Manchester. The John Rylands Library, Walter L. Bullock Book Collection, 1547
- Source
- Manchester Digital Collections
- Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Shelfmark
- 1547
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1553
- Language
- Italian
- Title
- Il Petrarcha con l'espositione di m. Giouanni Andrea Gesualdo, nuouamente ristampato, e con somma diligenza corretto, con nuoua tauola di tutte le cose degne di memoria, che in essa espositione si contengono, & ornato di figure. (Canzoniere e trionfi | Rerum vulgarium fragmenta | Trionfi. | Rime.)
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Pétrarque (1304-1374)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374.
- Other form
- Petrarca, Francesco (1304-1374)
- Francesco Petrarca
- Petrarca, Francesco
- PETRARCHA (Franciscus)
- Franciscus Petrarcha
- Francesco Petrarcha
- Pétrarque
- Pétrarque (1304-1374)
- Petrarque, François
- PETRARQUE (François)
- Franciscus Petrarca
- Pétarque
- François Pétrarque
- Pétrarque (François)
- Francisci Petrarche
- Pétrarque 1304-1374
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374
- Author: Petrarca, Francesco
- Former possessor: Petrarca, Francesco
- Annotator: Petrarca, Francesco
- Petrarch
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374, poet
- Petrarcha
- Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374)
- Franc. Petrarcha
- Petracha
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Triumphus Fame
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Trionfo della fama
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Trionfo della fama.
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. La gola, e 'l sonno, e l'ociose piume.
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. In qual parte del cielo, in qual idea ...
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. In quella parte dov'amor mi sprona.
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rerum vulgarium fragmenta.
- Francesco Pétrarque (1304-1374)
- Petrarca
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374 > , co-autor
- Francesco Petrarca - 1304 - 1374 - auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Giovanni Andrea Gesualdo (1496-155.)
- Original form
- Gesualdo, Giovanni Andrea, active 16th century.
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Enea Vico (1523-1567)
- Role
- Engraver
- Original form
- Vico, Enea, 1523-1567
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Venise. Gabriele Giolito de Ferrari & fratelli
- Role
- Printer
- Original form
- Gabriele Giolito de Ferrari & fratelli
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Walter Llewellyn Bullock (1890-1944)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Bullock, Walter Llewellyn, 1890-1944
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
[52], 667 [i.e. 683] p., ill., 23 cm. (4to) Leaf height: 216 mm, width: 150 mm.
Donated to the The University of Manchester by Hélène Louise Bullock, widow of Walter L. Bullock, Serena Professor of Italian, in 1944.
Data Source(s):
Created as part of the project 'Petrarch Commentary and Exegesis in Renaissance Italy, c.1350-c.1650' funded by the AHRC and led by Professor Simon Gilson (University of Oxford, Principal Investigator), Dr Federica Pich (University of Leeds, Co-Investigator) and Dr Guyda Armstrong (University of Manchester, Co-Investigator), edited and revised by Julianne Simpson
Noves, Laura de, 1308?-1348.; Italian poetry -- 14th century -- Early works to 1800.
MS inscription on front fly-leaf recto: John Mayne / 1817; MS inscription on front paste-down: Bibliotheca Browniana / No:; MS inscription on front paste-down: Walter L. Bullock; from the library of Walter Llewellyn Bullock (1890-1944); University of Manchester Library bookplate on front pastedown: Walter Ll. Bullock Collection; accession no. 343248.
Faces of figures in woodcut illustrating 'Eternitatis' (sig. VV8v) crossed out in MS.
Signatures: A-Z⁸, AA-MM⁸, NN², OO-VV⁸, XX⁴.
Imprint from the colophon.
Title-page introducing the second part of the book on page 549: I Trionfi del Petrarca colla spositione di messer Giouanni Andrea Gesualdo da Traetto. Alla Illustriss. signora donna Susanna di Gonzaga la signora Contessa di Colisano. In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e fratelli. M DLIII..
Woodcut portrait of Petrarch and Laura on *4v, map of Vaucluse on ***1r. Each triumph is preceded by a rectangular-box woodcut: Amoris (OO4r), Pudicitie (RR1r), Mortis (RR7r), Fame (SS7v), Temporis (VV5r), Eternitatis (VV8v)
Reprinted from the previous Gesualdo editions (1533, 1541) without the giunta of five sonnets, with the illustrations of the Vellutello editions from the Giolito press, the addition of an index to the commentary, and the Sonetto sopra le sacre ceneri.
Petrarch’s poems and commentary in italic type; printed numbering; Petrarch’s poems printed with one verse per line on left, followed by commentary printed next to it in the same line and then distributed across the page beneath them, and prose texts.
In Vinegia : Appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e fratelli, M D LIII. [1553]
- Extent:
- Place
- Preferred form
- Venice (Veneto, Italy)
- Original form
- Italy Venice.
- Other form
- Venise
- Venise (?)
- Italie (Venise ?).
- Venice
- Venetia
- Italy, Venice
- Venetian Workshop
- [Venice]
- Italy, Florentine Venice
- Venetian
- Venice (Italy)
- Hieronymus Mazza, van Venetië (1550) ; Chistophorus Masinus (17e eeuw)
- Venezia (IT)
- Venedig
- Venetië
- Venecia
- Venezia
- [Venezia]
- [Venezia
- Strasbourg [i.e. Venezia]
- Venise (Italie)
- Venezia (Italie)
- [s.l.] (Italie)
- Venetiis
- Vinegia
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Provided by The University of Manchester. Zooming image © University of Manchester Library, All rights reserved. Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Images and Metadata made available for download are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).