Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 104
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 104
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 104: The Writings of Martin Bucer, Pierre Alexandre and others
- Martin Bucer, Commentary on the gospel of St Matthew || Annotationes Martini Buceri in octo priora capita evangelii secundum Matthaeum
- John Cheke, English translation of St Matthew's gospel || Translation of the gospell of St. Matthew and part of the first chapter of St. Mark into English by sir John Cheek with marginal notes
- Pierre Alexandre, Commentary on the gospel of St Mark || Annotationes Petri Alexandri in quinque priora capita evangelii secundum Marcum una cum versione Latina
- Matthew Parker, Notes on the governance of the churches in France and Belgium || Breves notae de regulis ecclesiae Gallicanae, et Belgicae prescribendis a Matthaeo Parkero
- Thomas Cranmer, Annotations to 'institutions of a Christian man' || Annotations upon the kings book [by archbishop Cranmer]
- Edmund Gheast, A sermon on Mark 1. 15, 'Repent and believe the gospel' || A sermon on Mark 1. 15, 'Repent and believe the gospel' by Gheast bishop of Rochester, preached [probably at court] 1560
- Thomas Cranmer, Of the consolation of christian men against the fear of death taken from the fathers || Of the consolation of christian men against the fear of death taken from the fathers, by archbishop Cranmer
- Thomas Cranmer, An exhortation to take sickness well and adversity patiently, drawn out of Ciprian || An exhortation to take sickness well and adversity patiently, drawn out of Ciprian, by the same
- Thomas Cranmer, An exhortation to take the paynes of sickness patiently, translated out of Augustin liber I, 'de visitatione infirmorum' || An exhortation to take the paynes of sickness patiently, translated out of Augustin liber I, 'de visitatione infirmorum' by the same
- Nicholas Robinson, A sermon on the character of Cain || A sermon of M. Robinson on the character of Cain
- Hugh Latimer, Homily delivered before King Edward V on the qualities to be displayed by a king || Homelia quaedam Hugonis Latymeri habita coram rege Edwardo, in qua qualis rex esse debeat ostenditur, Latine versa per Magistrum Banks
- Urbanus Rhegius, Whether a heretical magistrate is to be obeyed translated by Jacobus Gislenus Thalassius || Num in hereticos jure magistratuum gravius animadvertere liceat, decisio Urbani Rhegii, interprete Jacobo Gisleno Thalassio, 1539
- Urbanus Rhegius (attrib.), De conciliis et ecclesiis || Ejusdem autoris de conciliis et ecclesiis tractatus
- History of the Hussites || Historia Hussica liber iii, incerto autore
- Sermon of consolation to the Germans || Sermo consolationis ad Germanos
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Martin Bucer (1491-1551)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Martin Bucer
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John Cheke (1514-1557)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John Cheke
- Other form
- Sir John Cheke
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pierre Alexandre (1498?-1563)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pierre Alexandre
- Other form
- Peter Alexander
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Parker
- Other form
- [Matthew Parker]
- Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Matthew Parker
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575
- Parker, Matthew (1504-1575)
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- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Thomas Cranmer
- Other form
- Cranmer, Thomas, 2 Jul 1489-21 Mar 1556, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Archbishop Cranmer
- The archbishop of Canterbury
- Cranmer, Thomas
- Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)
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- Preferred form
- Edmund Guest (1514-1577)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edmund Gheast
- Other form
- Edmund Gheast [Guest]
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- Preferred form
- Nicholas Robinson (1530?-1585)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Nicholas Robinson
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- Preferred form
- Hugh Latimer (1485-1555)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Hugh Latimer
- Biblissima portal
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- Preferred form
- Urbanus Rhegius (1489-1541)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Urbanus Rhegius (attrib.)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: Matthew Parker's manuscript collection naturally reflects his interest in Reformation theology and theologians and the religious debates which took place in the sixteenth century. MS 104 is one of the compilations of tracts Parker assembled from his collection. Among the tracts included in this volume are gospel commentaries, an English translation of St Matthew's gospel and several sermons on various topics including fortitude in suffering and the qualities of a king. The manuscript dates to the third quarter of the sixteenth century.
Contents :
1-144 - Martin Bucer, Commentary on the gospel of St Matthew || Annotationes Martini Buceri in octo priora capita evangelii secundum Matthaeum
Note: Partly autograph: has some titles etc. written by Cranmer. A comment by Bucer on the Gospels was printed by Stephanus in 1530, 1536 etc.: but it differs from this
145-196 - John Cheke, English translation of St Matthew's gospel || Translation of the gospell of St. Matthew and part of the first chapter of St. Mark into English by sir John Cheek with marginal notes
Note: Printed by Goodwin 1843
197-238 - Pierre Alexandre, Commentary on the gospel of St Mark || Annotationes Petri Alexandri in quinque priora capita evangelii secundum Marcum una cum versione Latina
Note: Title by Cranmer (?)
