Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 202
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 202
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1175 - 1299
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 202: Symmachus, Epistolae. Glossed Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
- Symmachus, Epistolae || Symmachi Epistolae
- Glossed Proverbs || Parabolae glosatae
- Glossed Ecclesiastes || Ecclesiastes glosatus
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Symmaque (0340-0405?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Symmachus
- Other form
- Symmaque (0340-0405?)
- Q. Aurelii Symmachi
- Symmaque, 0340-0405?
- Author: Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius
- Symmachus praefectus
- Aurelius Symmachus
- Symmaque (v. 342-v. 403)
- Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius
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- Description
Summary: Sections of CCCC MS 202 date from the late twelfth century, and others from the thirteenth. In the first part of the manuscript, the thirteenth-century material includes seven lines of moral notes as well as the provisions of a Church Council relating to monastic affairs. The late twelfth-century material is largely Classical or Late Antique, including introductory material on Sidonius Apollinaris and Fulgentius, and the florilegium of the letters of Symmachus. The second part of the manuscript, possibly thirteenth century, contains a copy of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, with extensive marginal and interlinear glosses.
Contents :
ir-28v - Symmachus, Epistolae || Symmachi Epistolae
Note: (ir) previously covered with paper
Note: f. iv blank
Note: (iir) Moral notes, some from Gregory (7 lines)
Note: (iiv) Provisions of a Council relating to monastic affairs, in two hands (xiii) beginning imperfectly
incipit: (iiv) in sexta feria prime ebdomade .xl. in capitulis a suis prelatis excommunicati publice denuntient ... conspiratores autem omnes uocant qui inter se confederantur ad subuersionem ordinis
Note: Ends
explicit: (iiv) ut de melioracione uel deterioracione monasterii reddantur cerciores
Note: (iiir) A hand of cent. xii late
incipit: (iiir) Fulgentius afer genere scripsit ad catum
explicit: (iiir) parcium certe bonarum pars magna fulgentius
incipit: (iiir) Sidonius lugdunensis genere facit illius ciuitatis mentionem
explicit: (iiiv) fuerunt anni lx. viiio
incipit: (iiiv) Simmachus genere Romanus tempore Constantini
explicit: (iiiv) et nunc nullo ueterum minor noster simmacus luxuriatur
Note: With f. 1r the volume properly begins
incipit: (1r) Ne mihi uicio uertatur intermissio litterarum
Note: (Symmachi Epistolae 1 1)
Note: (1r) Initial in red and green. Subsequent initials in red and green alternately
Note: Very few addresses of letters are given. There are some on ff. 1r, 2r and others on ff. 17r sqq.
Note: The last two are Symmachi Epistolae IX 140, 141
incipit: (28v) Prima mihi causa scribendi
incipit: (28v) Postquam de freto ficulo litteras tuas sumpsi
Note: ending
explicit: (28v) suffragii tui nisus adiuuerit. Vale
Note: This is the Florilegium of the Letters of Symmachus, of which many copies exist. It was used by Vincent (of Beauvais) in the Speculum Historiale. See the edition by Seeck in Mon. Germ. Hist., p. xxviii
29r-76v - Glossed Proverbs || Parabolae glosatae
Note: 1r blank
Note: (29v) Prologue of Jerome (Jungat epistola) in a small hand
Note: (30r) The same in large hand. Initial in gold with red, blue and green filling
Note: Gloss
incipit: (31r) Parabole salomonis affectu patris
Note: Text of Proverbs begins on f. 3v
Note: (31v) Large initial P with pale brown field: gold and colour. In the head of it, blue ground, Salomon (inscription in white capitals) throned holds up a roll and speaks to the young Rehoboam in red seated on R.
Note: Ends
Note: Gloss
explicit: (76r) opera que fecit
Note: 48v blank
77r-99v - Glossed Ecclesiastes || Ecclesiastes glosatus
Note: (77r) Ecclesiastes glossed
Note: Gloss
incipit: (77r) Omnia uana canit rutilo sub sole secundus. Cui res est phisicas enumerare labor
incipit: (77r) Omnia que a bono creata sunt
Note: (77r) Initial not inserted
Note: Ends
Note: Gloss
explicit: (99r) recipiet unusquisque prout gessit
Note: (99v) A poem
incipit: (99v) Fas et nephas ambulant pene passu pariProdugus non redimit uicium auariVirtus temperancie quadam singulariHabet medium ad utrumque uicium caute contemplari
explicit: (99v) Si legisse memoras eticam catonisIn qua scriptum legitur 'ambula cum bonis' Cum ad dandi gloriam animum disponisSupra cetera prius hoc considera quis sit dignus donis
Note: Not printed
Note: (100r) The fly-leaf is blank
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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