Collection of German medical texts. The beginning is missing, then
the Ordnung der Gesundheit for Rudolf von Hohenberg (pp. 3-60);
various recipes for medicine, magic and food (pp. 63-101), among
them a treatise on vultures and verbena from the Bartholomäus (pp.
64-69); “Verworfene Tage” (pp. 69-71); a recipe for vinegar
(pp. 73-76); an excerpt from the Buch der Natur by Conrad of
Megenberg (pp. 82-85); recipes making use of “Schwalbenstein”
(pp. 89-90); prognostics for the new year and for thunder (pp.
90-94); recipes for wine (pp. 95-101). Herbal book with excerpts
from the Macer Floridus by Odo von Meung (pp. 101-146); medical
recipes (pp. 146-147); applications for medicines according to the
Macer Floridus (pp. 147-161); recipe against the ritten (p. 162).
At the end on p. 164 there is a colored sketch of Agrimonia
(Odermennig). The manuscript, originally from the library of
Aegidius Tschudi (no. 117), is related to the 2° Cod. 572 of the
Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg.