Contents: Hebrew Bible (Song of Songs) with Targum (Aramaic
translation) and Judaeo-Arabic translation and commentary
attributed to Saadia Gaon (ff. 1v-45r). Hebrew Bible (Ecclesiastes)
with Targum (Aramaic translation) and Judaeo-Arabic translation and
commentary (ff. 45v-148r). Hebrew Bible (Lamentations) with Targum
(Aramaic translation) and Judaeo-Arabic translation and commentary
and the small masorah on the margin (ff. 148r-162v). Psalm 137 (f.
162v). Liturgical poem (ff. 162v-163v). Selections from Midrash on
Lamentations (ff. 163v-169v). Hebrew Bible (Esther) with
Judaeo-Arabic translation and the small masorah (ff. 170r- 186r).
Scroll of Antiochus in Aramaic with Judaeo-Arabic translation (ff.