Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 121
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 121
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1500 - 1599
- Language
- Latin
- English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 121: Synodalia
- Form of holding convocation following ancient customs || Forma seu descriptio convocationis celebrandae, prout ab antiquo observari consuevit
- Form of choosing and presenting prolocutors || Forma eligendi et presentandi proloquutoris
- Writ of Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury summoning the bishop and clergy of London to convocation, 3 April 1570 || Breve Matthiae archiepiscopi Cantuariensis directum episcopo Londoniensi ut citet clerum ad convocationem tertio die Aprilis, 1570, in ecclesia cathedrali S. Pauli London. celebrandam
- Election of John Taylor dean of Lincoln Cathedral as prolocutor of the lower house of convocation of 5 November 1547 || Electio Iohannis Taylor S. T. P. decani ecclesiae cathedralis Lincolniensis in proloquutorem inferioris domus convocationis 5 Novembris 1547, cum nominibus personaliter presentium in hujusmodi electione
- Names of the monitors ad comparendum of the lower house of the convocation of Canterbury, Michaelmas 1547 || Nomina monitorum ad comparendum in inferiori domo convocationis provinciae Cantuariensis termino S. Michaelis A. D. 1547
- Names of the monitors ad comparendum of the lower house of convocation who attended the discussions concerning the marriage of priests || Nomina eorum qui singulis sessionibus hujus convocationis adfuerunt cum notis breviusculis rerum ibidem tractarum, a secunda sessione usque ad octavam quando proposita est quaestio de matrimonio sacerdotum
- On rectors that are not resident in their benefices || Causae quae adferre solent hoc tempore quod rectores ecclesiarum non resideant in beneficiis suis quatenus de jure canonico
- On those who oppose the judgement on perpetual residences || Causae quae obstant quo minus decretum perpetuae residentiae suum effectum consequatur et remedia huic malo adhibenda
- Petition of the lower house of convocation to the bishops in the reign of Phillip and Mary || Petition of the lower house of convocation to the bishops in the reign of Philip and Mary with 28 articles annexed submitted to their lordships consideration
- Articles concerning tithes and married priests || Alii articuli Latini de decimis solvendis, de eis quae nuper sacerdotum uxores habitae sunt ut libera nubenda potestas eis permittatur, de nundinis ut in celebrioribus festis et dominicis diebus fieri non permittantur, &c.
- Cardinal Reginald Pole, Legantine constitutions, 1555 || Constitutiones legantinae editae Londini sub anno 1555, praesidente reverendissimo domino Reginaldo cardinali Polo, legato de latere, regnantibus christianissimis principibus Philippo et Maria regibus, &c.
- Acta of the convocation of Canterbury, January 1557/8 || Acta convocationis seu sacrae synodi advocatae autoritate brevis regis Philippi et Mariae, celebratae per dominum Reginaldum Pole cardinalem archiepiscopum Cantuariensem A. D. 1557, primo Januarias, et anno Pauli papae IV. 3tio
- Articles promulgated at the convocation of Canterbury, January 1557/8 || Articuli in quinque capita divisi, viz. (1) de doctrina: (2) de hiis quae ad orationem pertinent: (3) de templis decore ornandis et resarciendis: (4) de disciplina ecclesiastica renovanda et moribus cleri per eandem reformandis et de vestitu: (5) de academiis et scholis
- Decretal of the convocation of Canterbury of January 1557/8 concerning the property appropriated for the benefit of Cardinal Pole || Decretum [ut videtur synodi] ut episcopus Glocestrensis mittat ad dominum legatum vel eo absente ad episcopum Eliensem, divisionem et distinctionem temporalium bonorum singulorum beneficiorum olim appropriatorum per serenissimos reges ad dispositionem reverendissimi domini legati dimissorum, &c.
