St. Gallen. Stiftsarchiv (Abtei Pfäfers), Cod. Fab. XIII
- Source
- e-codices
- Library
- St. Gallen. Stiftsarchiv (Abtei Pfäfers)
- Shelfmark
- Cod. Fab. XIII
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 9th century
- beginning or first half of the 9th century
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Vitas patrum
- Description
- The Pfafers manuscript of the Vitas Patrum or Adhortationes sanctorum patrum ad profectum perfectionis monachorum was produced during the first half of the 9th century. It contains teachings of the fathers of Christian monasticism, who were extremely well received during the middle ages and had a strong influence on hagiography. This text was written by one hand and includes black, red and yellow filled initials and captions. On the front and back pastedowns are fragments of a homiliarium.
- Place
- Preferred form
- Germany, Southern
- Original form
- Southern German region
- Other form
- Allemagne (Sud) (?)
- Allemagne (Sud)
- Süddeutschland
- Alemanya (sud)
- Alemania (sur)
- Southern Germany
- Duitsland (zuiden)
- Upper German speaking area
- Upper German linguistic area
- Southern Germany (Zurich?)
- Southern Germany (Augsburg?)
- Germany, South
- [Süddeutschland und Ostfranken]
- [Süddeutschland, Augsburg/Regensburg?]
- [Süddeutschland]
- Zuid-Duitsland
- [South Germany]
- Süddeutsch
- Süddeutsch
- III.–VI. Süddeutschland
- I. Süddeutschland
- V.–VII. Süddeutschland
- X. Süddeutschland
- V. Süddeutschland
- IV. Süddeutschland
- Verschiedene Orte in Süddeutschland
- II. Süddeutschland
- II./III. Süddeutschland
- Süddeutschland (I, III, V-IX)
- Süddeutschland (I)
- Süddeutschland (II)
- Süddeutschland (III)
- Süddeutschland
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Switzerland
- Original form
- Switzerland
- Other form
- Basel (?)
- Probably the Dominican Monastery of Basel
- Probably Basel
- Swiss Scriptorium (?)
- Switzerland (Zurich?)
- Switzerland (Bern?)
- Aegidius Tschudi
- Switzerland, Basel?
- Switzerland, Zurich?
- Schweiz
- Suíça
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Lake Constance area (?)
- Original form
- Lake Constance region (?)
- Rights
- e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
- Digitisation