Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 93
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 093
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1425
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 093: Ordinal and Martyrology of Exeter
- Ordinal and Martyrology of Exeter || Iohannes de Grandisson Ordinale et Martyrologium Exoniense
- Description
Summary: The Ordinal of Exeter Cathedral is preserved in two manuscripts of the fifteenth century, Exeter, Cathedral Library MS 3502 and CCCC MS 93. This copy is of c. 1400-25, but some of the border decoration has been added in the second half of the fifteenth century. The Ordinal contains the directions for the church services for the Mass and the Divine Office. The liturgical use of Exeter was an adaptation for that diocese of the Use of Sarum which from the mid-thirteenth century onwards spread over most parts of England. The book also contains a Martyrology of Exeter which compares with that of Exeter, Cathedral Library MS 3518. These copies of the Ordinal reveal the extent of difference from Sarum. MS 93 has fine illuminated borders with the monogram WS at the main divisions of the text.
Contents :
7r-176r - Ordinal and Martyrology of Exeter || Iohannes de Grandisson Ordinale et Martyrologium Exoniense
Note: The following list of the contents, drawn up by the Rev. Chr. Wordsworth in 1896, will be of interest. I add some details to it
Note: ff. 7r-12v. Kalendar of Exeter use (in blue, red and black)
Note: In the Kalendar I note
Note: (7r) January 7. Brannoci Abbatis C.
Note: (8r) March 1. David, Episcopi Exoniensis 2. Cedde Episcopi 5. Kerani Exoniensis
Note: (9r) May 7. Iohannis de beuerlaco
Note: (9v) June 4. Petroci Confessoris 16. Translatio S. Richardi Episcopi [a later note: Exon. nihil set SS. Ciriaci et Iulitte MM.]
Note: (10r) July 1. Octava Sancti Johannis Baptiste Memoria tantum Exoniensis 2. Visitatio beate marie virginis in red 7. Translation of Thomas erased 15. Translatio Sancti Swithuni Episcopi ix lectiones unius episcopi et confessoris non plurimorum ut Sarum propter Wodebury
Note: I find no entry of S. Sativola, but she is mentioned on f. 18r, col. 2 between Margaret and Invention of Stephen, and in the Martyrology f. 154v on 2 August
Note: (11r) September
rubric: 7. Prima feria secunde istius mensis fiat festum S. Gabrielis Archangeli maius duplex
Note: (11v) October 1. Melori 2. Thome Herfordensis Episcopi 5. Raphaelis in red
Note: (12r) November 3. Wenefrede added 21. Dedicatio ecclesie beati Petri Exoniensis maius duplex; in blue with octave
Note: (12v) December 4. Depositio S. Osmundi Episcopi 29. Thomas of Canterbury erased
Note: ff. 13r-20r Consuetudines generales of Exeter Cathedral Church (relating to Dean, Precentor, Chancellor, Treasurer, Archdeacons, Succentor, Sub-treasurer, Clerk of St Mary's, Residence, Priest-vicars, Choristers, Behaviour, Colours of vestments, Rulers of Choir, Books: cap. I-XXXI)
Note: f. 13r has initial and feather-ornament. A note of Parker's time is at the foot of the page, giving an extract from Bishop Grandisson's will
Note: f. 20v blank
Note: (21r) Exeter ordinale diuini officii (choir service)
Note: (21r) de Tempore
Note: (Advent, etc.)
Note: (21r) f. 21r is fully bordered. Portions of the decoration, consisting of roses and other flowers, in a bright hard style, seem to me to have been added late in cent. xv. At each angle is a monogram (original) of the letters WS. These may stand for William Steele, who was Archdeacon of Totnes about 1370 (Oliver, Lives of Bishops of Exeter, p. 291)
Note: (74v) de Dedicatione Ecclesie
Note: (Anniversary)
Note: (75r) de proprio Sanctorum
Note: (St Andrew, etc.)
Note: (102v) de communi sanctorum
Note: Exeter ordinale
rubric: (106r) de Missa
Note: (Altar service)
Note: (106r) de Tempore
Note: (106r) f. 106r has border on three sides
Note: (121r) de Dedicatione Ecclesie
Note: (121r) de Proprio Sanctorum
Note: (129r) de Communi Sanctorum
Note: (130r) de Commemoracione Beate Marie [hebdomadali]
Note: (130v) de Commemoracione Sancti Crucis [hebdomadali]
Note: (130v) Missa salus populi pro fratribus et sororibus [votiua]
Note: (130v) Missa Da pacem pro pace
Note: (130v) Missa pro serenitate aeris
Note: (130v) Missa in quacumque tribulacione
Note: (130v) De Alleluya in pleno seruicio Beate Marie
Note: (130v) Misse pro Defunctis
Note: (132r) Martilogium ad usum Exoniensem per Johannem de Grandisson dispositum
Note: It does not contain the Exeter obits
Note: (132r) f. 132r, full border with monogram of WS at each corner
incipit: (172r) Ad sciendum quod (quando?) Kyrie uel Gloria in excelsis uel Sanctus uel Agnus debent dici in choro
rubric: (174v) Incipit ordinale officiorum Beate Virginis Marie in capella
Note: (arranged by Grandisson in order to keep a weekly memory of the Seven Joys)
Note: (175r) Benedicciones dicende [ad lecciones]
Note: ff. 176r-178v blank
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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