- Canons of the convocation of Canterbury, January 1557/8 || Decreta sive canones ecclesiastici in 25 capitibus
- Writs published after the ordinance of earls and barons, 1315 || Writtes published after the ordinance of erles and barons, A. D. 1315
- Names of the earls and barons that ought to be present at the convocations of the province of Canterbury || Nomina eorum quae debent comparere in convocationibus prelatorum et cleri Cantuariensis provinciae per singulas dioeceses Cantuariensis Provinciae [ut ab antiquo fieri consuevit ante dissolutionem monasteriorum,]
- John de Feckenham, Speech on the Uniformity Bill || A discourse of certain Romanists exhibited to the queen's counsel immediately upon Q. Elizabeth's coming in: amongst which was thought Dr. Hethe to be the penner of the said discourse
- Nicholas Heath, Archbishop of York, A speech against the bill for the royal supremacy || [A speech] spoken openly in the first session of Q. Elizabeth by tharchbishoppe of York, Dr. Hethe [against the bill for the supremacy,]
- A declaration of doctrine offered and exhibited by the protestants, signed by George Hovy, John Ploughe, John Opynshaw || A declaration of doctrine offred and exhibited by the protestantes to the queene at the first coming over of them, signed by George Hovy, John Ploughe, John Opynshaw
- Proceedings of a conference at Westminster, March 1559, concerning articles of religion || The declaration of the procedynge of a conference begon at Westminster the laste of Marche, 1559, concerning certaine articles of religion and the breaking up of the sayde conference by defaulte of certayne byshops parties of the said conference
- Paper delivered by the Protestants at the Westminster conference of March 1559 || Paper read and delivered by the protestants on the first question
- Dr Coles' answer to the paper delivered by the Protestants at the Westminster conference of March 1559 || Dr. Coles answer to the same
- Acts of the convocation of January 1558/9 held by royal writ while the archbishopric was vacant || Acta convocationis habitae per breve reginae decano et capitulo Cantuariae directum sede archiepiscopali vacante 24 Januarii 1558
- The Thirty-Nine Articles || Articuli de quibus in synodo Londinensi, A. D. 1562, ad tollendam opinionum dissensionem et consensum in vera religione firmandum inter episcopos convenit
- Ecclesiastical Statutes || Articles drawn out bi som certen and wer exhibited to be admyted bi authoritie, but not so allowed [a body of ecclesiastical statutes]
- A bill to authorise every archbishop and bishop to erect one office of registership of all the church books in due order to be kept in every diocese || A bill to authorize every archbishop and bishop to erect one office of registership of all the church books in due order to be kept in every dioces
- Petition of Thomas Bowsey to the Archbishop of Canterbury that he might have the registership of the diocese of Canterbury || Petition of Thomas Bowsey, who drew up the bill, presented with it to the archbishop, in which after thanking his grace for the many marks of favour he had already received from him at Stoke and at Bene't College Cambridge, he humbly begs, that if this bill should thro' his graces furtherance pass into a law, he might have the registership of the diocese of Canterbury
- Letter of Archbishop elect Matthew Parker and four other bishops to Elizabeth I, undated (October 1559?) || A letter from the archbishop elect, and the bishops elect of London, Ely, Chichester and Hereford, to queen Elizabeth, humbly petitioning her to accept a thousand marks per annum (which they promise to pay as long as they hold their bishopricks) if her majestie would stay and remit the present alteration and exchange; or if this their supplication should not be thought meet to take place they humbly offer certain articles which they desire may be observed in the proposed exchange of appropriations for manors
- Letter of Elizabeth I to Archbishop Matthew Parker, the bishop of London and William Byll dated at Westminster, 21 January 1561 || Letter from queen Elizabeth to Matthew archbishop of Canterbury, Edmund bishop of London, Will. Byll almoner to the queen, Walter Haddon master of the requests and the other commissioners in causes ecclesiastical, directing them to revise the calendar and order of lessons in the common prayer book, to see that churches and chancels are decently and properly repaired, and to supervise the translation of the common prayer into Latin made for the use of the universities: dated Westminster Jan. 21, anno regni 3tio
