Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 127
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 127
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 127: Documents Relating to Bishop Gardiner
- Letter of King Philip and Queen Mary to William Paulet, lord treasurer, concerning Cardinal Pole || Letter from king Philip and queen Mary to the marquis of Winchester lord treasurer, dated Mar. 1, 2 et 3 regni, declaring it to be their royal will and pleasure, that cardinal Pole should have and enjoy a clear yearly revenue of 5000£. and as the see of Canterbury produceth but 2600£. per annum, they direct and command him to pay to the said cardinal the sum of 1000£. yearly out of the bishoprick of Winchester, and to assign him lands to the further amount of 1400£. out of those formerly belonging to the see of Canterbury, situated in Kent, Sussex and Surrey, and now remaining in their hands, or if there were not lands remaining to that amount, to pay him the deficiency yearly out of the exchequer
- Letter from Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset to Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, 1548 || Letter from the duke of Somerset to the bishop of Winchester, repeating his command that he should not treat of the mass nor of other controversial points in his sermon: dated Syon June 28, 1548
- Letter from Stephen Gardiner, bishop of Winchester to John Godsalve || Letter from the bishop of Winchester to Godsalve on his being to be put out of his bishoprick which he had that day enjoyed 16 years
- Letter from Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset to Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, 1548 || Another copy of the preceding letter from the duke of Somerset to the bishop of Winchester
- Sermon of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, preached before King Edward VI, 29 June 1548 || The sermon of the bishop of Winchester before the kings majestie 29 June, 1548, on Matthew XVI. 13
- Judgement of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester and Thomas Thirlby, Bishop of Westminster concerning the election of Masters Sandes and Haggerstone as procurators || Decretum episcoporum Wintoniensis et Westmonasteriensis de electione Magistrorum Sandes et Haggerstone in procuratores
- Notes of the depositions of witnesses examined against Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester || Notes of the depositions of witnesses examined against the bishop of Winchester
- List of counsel appearing for Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, 1547, 1548, 1550 || The appearance of the counsell the daies here ensewing in the bishop of Winchesters cause, annis 1547, 1548, 1550
- Examination of witnesses on articles put forward against Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester || Examination of witnesses upon certain articles exhibited against the bishop of Winchester, and others delivered by him in answer thereto
- Letter from Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester to John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, 1552 || Letter from the bishop of Winchester to the earl of Warwick after the duke of Somerset's death, petitioning to be released from his tedious and unjust confinement, dated Oct. 18
- Articles put forward by Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, in his own defence || Articles exhibited by Stephen bishop of Winchester in his own defence before the judges delegate
- Objection of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, to the authority of the judges delegate || Protestatio episcopi Wintoniensis contra autoritatem judicum delegatorum
- Additional positions and articles submitted by Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester || Additional positions and articles delivered in by the bishop of Winchester
- Articles of defence submitted by Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester || Other articles of defence delivered in by the bishop of Winchester
- Allegations of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester in answer to the articles put forward against him || Allegations of the same, touching the admonishment ministred in the act, to make a full answer to the 7, 8, 9 and 19 articles
- Latin exercises of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester during his imprisonment in the Tower of London || Exercitationes episcopi Wintoniensis quando turri Londinensi incarcerabatur
