Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 375
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 375
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1100 - 1299
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 375: Metrical Lives of St Katherine and St Ælfheah, Hymns
- Metrical life of St Katherine || Passio Sancte Katerine
- Vitalis of Blois, Geta (extract)
- Metrical life of St Ælfheah, Hymns || Passio Sancti Ælphegi
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Vital de Blois
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Vitalis of Blois
- Other form
- Vital de Blois
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 375 is a compilation of verse made at St Albans Abbey in the middle of the twelfth century, probably for immediate presentation to Christ Church, Canterbury as a gift. It was certainly at Christ Church by the early fourteenth century, when it was included in Henry of Eastry's library catalogue. The flyleaf on which the classmark was recorded became detached from the rest of this manuscript, and is still at Canterbury Cathedral, classmark SB B 232 final page. The main contents of the manuscript are metrical saints' lives of Katherine and Ælfheah (Alphege), both written by an unidentified Richard, presumably a monk of St Albans. Their composition has been associated with Abbot Geoffrey de Gorron (abbot 1119-46), who is known to have been devoted to St Katherine.
Contents :
1r-54v - Metrical life of St Katherine || Passio Sancte Katerine
Note: (no heading)
incipit: (1r) Ut super omne melos delectat cantus olorisCum uicina premit mors et noua causa doloris
Note: 30 lines in sets of six 1-6 rhyme -oris 7-12 rhyme -orem 13-18 rhyme -undo 19-24 rhyme -auit 25-30 rhyme -are
Note: ending
explicit: (1r) Hanc imitemur ad hec bona que meruit properareFestinemus et hec sine tempore finis amare
Note: Gold initial to text of f. 1v
incipit: (1v) Non humilis turbe proles insignis in urbe Alexandrina uirgo nituit catherina
Note: In paragraphs, with red, blue and green initials
Note: Fresh divisions begin at
Note: (8v) Talia dum memorat dum uiua uoce perorat
Note: (16r) Uirgo sit inquit ita sed si minus arte polita
Note: (24r) Iam catherina satis tantis ac tot superatis
Note: (34r) Nox abit aurore superaccedente rubore
Note: On f. 42r is a coloured drawing occupying the upper half of the page: washed with colour: no background. Katherine in green habit with jewelled nimbus stands in the midst of four red and brown wheels set with knives. Divine Hand in cloud on L. The wheels are all set upright, showing all the spokes
incipit: (43v) At Regina dolis non cessit fragmine molisTerrita penali
Note: Ends
explicit: (54v) O pia martir aue cui spirat aroma suaue, etc....Hec precor hec dona ne frauder uirgo coronaVictricibus palme tibi sit laus spiritus alme
54v-56v - Vitalis of Blois, Geta (extract)
Note: In a different ink, not much later, a speech by Sosia and reply by Geta (cf. the Comoedia Getae)
incipit: (54v) Contemptus limo sapientia marcet in imoQue fuerat primo florida parque thymo
Note: Ending
explicit: (56v) Ergo studere uelis ut ames. ac mente fidelis Cantes in celis carmina plena melis Ut perpes uita feruenter amando petita Que super astra sita sit tibi. fiat ita. Amen
57r-120r - Metrical life of St Ælfheah, Hymns || Passio Sancti Ælphegi
Note: (57r) In a hand like the first: large gold initial (no title)
incipit: (57r) Mens quod amando diu concepit de generosaMartiris Ælfegi uirtute parit studiosaTanti gesta patris recitare uolens animosaDum pro posse suo fierit cupit officiosa Metra nouando canit que sunt prius edita prosaNam pater Osbernus de laude uiri speciosa Scribit habetque sibi satis id gens religiosa Sed uirtute tamen minor etas deliciosa Carmine scripta probat cui prosa dicta perosa
Note: This then is a versification of Osbern's work, probably by the author of no. 1
Note: The Passion begins
incipit: (57r) Floruit insignis pater Ælfegus generosaDe radice fluens ac summe religiosa
Note: Breaks occur
incipit: (65v) Uenerat interea presul Wentanus ad astra
incipit: (74v) Iam dorobernorum summus patriarcha beatus
incipit: (84r) Cum fragor armorum cecidisset pace sepultus
incipit: (96v) Hactenus excidium destructe fleuimus urbis
incipit: (106v) Talia dunstanus dum pertractando reuoluit
Note: Ending
explicit: (116v) Omnibus expletis finem licet expediamusQuo tibi festiuas laudes pater alme canamus
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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