- Articles of the Lambeth conference 12 April 1561 || Articles agreed upon at the seconde session in Lambeth the 12 day of April A. D. 1561, by the most reverende fathers in God Matthue lorde archebisshop of Canterburye, Thomas lord archebisshop of York, with the assent of there bretherne bysshops to the same
- The Thirty-nine Articles || Articles whereupon it was agreed by the archbusshoppes and bushoppes of both the provinces and the whole clergie in the convocation holden at London in the yere of our lorde God 1562, according to the computation of the churche of Englande, for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and for the stablishing of consente touching true religion
- Articles of the synod held at London, 3 April 1571 || Articuli de sacro ministerio et procuratione ecclesiarum, in quos plene consensum est in synodo a domino Matthaeo archiepiscopo Cantuariensi et totius Angliae primate et metropolitano et reliquis omnibus ejus provinciae episcopis partim personaliter presentibus partim procuratoria manu subscribentibus in synodo inchoata Londini in aede D. Pauli 3 Aprilis 1571
- Form of excommunication || Forma excommunicationis in ecclesia legendae
- Letter from the commissioners in ecclesiastical causes to all churchwardens, sidesmen, etc. dated Lambeth June 11, 1571 || Letter from the commissioners in ecclesiastical causes to all churchwardens, sidesmen, &c. dated Lambeth June 11, 13 Eliz. commanding them not to suffer any minister to officiate in any church or chapple unless by the common prayer, and unless they be licenced by the queen or the bishop since the 1st of May last past
- Copy of a letter from the commissioners in ecclesiastical causes to all churchwardens, sidesmen, etc. dated Lambeth June 11, 1571 subscribed by the commissioners || Original copy of the same subscribed by the commissioners
- Injunctions given by the authority of the king's highness to the clergy of this his realm [by Thomas Cromwell vice-regent] 1536 || Injunctions given by thauctorite of the kynges highness to the clergie of this his realm [by Thomas lord Crumwell vice-gerent] A. D. 1536
- Visitors in King Edward's time, 1547 || Visiters in king Edwards tyme, anno primo
- Injunctions given by the king's majesty as well to the clergy as to the laity of this realm || Injunctions given by the kyngs majestye as well to the clergie as to the laytie of this realm
- Letter of Elizabeth I to the bishop of London, March 1553 || A copie of a letter with articles sent from the queenes majestie unto the bysshoppe of London, and by him and his officers at her graces commaundement to be putte in spedie execution wyth effecte in the whole diocese, as well in places exempt as not exempte whatsoever according to the tenour and forme of the same. Sent by the queene majesties commaundement in the moneth of Marche A. D. 1553
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury
- Other form
- [Matthew Parker]
- Matthew Parker
- Archbishop Matthew Parker
- Matthew Parker (1504-1575)
- Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575
- Parker, Matthew (1504-1575)
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- John de Feckenham (1510?-1584)
- Role
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- Original form
- John de Feckenham
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- Preferred form
- Nicholas Heath (1501?-1578)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Nicholas Heath, Archbishop of York
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- Preferred form
- Henry Cole (1504?-1579?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Dr Coles
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- Preferred form
- Thomas Bowsey (15..-15..)
- Role
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- Original form
- Thomas Bowsey
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- Preferred form
- Élisabeth I (reine d'Angleterre, 1533-1603)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Elizabeth I
- Other form
- Élisabeth I (1533-1603 ; reine d'Angleterre)
- Elisabeth I
- Queen Elizabeth I
- Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603
- Queen Elizabeth
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- Description
Summary: MS 121 contains a collection of documents relating to convocations, particularly for the period 1547-71 with some additional material relating to sixteenth-century visitations and some earlier legal materials. This collection of documents provides considerable insight into the development of church doctrine in England during the Reformation period.
Contents :
1-2 - Form of holding convocation following ancient customs || Forma seu descriptio convocationis celebrandae, prout ab antiquo observari consuevit
3-4 - Form of choosing and presenting prolocutors || Forma eligendi et presentandi proloquutoris
5r-5v - Writ of Matthew Parker archbishop of Canterbury summoning the bishop and clergy of London to convocation, 3 April 1570 || Breve Matthiae archiepiscopi Cantuariensis directum episcopo Londoniensi ut citet clerum ad convocationem tertio die Aprilis, 1570, in ecclesia cathedrali S. Pauli London. celebrandam
Note: On this Convocation see Wilkins, Concilia IV 261
5ar-5bv - Election of John Taylor dean of Lincoln Cathedral as prolocutor of the lower house of convocation of 5 November 1547 || Electio Iohannis Taylor S. T. P. decani ecclesiae cathedralis Lincolniensis in proloquutorem inferioris domus convocationis 5 Novembris 1547, cum nominibus personaliter presentium in hujusmodi electione
Note: Gasquet and Bishop, Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer, Appendix VII, p. 449, regard items 4-8 as a fragment of the Journals of this Convocation. They refer to this MS. wrongly as 113. An extract is in Strype's Cranmer p. 220. Cf. Wilkins Concilia IV 15
5cr-5fr - Names of the monitors ad comparendum of the lower house of the convocation of Canterbury, Michaelmas 1547 || Nomina monitorum ad comparendum in inferiori domo convocationis provinciae Cantuariensis termino S. Michaelis A. D. 1547
Note: Gasquet and Bishop, Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer, Appendix VII, p. 449, regard items 4-8 as a fragment of the Journals of this Convocation. They refer to this MS. wrongly as 113. An extract is in Strype's Cranmer p. 220. Cf. Wilkins Concilia IV 15
5fv-5hv - Names of the monitors ad comparendum of the lower house of convocation who attended the discussions concerning the marriage of priests || Nomina eorum qui singulis sessionibus hujus convocationis adfuerunt cum notis breviusculis rerum ibidem tractarum, a secunda sessione usque ad octavam quando proposita est quaestio de matrimonio sacerdotum
Note: Gasquet and Bishop, Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer, Appendix VII, p. 449, regard items 4-8 as a fragment of the Journals of this Convocation. They refer to this MS. wrongly as 113. An extract is in Strype's Cranmer p. 220. Cf. Wilkins Concilia IV 15
5ir-5iv - On rectors that are not resident in their benefices || Causae quae adferre solent hoc tempore quod rectores ecclesiarum non resideant in beneficiis suis quatenus de jure canonico
Note: Gasquet and Bishop, Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer, Appendix VII, p. 449, regard items 4-8 as a fragment of the Journals of this Convocation. They refer to this MS. wrongly as 113. An extract is in Strype's Cranmer p. 220. Cf. Wilkins Concilia IV 15
5kr-5kv - On those who oppose the judgement on perpetual residences || Causae quae obstant quo minus decretum perpetuae residentiae suum effectum consequatur et remedia huic malo adhibenda
Note: Gasquet and Bishop, Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer, Appendix VII, p. 449, regard items 4-8 as a fragment of the Journals of this Convocation. They refer to this MS. wrongly as 113. An extract is in Strype's Cranmer p. 220. Cf. Wilkins Concilia IV 15
5lr-5tv - Petition of the lower house of convocation to the bishops in the reign of Phillip and Mary || Petition of the lower house of convocation to the bishops in the reign of Philip and Mary with 28 articles annexed submitted to their lordships consideration
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 95
5x-6 - Articles concerning tithes and married priests || Alii articuli Latini de decimis solvendis, de eis quae nuper sacerdotum uxores habitae sunt ut libera nubenda potestas eis permittatur, de nundinis ut in celebrioribus festis et dominicis diebus fieri non permittantur, &c.
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 97
7-32 - Cardinal Reginald Pole, Legantine constitutions, 1555 || Constitutiones legantinae editae Londini sub anno 1555, praesidente reverendissimo domino Reginaldo cardinali Polo, legato de latere, regnantibus christianissimis principibus Philippo et Maria regibus, &c.