- Conditions without which the Protestant princes will not consent to the proposed council at Augsburg, 1559 || Conditiones sine quibus domini protestantes nolunt consentire in concilium eis propositum, in comitiis Augustae 1559, 2 Junii
- Pius IV, Ad ecclesiae regimen, 1560 || Bulla indictionis sacri oecumenici concilii Tridentini paschate subsequente celebrandi [seu potius continuandi] edita per papam Pium IV, 1560
- Letter written in the name of the emperor to the pope or his legate concerning the business of the Council of Trent || Oratio seu potius scriptum papae vel ejus legato traditum nomine imperatoris de concilio hocce indicendo; ubi recenset difficultates quas sperat papam explicaturum, et ut bonus fructus ex concilio sperari possit, suadet concessionem calicis laicis et conjugii clericis
- Judgement of the bishop and clergy of Canterbury concerning the calling of general councils, 1536 || The judgement of the bishops and clergy of the province of Canterbury concerning the calling of general councils, signed with all their hands July 20, 1536
- Articles of accusation against Dr Oglethorp, president of Magdalen College, Oxford || Articles of accusation against the same
- Injunctions given by the visitors to Magdalen College, Oxford || Injunctions given by the visitors to the said college
- Petition of the city of Oxford to the king, that the grammar school and choirs of the several colleges may not be suppressed || Petition of the city of Oxford to the king, that the grammar school and choirs of the several colleges, wherein many of their children were maintained and educated, may not be suppressed
- Remonstrance of Magdalen College, Oxford against the injunctions of the visitors || Remonstrance of Magdalen College against the injunctions of the visitors
- Letter from the fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford to Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury || Literae supplicatoriae a Magdalensibus missae ad Thomam Cantuariensem archiepiscopum, ne illorum collegium detrimentum patiatur ex nuper factis injunctionibus
- Articles of accusation against Dr Oglethorp, president of Magdalen College, Oxford, with his responses || The above articles with Dr. Oglethorp's answer to them in the margin, and his further defence annexed
- Queries put to the corporation of Oxford relating to their petition to the king concerning the dissolution of several abbeys || Queries put to the corporation of Oxford relating to their petition (In Cranmer's hand)
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Philippe II (roi d'Espagne, 1527-1598)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- King Philip
- Other form
- Philippe II (1527-1598 ; roi d'Espagne)
- Philippe II
- Felipe II (roi d'Espagne ; 1527-1598)
- Philippe II d'Espagne
- "Philippes Second
- "Philippus II.
- Philippe II (roi d'Espagne ; 1527-1598)
- Philippi primogenti Imperatoris
- Espanha, Rei 1556-1598 (Filipe II) > , dest. de carta
- Portugal, Rei 1581-1598 (Filipe I) > , co-autor
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Marie Tudor (reine d'Angleterre et d'Irlande, 1516-1558)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Queen Mary
- Other form
- Marie Tudor (reine d'Angleterre et d'Irlande ; 1516-1558)
- Marie Tudor
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Edward Seymour (1er duc de Somerset, 1506?-1552)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Stephen Gardiner (1483?-1555)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Stephen Gardiner, bishop of Winchester
- Other form
- Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester
- Stephen Gardiner
- Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Pie IV (pape, 1499-1565)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Pius IV
- Other form
- Iglesia Católica. Papa (1559-1565: Pío IV)
- Pio IV, Papa, 1499-1565
- Pío IV, Papa, 1499-1565
- Igreja Católica, Papa 1560-1565 (Pio IV)
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: MS 127 contains a collection of sixteenth-century documents bound together due to their connections with the course of the Reformation in England. Much of the material relates to Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester; Owen Oglethorpe, President of Magdalene College; and other opponents to the course of the English Reformation but a few items relate to the continental Reformation.
