proceedings of the London Eyre, 1321 (Writ, pleas)
- List of values of English wool (per sack, by county)
- A petition against extortion from Lincoln, Derby, Leicester, etc.
- Writ 'non molestando'
- Lex marisci
- Names of the Sheriffs of Scotland
- Ordinance for the King's household
- Terms of the surrender of Berwick
- Prophecy of the conquest of Ireland
- Material relating to Ireland (fees, services, exchequer)
- La copie dune lettre que vient de la onqe de la desconfiture que Mons. Roberd Dartois fist sur Fraunczois
- La fforme del Trewe prise entre Sire Edward Roy dengleterre et Sire Philippe Roy de France (1343)
- Verses in Latin and French
- Treatise on weights and measures
- Treatise on the method of measuring land
- Cest le arrai et lassemble des gentz Descoce que vindrent a la bataille de Berewik. Cest assauoir
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Campanus de Novare (12..-1296)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Campanus of Novara
- Other form
- Campanus Novariensis (12..-1296)
- Campanus de Novare
- Campanus
- Campanus de Novare (12..-1296)
- Campani
- Campanus, Johannes
- Johannes <Campensis>
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Walter Elveden (13..?-1360?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Walter of Elveden
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- Preferred form
- Alexandre de Villedieu (1170?-1240?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Alexander de Villa Dei
- Other form
- Author: Alexander, de Villa Dei
- Alexander, de Villa Dei
- Alexander de Villa Dei (attrib.)
- Alexander <de Villa Dei> (1170-1250)
- Alexander, de Villa Dei.
- Alexander de Villadei
- Alexander de Villadeus
- Alexandre de Villedieu (v. 1175-1240)
- Alexander
- Alexander <de Villa Dei>
- Alexander de Villae Dei
- Alexandre de Villedieu, 1170?-1240?
- Alexander de Villa Dei - ca. 1170 - 1250 - auteur
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- Preferred form
- Hippocrate (auteur prétendu, 0001-0099)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pseudo-Hippocrates
- Other form
- Pseudo-Hippocrates
- Ps. Hippocrates latinus
- Ps. Hippocrates
- Pseudo-Hippocratus latinus
- Pseudo-Hippocrates latinus
- Hippocrates, auteur prétendu
- Pseudo-Hippocrate
- Hippocrates (Pseudo-)
- Pseudo Hipócrates
- Pseudo Hipòcrates
- Pseudo-Hippocrates v460-v370
- Pseudo Hippocrates, Unspecified
- Ps.-Hippocrates
- Ps.-Hippokrates
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- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 37 is an interesting portmanteau manuscript of texts copied by various hands in the first half of the fourteenth century. The overwhelming sense of the these texts is of a collection put together by or for a secular figure with connections to London and Westminster. They include a gazetteer of England, astrological and medical tracts, statutes and calendars of the term days of the Exchequer and illustrated guides to the movement of the moon and tides. The London connection is further evinced by the presence in the manuscript of unique accounts of some of the cases that came before the eyre of 1321 that examined the liberties of the City. It may have been the property of the Londoner John Reynham and passed from him, via a relative, to the Cistercian abbey at Boxley, Kent.