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 121
33-34 - Acta of the convocation of Canterbury, January 1557/8 || Acta convocationis seu sacrae synodi advocatae autoritate brevis regis Philippi et Mariae, celebratae per dominum Reginaldum Pole cardinalem archiepiscopum Cantuariensem A. D. 1557, primo Januarias, et anno Pauli papae IV. 3tio
Note: Acta hujus synodi hic fusius memorantur quam apud Wilkins
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 155
35-60 - Articles promulgated at the convocation of Canterbury, January 1557/8 || Articuli in quinque capita divisi, viz. (1) de doctrina: (2) de hiis quae ad orationem pertinent: (3) de templis decore ornandis et resarciendis: (4) de disciplina ecclesiastica renovanda et moribus cleri per eandem reformandis et de vestitu: (5) de academiis et scholis
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 156
61-62 - Decretal of the convocation of Canterbury of January 1557/8 concerning the property appropriated for the benefit of Cardinal Pole || Decretum [ut videtur synodi] ut episcopus Glocestrensis mittat ad dominum legatum vel eo absente ad episcopum Eliensem, divisionem et distinctionem temporalium bonorum singulorum beneficiorum olim appropriatorum per serenissimos reges ad dispositionem reverendissimi domini legati dimissorum, &c.
63-97 - Canons of the convocation of Canterbury, January 1557/8 || Decreta sive canones ecclesiastici in 25 capitibus
Note: Probabile videtur haec decreta una cum articulis precedentibus in hac synodo, si non stabilita saltem proposita fuisse
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 159
97-98 - Writs published after the ordinance of earls and barons, 1315 || Writtes published after the ordinance of erles and barons, A. D. 1315
Note: The first is against excess of diet, and prescribes how many dishes should be served at the tables of all ranks of men, and forbids the minstrels resorting to houses if not invited; the second to establish the prices of provision
Note: Items 16 and 17 are added to 15
Note: See also MS 101. 47, 48
99-116 - Names of the earls and barons that ought to be present at the convocations of the province of Canterbury || Nomina eorum quae debent comparere in convocationibus prelatorum et cleri Cantuariensis provinciae per singulas dioeceses Cantuariensis Provinciae [ut ab antiquo fieri consuevit ante dissolutionem monasteriorum,]
Note: Items 16 and 17 are added to 15
Note: pp. 106-114 blank: 115-126 removed quia superfluae (115-116 replaced)
127-137aa - John de Feckenham, Speech on the Uniformity Bill || A discourse of certain Romanists exhibited to the queen's counsel immediately upon Q. Elizabeth's coming in: amongst which was thought Dr. Hethe to be the penner of the said discourse
Note: Feckenham's Speech, Strype, Annals I, Appendix IX
137b-138 - Nicholas Heath, Archbishop of York, A speech against the bill for the royal supremacy || [A speech] spoken openly in the first session of Q. Elizabeth by tharchbishoppe of York, Dr. Hethe [against the bill for the supremacy,]
Note: Strype, Annals I, Appendix VI
139-162 - A declaration of doctrine offered and exhibited by the protestants, signed by George Hovy, John Ploughe, John Opynshaw || A declaration of doctrine offred and exhibited by the protestantes to the queene at the first coming over of them, signed by George Hovy, John Ploughe, John Opynshaw
Note: See Dixon's Church History, V 107 note: Hardwick, Articles, p. 117 note. Strype, Annals I 115
162a-162t - Proceedings of a conference at Westminster, March 1559, concerning articles of religion || The declaration of the procedynge of a conference begon at Westminster the laste of Marche, 1559, concerning certaine articles of religion and the breaking up of the sayde conference by defaulte of certayne byshops parties of the said conference
Note: Imprynted at London by Richard Jugge and John Cawood prynters to the queens majestie
Note: The managers for the papists were, White Bishop of Winchester, Baine Bishop of Litchfield, Scott Bishop of Chester, Oglethorpe Bishop of Carlisle, Watson Bishop of Lincoln, Dr. Cole, Dr. Harpesfelde, Dr. Langdall, Dr. Chedsey; for the protestants Dr. Scory Bishop of Chychester, Dr. Coxe, Mr. Whithed, Mr. Grindall, Mr. Horne, Mr. D. Sandes, Mr. Gest, Mr. Aylmer, Mr. Juell
Note: 10 ff. (5.4 x 3.5 in.) printed. See Pocock's Burnet V 514
163-182 - Paper delivered by the Protestants at the Westminster conference of March 1559 || Paper read and delivered by the protestants on the first question