Contents :
3-6 - Letter of King Philip and Queen Mary to William Paulet, lord treasurer, concerning Cardinal Pole || Letter from king Philip and queen Mary to the marquis of Winchester lord treasurer, dated Mar. 1, 2 et 3 regni, declaring it to be their royal will and pleasure, that cardinal Pole should have and enjoy a clear yearly revenue of 5000£. and as the see of Canterbury produceth but 2600£. per annum, they direct and command him to pay to the said cardinal the sum of 1000£. yearly out of the bishoprick of Winchester, and to assign him lands to the further amount of 1400£. out of those formerly belonging to the see of Canterbury, situated in Kent, Sussex and Surrey, and now remaining in their hands, or if there were not lands remaining to that amount, to pay him the deficiency yearly out of the exchequer
Note: (5) Dated Greenwich 1 March the seconde and thirde yeres of our raignes
7-8 - Letter from Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset to Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, 1548 || Letter from the duke of Somerset to the bishop of Winchester, repeating his command that he should not treat of the mass nor of other controversial points in his sermon: dated Syon June 28, 1548
Note: (8) Signed E. Somercet
Note: Wilkins IV 28. Burnet, Records XXVIII
9-10 - Letter from Stephen Gardiner, bishop of Winchester to John Godsalve || Letter from the bishop of Winchester to Godsalve on his being to be put out of his bishoprick which he had that day enjoyed 16 years
Note: Burnet, Records XIII
11-14 - Letter from Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset to Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, 1548 || Another copy of the preceding letter from the duke of Somerset to the bishop of Winchester
Note: In the same hand as 2
Note: (12) signature E. Somerset
15-30 - Sermon of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, preached before King Edward VI, 29 June 1548 || The sermon of the bishop of Winchester before the kings majestie 29 June, 1548, on Matthew XVI. 13
Note: In this sermon he gives his opinion on the state of religion in England, and blames every innovation that had been made since the death of Henry VIII. maintaining the real presence in the sacrament and the celibacy of priests, but approving the renunciation of the papal power and the dissolution of monasteries
Note: Cf. Strype, Eccl. Mem. III I, 402. Gasquet and Bishop, Edward VI etc. 83, 116
31-33 - Judgement of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester and Thomas Thirlby, Bishop of Westminster concerning the election of Masters Sandes and Haggerstone as procurators || Decretum episcoporum Wintoniensis et Westmonasteriensis de electione Magistrorum Sandes et Haggerstone in procuratores
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq. Cf. MS 106. 14
34-50 - Notes of the depositions of witnesses examined against Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester || Notes of the depositions of witnesses examined against the bishop of Winchester
Note: Gives the names of witnesses and then a series of numbers indicating Articles against the Bishop, with notes as to how far each was proved. References are also made to some fuller document
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
51-56 - List of counsel appearing for Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, 1547, 1548, 1550 || The appearance of the counsell the daies here ensewing in the bishop of Winchesters cause, annis 1547, 1548, 1550
Note: In a hand resembling Cranmer's: lists of names
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
57-116 - Examination of witnesses on articles put forward against Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester || Examination of witnesses upon certain articles exhibited against the bishop of Winchester, and others delivered by him in answer thereto
Note: viz. (1) of John earl of Bedford, lord privy seal, p. 57 (2) of John earl of Warwick, p. 65 (3) of sir William Harbert knight, p. 77 (4) of William marquis of Northampton, lord great chamberlain of England, p. 85 (5) of Edward duke of Somerset, p. 93 (6) of William earl of Wiltshire, high treasurer of England, p. 103 (7) of George lord Cobham, p. 114
Note: (62) Copy certified as 'Concordat cum Registro' by W. Say (pp. 62, 74, 82, 91, 99, 113, 115)
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
117-122 - Letter from Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester to John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, 1552 || Letter from the bishop of Winchester to the earl of Warwick after the duke of Somerset's death, petitioning to be released from his tedious and unjust confinement, dated Oct. 18
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
123-138 - Articles put forward by Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, in his own defence || Articles exhibited by Stephen bishop of Winchester in his own defence before the judges delegate
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
139-146 - Objection of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, to the authority of the judges delegate || Protestatio episcopi Wintoniensis contra autoritatem judicum delegatorum
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
147-156 - Additional positions and articles submitted by Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester || Additional positions and articles delivered in by the bishop of Winchester
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
157-162 - Articles of defence submitted by Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester || Other articles of defence delivered in by the bishop of Winchester
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
163-166 - Allegations of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester in answer to the articles put forward against him || Allegations of the same, touching the admonishment ministred in the act, to make a full answer to the 7, 8, 9 and 19 articles
Note: Cf. Strype, Cranmer, 315 sqq.
167-346 - Latin exercises of Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester during his imprisonment in the Tower of London || Exercitationes episcopi Wintoniensis quando turri Londinensi incarcerabatur
Note: Forms the largest part of the volume. It consists of
Note: a.
