Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Italien 527
- Source
- Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
- Library
- Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits
- Shelfmark
- Italien 527
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- XVe siècle
- Language
- Italian
- Title
- Dante, La divina commedia
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
- Dante
- Other form
- Dante Alighieri
- Dantis
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321
- Author: Dante, Alighieri
- Dante, Alighieri, 1265-1321
- Alighieri, Dante
- Dantes Aligherius
- Dantes
- Dante <Alighieri>
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Role
- Scribe
- Original form
- Niccolò de' Giunta
- Description
F. 1-102, La Divina Comedia : Inferno (f. 1-34v), Purgatorio (f. 35-68v), Paradiso (f. 69-102).
Physical Description:
Ecriture livresque proche de chancelleresque, sur deux colonnes. Copié par Niccolò de' Giunta, qui fait figurer son nom dans l'explicit de chaque livre (f. 34v, 68v et au f. 102 : "Explicit liber dantis Alighierij paradisus deo gratias amen [...] Chi scrissescribat chon domine senpre viva [sic] regnat in secula seculorum. Amen. Nicholo de Giunta"). Aux f. 1, 35 et 69, grandes initiales ornées rouges introduisant chaque livre ; petites initiales rouges, parfois légèrement ornées, au début de chaque chant. Initiales des vers rehaussées d'ocre. Rubriques à l'encre rouge.
Papier. 102 feuillets. 285x215mm.
Veau olive. Chiffre de Louis-Philippe. 1830-1848. Au f. 1 et 102v, estampille de la bibliothèque royale (XVIIIe siècle).Custodial History:
Ce manuscrit a été acheté à Rome par l'abbé de Louvois en 1715 (voir mention au verso de la garde en dessous de la cote Regius).
- Place
- Preferred form
- Italy
- Original form
- Italie
- Other form
- Italie (?)
- Italie (Toscane?)
- Italie (Venise ?).
- Italie ?
- Italie (région de Venise ?).
- Italie (Florence ?)
- Italie,
- Italie.
- Itàlia
- Italien
- Italy
- Italia
- Italië
- Italie (Toscane ?)
- Itàlia (Toscana?)
- Italien (Toskana?)
- Italy (Tuscany?)
- Italia (Toscana?)
- Italy (Verona)
- Italy (Naples?)
- Italy (Florence?)
- Italy (Naples?)(
- Italy (Rome?)
- Italy (Florence)
- Italy, Bologna (?)
- Italy, probably Naples
- Italy, Naples
- Italy, possibly Naples
- Italy (perhaps Bologna)
- Italy (Nonantola)
- Probably Northern Italy
- Padua or Venice
- Italy (Tuscany)
- Italy, northern (?)
- Italy and France (illumination)
- Italy and France (?)
- Most likely northern Italy
- Probably northern Italy (Verona?)
- [Italy]
- Italy, copied by Leon ben Joshua de Rossi of Cesena
- Italy [Ancona or Pesaro?], [copied by Joseph ben Nissim Fermi?]
- [Italy] copied by Samson ben Elijah Halfan
- Italy, Venice?
- Fols. 2-4: [Italy]
- Treviglio? (Italy)
- Fols. 1-98: [Italy]; fols. 100-302: [Italy]
- Rovere (della Luna, Trent?) (Italy)
- Ff. 1-64: [Italy]
- Italy, North?
- Italy, Bologna?
- Italy, Reggio-Emilia?
- Italy, Padua?
- Italy, Ferrara or Bologna
- Italy, Padua or Rome
- Italy, Ferrara?
- Italy, Genoa?
- Italy, Probably Padua
- Italy, Parma or Cremona?
- Italy, Padua or Venice
- Italy, Lombardy or Bologna?
- Italy, Umbria?
- Italy, Rome?
- Italy, Ferrara or Venice?
- Italy, Northeast?
- Italy, Bologna or Venice?
- Italy, Veneto, Venice?
- Italy, Rome or Naples
- Italy, South?
- Italy, Florence?
- Italy, Verona?
- Italy, Brescia or Padua?
- Italy, Ferrara or Padua?
- Italy, Venice or Padua
- Italy, Cremona Brescia? and Bologna
- Italy, Ferrara or Verona?
- Italy, Urbino or Mantua(?)
- Italy, Padua or Rome?
- Italy, Naples?
- Italy, North?, Siena?
- Italy, Probably Venice
- Italy, Venice or Treviso
- Italy, North? or French, South?
- Italy, Mantua or Ferrara?
- Italy, Rimini?
- Italy, Padua or Venice?
- Italy, Florence or Rome
- Italy, Northwest?
- Italy, North, Genoa?
- Italy, Lombardy or Verona
- Italy, Emilia?
- Italy, Venice or Verona
- Italy, Veneto?
- Italy, Emilia or Mantua?
- Italy, Northeast, Ferrara?
- Italy, Central?
- Italy, Genoa (?)
- Italy, Herculaneum(?)
- IT
- Italy.
- Italië (?)
- Italia (?)
- [Italien (Teil 1)
- [Italien ]
- Italien (II)
- Italien (II.)
- Italien (I)
- Italien (IV)
- Itália
- [Italië]
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- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits
- Digitisation
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