Note: Burnet, History of the Reformation, ed. Pocock V 507
183-191 - Dr Coles' answer to the paper delivered by the Protestants at the Westminster conference of March 1559 || Dr. Coles answer to the same
Note: Burnet, History of the Reformation, ed. Pocock V 507
192-196 - Acts of the convocation of January 1558/9 held by royal writ while the archbishopric was vacant || Acta convocationis habitae per breve reginae decano et capitulo Cantuariae directum sede archiepiscopali vacante 24 Januarii 1558
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 179
233-266 - The Thirty-Nine Articles || Articuli de quibus in synodo Londinensi, A. D. 1562, ad tollendam opinionum dissensionem et consensum in vera religione firmandum inter episcopos convenit
Note: Printed in full by Lamb, History of the XXXIX Articles 1829, with facsimiles of the bishops' signatures
267-364 - Ecclesiastical Statutes || Articles drawn out bi som certen and wer exhibited to be admyted bi authoritie, but not so allowed [a body of ecclesiastical statutes]
Note: Strype, Annals I pt 2, Appendix II A, p. 562
365-379 - A bill to authorise every archbishop and bishop to erect one office of registership of all the church books in due order to be kept in every diocese || A bill to authorize every archbishop and bishop to erect one office of registership of all the church books in due order to be kept in every dioces
Note: Folding leaves bound across the text
371-380b - Petition of Thomas Bowsey to the Archbishop of Canterbury that he might have the registership of the diocese of Canterbury || Petition of Thomas Bowsey, who drew up the bill, presented with it to the archbishop, in which after thanking his grace for the many marks of favour he had already received from him at Stoke and at Bene't College Cambridge, he humbly begs, that if this bill should thro' his graces furtherance pass into a law, he might have the registership of the diocese of Canterbury
Note: Folding leaves bound across the text
381-388 - Letter of Archbishop elect Matthew Parker and four other bishops to Elizabeth I, undated (October 1559?) || A letter from the archbishop elect, and the bishops elect of London, Ely, Chichester and Hereford, to queen Elizabeth, humbly petitioning her to accept a thousand marks per annum (which they promise to pay as long as they hold their bishopricks) if her majestie would stay and remit the present alteration and exchange; or if this their supplication should not be thought meet to take place they humbly offer certain articles which they desire may be observed in the proposed exchange of appropriations for manors
Note: Strype, Parker Appendix X, Correspondence LXVIII: Bentham's Ely Appendix XXXII
389-392 - Letter of Elizabeth I to Archbishop Matthew Parker, the bishop of London and William Byll dated at Westminster, 21 January 1561 || Letter from queen Elizabeth to Matthew archbishop of Canterbury, Edmund bishop of London, Will. Byll almoner to the queen, Walter Haddon master of the requests and the other commissioners in causes ecclesiastical, directing them to revise the calendar and order of lessons in the common prayer book, to see that churches and chancels are decently and properly repaired, and to supervise the translation of the common prayer into Latin made for the use of the universities: dated Westminster Jan. 21, anno regni 3tio
Note: Strype, Parker Appendix XV
393-396 - Articles of the Lambeth conference 12 April 1561 || Articles agreed upon at the seconde session in Lambeth the 12 day of April A. D. 1561, by the most reverende fathers in God Matthue lorde archebisshop of Canterburye, Thomas lord archebisshop of York, with the assent of there bretherne bysshops to the same
Note: [Original signed by the archbishop and the bishops of London and Ely]
Note: Cardwell, Documentary Annals LVI
429-452 - The Thirty-nine Articles || Articles whereupon it was agreed by the archbusshoppes and bushoppes of both the provinces and the whole clergie in the convocation holden at London in the yere of our lorde God 1562, according to the computation of the churche of Englande, for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and for the stablishing of consente touching true religion
Note: Original signed by the archbishop and ten of his suffragans
Note: In the 20 Article, these words now in our printed copies are wanting, The church hath power to decree rites or ceremonies and authority in controversies of faith and yet.