Contents :
2r-22v - Campanus of Novara, Theorica planetarum || Theorica Campani
incipit: (2r) Primus philosophie magister ipsius negocium in tria
Note: (2v) On 1v is sewn a volvel, on the back of which is part of a document, possibly a statute. The words occur ut adirent secum in Vascon. ad debelland. hostes, more of the same is on the back of a volvel on f. 6v
Note: Ends
explicit: (22v) de mercurio supra docuimus deo gratias amen
rubric: (22v) explicit
22v-25v - Notes on Astronomical Conjunctions, 1306-1315
Note: Another hand
rubric: (22v) Incipit coniunctiones quedam calculate
incipit: (22v) Nota quod anno 1306 inperfectio 21 die aprilis fuit
Note: The years for which observations are made go up to 1315
Note: On f. 24r is the beginning of a table of squares and cubes of numbers
Note: f. 24v blank
Note: On f. 25r - 25v two rough diagrams, the first headed
rubric: (25r) liber planetarum et quot circulos habent et qualiter mouentur et de quantitate eorum
26r-26v - Calendar of Exchequer Term Days
rubric: (26r) Kalendarium de Scaccario
incipit: (26r) Quia Anglicana mos est quod quilibet computans incipiet titulum compoti sui in crastino S. Michaelis
Note: (26v) List of principal feasts for the year 26v
27r-45v - Walter of Elveden, Kalendarium cum tribus cyclis decennoualibus
rubric: (27r) Kalendarium Eluedene
Note: (by Walter Elveden of Gonville Hall. See Venn, Biogr. Hist. 12)
Note: This is in ordinary Kalendar form: entries in red and black
Note: After the festival column follow others giving Hore diei. Hore noctis
rubric: (27r) Occupacio diei artificialis
Note: This last is subdivided into Miliaria. Stadia. Passus. Pedes. Pollices. Grana
Note: (As a fact the last three of these columns are filled with noughts throughout.) Each month has a statement of the average length of the day and the average length of the day's journey
Note: The Kalendar is English but not very characteristic: Etheldreda, Mildred, Osith occur, but not Edith. Wulstan on Jan. 19 and June 7. Erkenwald on Ap. 30
Note: In smaller hand
Note: On ff. 33r, 34r are tables of the Moon and of the Sunday letter
Note: ff. 34v, 35r blank
Note: On f. 35v rules for multiplication
incipit: (35v) Sunt autem vi Regule multiplicacionis etc.
Note: On f. 36r the large hand resumes: On multiplication
incipit: (36r) Numerus est multitudo ex unitate composita
Note: (37r) Table of Numbers
Note: (37v) A second Kalendar
Note: In the same hand as the former, marking the Locus Solis and also Ciclus 1, 2, 3
Note: The entries are as in the former, but David and Edith are in their proper places
Note: (43v) Tables of eclipses of Sun and Moon (1330 - 1386)
rubric: (44v) Lux est canon exponensis istud kalendarium
Note: (45r) Diagrams of eclipses of Sun and Moon (in red and blue)
46r-48r - Alexander de Villa Dei, Massa compoti
rubric: (46r) Liber compoti
incipit: (46r) Aureus in iano numerus clauesque nouantur
Note: Ending
explicit: (48r) Mobilis ibo ciphos ate liber habeto coenas
rubric: (48r) Explicit Compotus
48r-49v - Alexander de Villa Dei, Algorismus
rubric: (48r) Hic Incipit Algorismus
Note: (Alexandri de Villa Dei)
incipit: (48r) Hic algorismus ars presens dicitur in qua
explicit: (49v) Si par per medium sibi multiplicata propinqua
rubric: (49v) Explicit Algorismus
Note: Halliwell (Rara Mathematica) etc.
50r-50v - Astronomical Tables
rubric: (50r) Tabule Astronomice
51r-51v - De complexione signorum
rubric: (51r) De complexione signorum
incipit: (51r) Aries est signum mobile calidum siccum etc.