Note: (167) A collection of Latin proverbs and phrases in 3 and 4 columns to the page: these pages bound in transversely, p. 167
Note: b.
Note: A selection from Latin poets
Note: (191) Martial, p. 191
Note: (225) Juvenal, p. 225
Note: (242) Virgil, p. 242
Note: c.
Note: (249) Original Latin verses (Elegiacs), 12 lines to a page with many corrections, p. 249, beginning
incipit: (249) Sese nosce (nosse) quidem dominum hoc est noscere et idemNoverit ambos qui noverit alterutrum
Note: (249) Utrumque novit
Note: (298) On pp. 298-299 is a neatly written poem on the name of Jesus (with which name each line ends)
incipit: (298) Omnibus omne (?) locis tutamen nomen Iesus...Spiritus ast fructus bene adorat nomen Iesu.
Note: (303) The Latin Elegiacs in the former hand are then resumed (p. 303) and continue to p. 342
347-348 - Conditions without which the Protestant princes will not consent to the proposed council at Augsburg, 1559 || Conditiones sine quibus domini protestantes nolunt consentire in concilium eis propositum, in comitiis Augustae 1559, 2 Junii
349-354 - Pius IV, Ad ecclesiae regimen, 1560 || Bulla indictionis sacri oecumenici concilii Tridentini paschate subsequente celebrandi [seu potius continuandi] edita per papam Pium IV, 1560
Note: Copied from print Romae apud Ant. Bladum Impressorem Cameralem
355-395 - Letter written in the name of the emperor to the pope or his legate concerning the business of the Council of Trent || Oratio seu potius scriptum papae vel ejus legato traditum nomine imperatoris de concilio hocce indicendo; ubi recenset difficultates quas sperat papam explicaturum, et ut bonus fructus ex concilio sperari possit, suadet concessionem calicis laicis et conjugii clericis
396-406 - Judgement of the bishop and clergy of Canterbury concerning the calling of general councils, 1536 || The judgement of the bishops and clergy of the province of Canterbury concerning the calling of general councils, signed with all their hands July 20, 1536
Note: That no general council ought to be called but by the general consent of Christian princes. Cromwell signs before the archbishop, and Polydore Virgil signs as archdeacon of Wells
Note: Wilkins, Concilia, III 88
411-414 - Articles of accusation against Dr Oglethorp, president of Magdalen College, Oxford || Articles of accusation against the same
Note: Cf. Bloxam Magd. Coll. Register, Vol. II, App. p. 312
415-416 - Injunctions given by the visitors to Magdalen College, Oxford || Injunctions given by the visitors to the said college
Note: Frere, Visitation Articles II 228
417-418 - Petition of the city of Oxford to the king, that the grammar school and choirs of the several colleges may not be suppressed || Petition of the city of Oxford to the king, that the grammar school and choirs of the several colleges, wherein many of their children were maintained and educated, may not be suppressed
419-424 - Remonstrance of Magdalen College, Oxford against the injunctions of the visitors || Remonstrance of Magdalen College against the injunctions of the visitors
425-428 - Letter from the fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford to Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury || Literae supplicatoriae a Magdalensibus missae ad Thomam Cantuariensem archiepiscopum, ne illorum collegium detrimentum patiatur ex nuper factis injunctionibus
Note: Cf. Bloxam Magd. Coll. Register, Vol. II, App. p. 305
429-432 - Articles of accusation against Dr Oglethorp, president of Magdalen College, Oxford, with his responses || The above articles with Dr. Oglethorp's answer to them in the margin, and his further defence annexed
Note: Cf. Bloxam Magd. Coll. Register, Vol. II, App. p. 318
433-436 - Queries put to the corporation of Oxford relating to their petition to the king concerning the dissolution of several abbeys || Queries put to the corporation of Oxford relating to their petition (In Cranmer's hand)
Note: Note written on the last page: Upon the end of this visitation Dr. Gualter Haddon was appointed president and Dr. Oglethorpe removed, who at queen Mary's time was restored: this Oglethorpe was after bishop of Carlisle.
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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