Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 399

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UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
  • MS 399
Biblissima authority file
  • 0800 - 0899
  • Latin
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 399: Julian of Toledo, Prognosticon futuri saeculi
  • Julian of Toledo, Prognosticon futuri saeculi
  • Preferred form
    • Julien de Tolède (saint)
    • Author
    Original form
    • Julian of Toledo
    Other form
    • Julianus Toletanus
    • S. Julianus Toletanus
    • S. Julianus
    • Julien de Tolède (saint ; 0642?-0690 ; 0642?-0690)
    • Julien de Tolède (saint ; 0642?-0690)
    • Iulianus Toletanus
    • Julien de Tolède, saint, 0642?-0690
    • Iulianus Toletanus 652-690
    • Julià, de Toledo, sant, ca. 642-690
    • Julián, de Toledo, Santo, ca. 642-690
    • Julianus, Saint, Bp. of Toledo, d. 690
    • Julianus van Toledo
    • Author: Iulianus, Toletanus
    • Julianus Toletanus, ?-690 > , co-autor
    • see more
    Biblissima portal
    Biblissima authority file
  • Summary: CCCC MS 399 is a copy of the Prognosticon futuri saeculi by Julian of Toledo (c. 642-90) written in northern France probably in the first two thirds of the ninth century. It has some marginal 'tironian notae' - the form of shorthand devised by Cicero's secretary Tiro and revived in the Carolingian period. It seems to have come to England before the end of the tenth century, where some very minor alterations were made to the text. In the twelfth century a decorated opening title page was added. The manuscript was used by Matthew Parker or one of his secretaries, who underlined some significant phrases in red crayon.

    Contents :

    iiv-140v - Julian of Toledo, Prognosticon futuri saeculi

    Note: (iiv) occupied by a title in red and black capitals of cent. xii. Initial in red and green

    rubric: (iiv) Incipit liber Pronosticorum futuri seculi /. Sanctissimo ac / pre ceteris familiarissimo michi domino / ydalio Barcilonensis / sedis episcopo Iulianus Toletane sedis Episcopus

    Note: (P. L. XCVI 453)

    Note: (1r) The original hand begins

    incipit: (1r) Diem illum clara ... a redemptori omnium exceptione conspicuum quo presente anno pariter in urbe regia positi

    Note: (1r) Initial in black with interlaced pattern left in white; contains a very rude figure of a nimbed man holding a book in each hand, a tree on R.

    explicit: (6v) debeat publicari sententiam

    rubric: (6v) Oratio

    incipit: (6v) Desertum idumeae caecus et morbidus

    Note: Initial in black and red

    explicit: (8v) pleniori rerum auidentia contueri

    rubric: (8v) Incipiunt capitula libri primi

    Note: (capitals, monogrammatized)

    rubric: (8v) De origine mortis humanoe

    Note: Initial with plaited work in the stem

    rubric: (10v) Incipit liber de origine mortis humane

    Note: (capitals)

    incipit: (10v) Quomodo mors primum subintrauerit in mundum. Peccato primi hominis actum

    rubric: (36v) Incipiunt capitula libri secundi de animabus defuntorum quo modo habeant ante ultimam corporum resurrectionem

    Note: (capitals)

    rubric: (40r) Incipit liber secundus de animabus

    Note: (capitals, red and black)

    rubric: (81v) Incipiunt capitula libri tercii de ultima corporum resurreccione

    Note: (capitals: rather an elaborate initial in red; not of Celtic pattern)

    rubric: (86v) Incipit liber de ultima corporum resurrecione feliciter amen

    Note: (capitals: less elaborate initial)

    incipit: (86v) Quod tempus et diem iudicii

    Note: (86v) Initial with something of Celtic flavour

    Note: From f. 102r to f. 115r the ink is paler and the hand seems different

    Note: On f. 115v the former aspect is resumed

    Note: (135v) The old hand ends imperfectly in capitulum lvi

    explicit: (135v) Quod tamen utrum in reprobis habeatur est fortasse ambiguum quia iuxta

    Note: ff. 136r to end are a supply in a good clear hand of cent. xii: ending

    explicit: (139r) uenire ad regnum cuius nullus est finis

    rubric: (139r) Explicit

    Note: ff. 139v-140r are blank (f. 140v pasted over)

  • Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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