Note: Ending (Pisces)
explicit: (51v) Puer natus graciosus erit
rubric: (51v) Dum Jupiter In Aquario Regnat multum gaudet
52r-61r - Zodiac predictions
rubric: (52r) Tractatur de fatis in gallico
incipit: (52r) Si ascun homme saunz doute veut sauoir la verite des choses qe a luy pount auenir. Soulom sa destine
Note: The text goes through the signs, ending with Pisces
explicit: (61r) Ele viuera v. aunz ou xvij. ou L. aunz
rubric: (61r) Et sic finitur per bona temporalia ut non amittamus eterna per Christum dominum nostrum. Amen
61r-65v - pseudo-Hippocrates, Astrologia medicorum
rubric: (61r) Tractatus ypocratis pro infirmitatibus per astronomiam cognoscendis
incipit: (61r) Dicit ypocras qui fuit medicus et magister optimus quod nullus debet committere se in manus illius qui non est medicus perfectus
Note: Also goes through the signs, ending in Pisces
explicit: (65r) et si fortuna eam aspexerit uiuet si non morietur
Note: 65v is blank, and here ends vol. II which has an original foliation running from i to xxxv (26r - 65r) but wanting some leaves after xx (ff. 46r - 49r do not belong to it)
66r-72v - Gazetteer of England (Castles, abbeys, priories)
Note: Headed
rubric: (66r) Anglia
Note: List of counties follows
Note: Then
rubric: (66r) En cest liure sont escriptt touz les nouns des castelx dengleterre. et ensement Abbeez. et Prioreez en chescun countee
Note: Begins with Kent, ends with Stafford
Note: After 69r and 71r are two small slips (f. 69ar and f. 71ar)
Note: After Stafford (72r) are Archbishoprics and Bishoprics of England and Wales
Note: (72r) Sum of Castles and Bishoprics. Then Cumberland (blank) and Westmorland
Note: On f. 72v note in Latin of reigns from William I to Edward II (19 years 7 months). This is in different ink
73r-74r - Gazetteer of England (Suffolk)
rubric: (73r) Nomina Hundredorum Villarum et hamelettorum tocius Com. Suffolk
Note: Begins with Hertesmere (Hartismere) and ends with Lacford
74v-74v - Gazetteer of England (Hertfordshire)
Note: In different ink
rubric: (74v) Nomina Hundredorum Villarum Hamelettorum tocius com. Hertford
Note: Begins with Oddeseles and ends with Libertas S. Albani
74v-75r - Gazetteer of England (Berkshire)
Note: (74v) List of Hundreds in Berkshire
75v-77v - Statutes, Writs
rubric: (75v) Statuta de districtionibus
Note: (French)
Note: Latin note follows
incipit: (75v) Dominus Rex habebit tantum x milites etc.
rubric: (75v) Statuta de Scaccario
Note: (French)
Note: (76r) Rex Thesaurariis et Baronibus suis de Scaccario s. Ut indempnitate nostre. (Anno septimo)
Note: (76v) A nostre seigneur le Roi et a son conseil monstre Thomas deuerwyke clerk pur profist le Roi
Note: (77r) Le Roi veut que touz maners des Baillifs etc. ... soient responaunt a leschekier
Note: Change of hand
78r-82v - Proceedings of the London Eyre, 1321 (Itinerary, proclamation, returns, pleas)
Note: (78r) Breve de itinere justiciariorum apud Turrim London (14 Edward II) followed by Proclamation
Note: (78v) Retorn of Brief, Names of freeholders
Note: (79v) Placita
82v-84r - Proceedings of the London Eyre, 1321 (Quo warranto)
Note: (82v) Breve regis Edwardi de quo warranto ad vicecomitem London (reciting the customs)
Note: (83v) Other briefs, de priorissa de Haliwell etc.
84v-85v - Proceedings of the London Eyre, 1321 (Ordinances of the City of London)
rubric: (84v) Ordinaciones ciuitatis London
Note: (French)
incipit: (84v) En primes que la poes dieux et la poes nostre seigneur le Roy
85v-86r - Proceedings of the London Eyre, 1321 (Writ, pleas)
Note: (85v) Breve regis de oppressionibus dampnis et grauaminibus (1318). Placita follow
86v-86v - List of values of English wool (per sack, by county)
Note: (86v) Value de Leyne dengleterre
Note: List of counties
Note: (86v) Londres: le sak pur vj marcKent: le sak pur vj marcSurrey: le sak pur vj marcSussex: le sak pur vj marc
Note: The highest is Hereford (xii marc.) the lowest (Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland, Durham) five marks
87r-87r - A petition against extortion from Lincoln, Derby, Leicester, etc.
