Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 7
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 007
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 007: Chronicle and Register of Benefactors of the Monastery of St Albans
- Chronicle and Register of Benefactors of the Monastery of St Albans
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 7, dating from c. 1400-25, contains the Chronica maiora and its continuations by the St Albans chronicler Thomas Walsingham (c. 1370-c. 1422), together with an incomplete copy of his Gesta abbatum Sancti Albani copied from London, BL MS Cotton Claudius E. IV. In addition, the manuscript contains a finely illustrated copy of Walsingham's Liber benefactorum Sancti Albani in an abridged version derived from London, BL MS Cotton Nero D. VII, and the Annales Ricardi II et Henrici IV attributed to William Wintershill. Numerous illustrations represent the benefactors, a few as full figures but mostly as busts or heads. The gatherings of the manuscript are in a confused condition, the volume having been found in William Wintershill's cell in St Albans Abbey after his death (c. 1435) 'in quaternis derelictum' and rebound at that time or shortly afterwards.
Contents :
1r-132v - Chronicle and Register of Benefactors of the Monastery of St Albans
Note: (A)
Note: Of these works No. I begins
incipit: (1r) Anno gracie millesimo trecentesimo septuagesimo septimo qui est annus regni Regis Ricardi a conquestu secundi primus Ricardus de Burdegala filius Edwardi etc.
Note: (1r) A square miniature on red ground of Richard II throned, beardless, holding sword and sceptre. He is in blue mantle over red with white collar
Note: The last page of this chronicle is 48, where it ends imperfectly
explicit: (24v) donec per quosdam regales prohibiti
Note: (a text which recurs on 155 of this MS. in the 3rd Chronicle)
Note: An old note here says
Note: (24v) deficit hic quaternus
Note: The passages of it which were omitted in the text of Tho. Walsingham's Hist. Anglicana are printed by Mr Riley in Walsingham, Rolls Series II 411-425
Note: (25r) No. II is printed from this MS. in J. de Trokelowe etc. Chronica (Rolls Series) pp. 155-420, by Mr Riley
Note: (69r) No. III is in two hands, the 2nd beginning at 153: it ends 182
explicit: (91v) eius disposicioni sunt commissa
Note: where is a note (xvi)
Note: (91v) hiis istis verbis finitur historia thome de Walsingham
Note: (91v) (added qui ex hoc opere suam Historiam compilauit)
Note: See Riley's Walsingham Historia Anglicana, Rolls Series II, Pref.
Note: At the foot of the page
rubric: (91v) De Henrico rege sexto
Note: (91v) Lactens regno. pater moritur. michi consule materRex sine re regnas regni tibi parua potestasDum puer et rex stas regnum consumet egestasVe regno regis pueri destruccio legisGrex superbibit tibi fraus gens inde peribitO rex si rex es rege te uel eris sine re RexSi bene teque regis es dignus nomine Regis
Note: (B)
Note: The next portion which appears in the MS. (though Riley in the note copied above describes it last in order) is the continuation of the Gesta Abbatum. The true order of the pages, as noted above, is 223-240, 183-202, 241-264. Section C follows 202
Note: It is printed by Riley, Gesta Abbatum, Rolls Series III 375-535
Note: (132r) About a quarter of the last leaf is torn off
Note: There is one picture in this portion at 241 representing Abbot John Moote in mitre with crosier seated under a blue canopy. On L. a monk holding a parchment, and two civilians; on R. four monks are holding a parchment: ground red with gold flowers. Small initial with Virgin and Child
Note: (C)
Note: (102r) The remaining portion is the Liber de Benefactoribus, printed by Riley in Trokelowe, Rolls Series, pp. 427-464. This has a good deal of pictured work
Note: (102v) a sketch of a knight in armour with lance, on horseback
Note: (103r) a large miniature of Offa in scarlet over blue, crowned, seated, holding sword and model of Church with central tower and leaded spire. Purple ground with pattern
Note: (103r) Four other small miniatures, busts of bearded kings: purple ground
Note: (103v) nine similar busts
Note: (104r) two busts of ladies drawn in ink, cent. xvi
Note: (104v) large. Almost black ground with white pattern. Queen Matilda seated holding purse, and charter, which she gives to kneeling monk on R. Another bust of a queen
Note: (105r) large. Pope Adrian I in tall crowned mitre, chasuble with pall etc., throned gives charter to Offa who kneels with his crown on his L. wrist, presented by another. Orange and black ground
Note: (105r) Seven more busts of popes
Note: (105v) Adrianus IV in vermilion chasuble, throned, blessing
Note: (105v) Seven busts of popes
Note: (106r) Ethelric, Bp of Dorchester, in red robe and skull cap, kneels, with crosier, on cushion at draped table, and hands a charter to a monk who stands behind the table: behind him is an arcaded retable
Note: (106r) Nine busts of bishops
Note: (106v) Three more busts of bishops
Note: (107r) A knight in armour kneels holding a church and a sealed charter, at an altar. Black ground with white pattern bordered by red with white pattern
Note: (107r) Eight heads of knights mostly in helmets
Note: (107v) Twenty-three heads of men and women skilfully painted with considerable variety of expression, and of headgear
Note: (108r) Twenty-seven similar heads of men and women
Note: (108v) Twenty-nine similar heads of men and women. On margin a faint sketch apparently of a patient seated with a knife applied to his cheek or neck
Note: (109r) Nineteen similar heads of men and women
Note: (109v) Four more heads of men and women in col. 1. Col. 2, in a later hand, has three busts in pen and ink, probably of cent. xvi. Spaces are left at first in the pages which follow
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