239-240 - Matthew Parker, Notes on the governance of the churches in France and Belgium || Breves notae de regulis ecclesiae Gallicanae, et Belgicae prescribendis a Matthaeo Parkero
Note: Printed Strype, Parker, Appendix 8
241-272 - Thomas Cranmer, Annotations to 'institutions of a Christian man' || Annotations upon the kings book [by archbishop Cranmer]
Note: By the king's book is meant, the Erudition of a Christian man published by Henry VIII
Note: Parker Society, Cranmer II 83. Strype, Cranmer I 137
273-298 - Edmund Gheast, A sermon on Mark 1. 15, 'Repent and believe the gospel' || A sermon on Mark 1. 15, 'Repent and believe the gospel' by Gheast bishop of Rochester, preached [probably at court] 1560
Note: Printed in H. G. Dugdale's Life of Bishop Gheast 1840, Appendix VII
299-309 - Thomas Cranmer, Of the consolation of christian men against the fear of death taken from the fathers || Of the consolation of christian men against the fear of death taken from the fathers, by archbishop Cranmer
Note: Autograph. See Strype, Cranmer, Appendix XXXII
310-313 - Thomas Cranmer, An exhortation to take sickness well and adversity patiently, drawn out of Ciprian || An exhortation to take sickness well and adversity patiently, drawn out of Ciprian, by the same
Note: Autograph. See Strype, Cranmer, Appendix XXXII
314-318 - Thomas Cranmer, An exhortation to take the paynes of sickness patiently, translated out of Augustin liber I, 'de visitatione infirmorum' || An exhortation to take the paynes of sickness patiently, translated out of Augustin liber I, 'de visitatione infirmorum' by the same
Note: Autograph. See Strype, Cranmer, Appendix XXXII
319-338 - Nicholas Robinson, A sermon on the character of Cain || A sermon of M. Robinson on the character of Cain
Note: Nicholas Robinson Bishop of Bangor: extract in Strype, Parker I 465
339-360 - Hugh Latimer, Homily delivered before King Edward V on the qualities to be displayed by a king || Homelia quaedam Hugonis Latymeri habita coram rege Edwardo, in qua qualis rex esse debeat ostenditur, Latine versa per Magistrum Banks
Note: This is the first of Latimer's sermons before the king. Parker Society, Sermons of Latimer, p. 85
361-380 - Urbanus Rhegius, Whether a heretical magistrate is to be obeyed translated by Jacobus Gislenus Thalassius || Num in hereticos jure magistratuum gravius animadvertere liceat, decisio Urbani Rhegii, interprete Jacobo Gisleno Thalassio, 1539
Note: Articles 12-15 are in one hand: a curious upright script. It recurs in MS 109, article 12
Note: Urbanus Regius' works were printed in 1562 at Nuremberg
incipit: (363) Quom ex sententia pauli manifestum sit
381-528 - Urbanus Rhegius (attrib.), De conciliis et ecclesiis || Ejusdem autoris de conciliis et ecclesiis tractatus
Note: Articles 12-15 are in one hand: a curious upright script. It recurs in MS 109, article 12
Note: Urbanus Regius' works were printed in 1562 at Nuremberg
incipit: (381) Non sine cachinno vidi saepius adolescens cani famelico panem ostentari sed eius loco verbera fuisse exhibita
Note: Marginalia by Cranmer
Note: Ends p. 518
Note: pp. 519-528 blank
529-564 - History of the Hussites || Historia Hussica liber iii, incerto autore
Note: Doctrinae reformatae se maxime infensum ostendit, et Hussum juste fuisse crematum asserit: Stylum et mentem hujus autoris satis cognoscet lector ex sequenti sententia quam ex sermone episcopi Laudensis cum laude citat. Hi duo Huss et Hieronimus patriae pestes fuerunt... quorum matres si unquam peccaverunt, certe nullum flagitium gravius committere potuerunt quam quod ubera talibus labiis sugenda prebuere. Non recte adscribitur haec historia Urbano Rhegio a Cl. Stanley
Note: Articles 12-15 are in one hand: a curious upright script. It recurs in MS 109, article 12
incipit: (529) Paulo ante tempora Ioannis husz regnauit in bohemia carolus quartus
explicit: (564) nec ipsi bohemi de hussii sanctitate multum gloriantur, quandoquidem rem ipsam iuxta mecum intelligunt
565-596 - Sermon of consolation to the Germans || Sermo consolationis ad Germanos
Note: Articles 12-15 are in one hand: a curious upright script. It recurs in MS 109, article 12
incipit: (565) Vulgo iactatum est prouerbium. difficulter nolenti subuenitur. Audiuimus germani multis iam annis dulce illud et saluberrimum verbum dei
Note: Much against the Electors of Mainz and Brandenburg
Note: Ends p. 592
Note: On p. 595 is written in the same hand
Note: (595) forma orandi deum aduersus turcam. M : Lut : (Lutheri)
Note: and below
Note: (595) la : g : tha : inter : 1542 (i.e. Jacobo Gisleno Thalassio interprete)
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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