Note: Lamb, Articles: with facsimiles of signatures
453-481 - Articles of the synod held at London, 3 April 1571 || Articuli de sacro ministerio et procuratione ecclesiarum, in quos plene consensum est in synodo a domino Matthaeo archiepiscopo Cantuariensi et totius Angliae primate et metropolitano et reliquis omnibus ejus provinciae episcopis partim personaliter presentibus partim procuratoria manu subscribentibus in synodo inchoata Londini in aede D. Pauli 3 Aprilis 1571
Note: Originale cum subscriptionibus autographis episcoporum
Note: Wilkins, Concilia IV. 263. Cardwell, Synodalia I 111-131
482-482 - Form of excommunication || Forma excommunicationis in ecclesia legendae
523-526 - Letter from the commissioners in ecclesiastical causes to all churchwardens, sidesmen, etc. dated Lambeth June 11, 1571 || Letter from the commissioners in ecclesiastical causes to all churchwardens, sidesmen, &c. dated Lambeth June 11, 13 Eliz. commanding them not to suffer any minister to officiate in any church or chapple unless by the common prayer, and unless they be licenced by the queen or the bishop since the 1st of May last past
Note: printed
Note: Items 36, 37 now follow no. 41
Note: Correspondence CCLXXXIX
527-530 - Copy of a letter from the commissioners in ecclesiastical causes to all churchwardens, sidesmen, etc. dated Lambeth June 11, 1571 subscribed by the commissioners || Original copy of the same subscribed by the commissioners
Note: Items 36, 37 now follow no. 41
Note: Correspondence CCLXXXIX
483-486 - Injunctions given by the authority of the king's highness to the clergy of this his realm [by Thomas Cromwell vice-regent] 1536 || Injunctions given by thauctorite of the kynges highness to the clergie of this his realm [by Thomas lord Crumwell vice-gerent] A. D. 1536
Note: printed by Thomas Berthelet kings printer
Note: Wilkins Concilia, III 813
incipit: (483) The first is that the Deane, persons, vicars
487-488 - Visitors in King Edward's time, 1547 || Visiters in king Edwards tyme, anno primo
Note: Three, four, or sometimes five with a register went to visit four or five dioceses
Note: Pasted on the flyleaf of item 40. Strype, Cranmer I 209
489-520 - Injunctions given by the king's majesty as well to the clergy as to the laity of this realm || Injunctions given by the kyngs majestye as well to the clergie as to the laytie of this realm
Note: Original signed by Edward VI. the protector and council
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 3
incipit: (490) The firste is that all Deanes, Archdeacons, parsonnes
521-522f - Letter of Elizabeth I to the bishop of London, March 1553 || A copie of a letter with articles sent from the queenes majestie unto the bysshoppe of London, and by him and his officers at her graces commaundement to be putte in spedie execution wyth effecte in the whole diocese, as well in places exempt as not exempte whatsoever according to the tenour and forme of the same. Sent by the queene majesties commaundement in the moneth of Marche A. D. 1553
Note: printed
Note: Wilkins Concilia IV 88. Cardwell, Documentary Annals XXX
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