Note: (87r) A petition against extortion from Lincoln, Derby, Leicester, etc. (French)
87r-87r - Writ 'non molestando'
Note: (87r) A Brief of Edward Ponderatori suo in villa de S. Boihulfo(?) (10 Edward II)
87v-87v - Lex marisci
incipit: (87v) Elegantur primo per totam
88r-88r - Names of the Sheriffs of Scotland
Note: Change of hand
rubric: (88r) Nomina Vicecomitum Scocie
Note: With sum of each Vicecomitatus
Note: (88r) Some values of produce. Stirkes I anni prec. xxd etc.
88v-90r - Ordinance for the King's household
incipit: (88v) Pur ceo que nostre seigneur le Roi voet estre asserte etc.
90v-90v - Terms of the surrender of Berwick
rubric: (90v) Les condicions sur le rendre de la ville de Berewyk (1333)
91v-91v - Prophecy of the conquest of Ireland
incipit: (91v) Scribitur in libris annalibus Hibernie secundum quod Mag. Walterus de Istelep Thesaurarius Hibern. eos inuestigans anno domini mo cccmo xvijo incipiente de prophetia super statu terre hibern. comper(i)t in hiis verbis. Cum enim quatuor hibernici prophetas habeant Molingum Bractannum Patricium et Colmekillum
Note: (prophecy of Conquest of Ireland)
explicit: (91v) continue semper optinebunt
91v-95v - Material relating to Ireland (fees, services, exchequer)
Note: (91v) Number of cantreds, villae etc. in Ireland
incipit: (92r) Seruicia domini Regis per totam Hiberniam (1317)
Note: Ending with
Note: (94v) Ordinatio facta de Statuta Scaccarij Dublin
Note: f. 95r (a slip, verso blank)
96r-96v - La copie dune lettre que vient de la onqe de la desconfiture que Mons. Roberd Dartois fist sur Fraunczois
rubric: (96v) La copie dune lettre que vient de la onqe de la desconfiture que Mons. Roberd Dartois fist sur Fraunczois
Note: Another hand
Note: f. 96v a slip, recto blank
incipit: (96v) En droit des noueles de cestes parties voilletz sauoir que nostre seigneur le Roy ... est deuaunt la ville de Tournoye
97r-98r - La fforme del Trewe prise entre Sire Edward Roy dengleterre et Sire Philippe Roy de France (1343)
rubric: (97r) La fforme del Trewe prise entre Sire Edward Roy dengleterre et Sire Philippe Roy de France
Note: (1343)
98r-98r - Verses in Latin and French
Note: Verses in two columns. The first column miscellaneous
incipit: (98r) Qui scit adulari gratis debet famulari etc.
Note: Ending with some lines on the age of the Virgin (63 years)
Note: The second column a dialogue between Monacha and Clericus
rubric: (98r) Monacha
incipit: (98r) Me tibi teque mihi genus etas et decor equantCur non ergo sumus sic in amore pares
Note: Ends
explicit: (98r) Est grauius sponsam te uiolare dei
Note: See Hauréau in Notices et Extraits XXIX 2. 249. Also Hagen, Carmina medii aevi, p. 206
98v-99r - Treatise on weights and measures
rubric: (98v) De pondere et mensuris rerum diuersarum
incipit: (98v) Solidus argenti constat ex xii denariis etc.
99r-99v - Treatise on the method of measuring land
rubric: (99r) Incipit modus mensurandi terram
incipit: (99v) Primo sciendum est quod quelibet acra terre
100r-100r - Cest le arrai et lassemble des gentz Descoce que vindrent a la bataille de Berewik. Cest assauoir
Note: Another hand
incipit: (100r) Cest le arrai et lassemble des gentz Descoce que vindrent a la bataille de Berewik. Cest assauoir ... auant garde le coumt de Morrene
Note: 100vwas pasted over with paper (repaired since James' time)
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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