London. British Library, Add MS 15732
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Add MS 15732
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- French
- Title
- Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia Regum Britanniae
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Geoffroi de Monmouth (1100?-1154)
- Original form
- Geoffrey of Monmouth, c 1100-c 1154, Bishop of St Asaph
- Other form
- Gaufridus Monumetensis
- Geoffroi de Monmouth (1100?-1154)
- Gaufridus Monemutensis
- Galfridus Monemutensis (1100?-1154)
- Gaufrido Monemuthensi
- Gaufridus de Monemuta
- Geoffroi de Monmouth 1100?-1154
- Galfredus Monumetensis 1100-1154
- Geoffrey, de Monmouth
- Geoffrey, of Monmouth, Bishop of St. Asaph, 1100?-1154
- Author: Galfredus, Monumetensis
- Geoffrey of Monmouth
- Various authors, including Geoffrey of Monmouth
- Galfredus <Monumetensis>
- Geoffrey of Monmouth - ca. 1100-1154 - auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- This manuscript contains a Latin copy of the Historia Regum Brittaniae ('The History of the Kings of Britain') by Geoffrey of Monmouth (d. 1154/55), bishop of St Asaph and historian. The work presents a pseudo-historical account of the kings of Britain; it opens with a legend that tells of how Brutus, a descendant of Aeneas, travelled to an island named Albion after the Trojan War. After defeating a host of giants, he renamed the island after himself ('Britain'). It also includes the prophecies of Merlin concerning the future King Arthur and tells a legendary history of his reign. Geoffrey claims to have translated the Historia from an old British book he had received from Walter, archdeacon of Oxford. Geoffrey finished his work at some point between 1123 and 1139. It soon became popular and was widely disseminated in England, the Low Countries and Northern France, especially among aristocratic and monastic audiences; out of the 217 extant manuscripts listed by Julia C. Crick, at least fifty-eight copies were produced in the twelfth century (see Crick, The Historia Regum Britannie , IV (1991), pp. 196-217). This manuscript testifies to the long-lasting popularity of the Historia on the Continent; while the larger part of its copy of the Historia , books 1-9, originates from the second half of the twelfth century, its final books, part of book 10, and book 11, were written in the fifteenth century in the Low Countries or France. Contents: ff. 1r-85r: Geoffrey of Monmouth, Historia Regum Brittaniae , beginning ‘Cum mecum multa et de multis sepius animo revolvens in historiam regum britannie inciderem. in mirum contuli quod infra mentionem quam dominis gildas & beda luculento tractatu fecerant nichil de regibus qui ante incarnationem Christi inhabitauerant . nichil omne de arturo ceterisque compluribus qui post incarnationem succeserunt repperissem . cum et gesta eorum digna eternitatis laude constarent & a multis populis quasi inscripta iocunde & memoriter predicarentur [etc.]’; ff. 73r-85v, containing part of book 10, and book 11, have been added by a scribe writing in a 15th-century French script (Bâtarde). f. [ii] recto contains an 18th- or 19th-century French description of the manuscript.Decoration:Large initials in red, blue or red and blue throughout the manuscript, some with penwork decoration in red or blue. Small initials in red and green throughout the manuscript. Some manicules in the margins.
- Place
- Preferred form
- France
- Original form
- France, Europe
- Other form
- France
- France (Paris ? Fontainebleau ?)
- France.
- France (?)
- Lieu de copie : France ( ?) : cf. Hans-Collas ― Schandel, p. 327
- France ?
- France -- 16e siècle
- Frankreich
- França
- Francia
- Frankrijk
- Abbaye de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadia de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abtei Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abbey of Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadía de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abdij van Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Région de la Loire (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- Loire Region (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Regió del Loira (Abadia de Fleury ?)
- Región del Loira (Abadía de Fleury ?)
- France (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- França (Abadia de Fleury?)
- Francia (Abadía de Fleury?)
- France (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Frankreich (Abtei Fleury?)
- Frankrijk (Abdij van Fleury?)
- France (est : Lorraine ?)
- França (est: Lorena?)
- Ostfrankreich (Lothringen?)
- Eastern France (Lorraine?)
- Francia (este: Lorena?)
- Lothringen
- Lorena
- Lotharingen
- Lorraine
- França (Borgonya?)
- France (Burgundy?)
- Francia (Borgoña)
- France (Bourgogne ?)
- Frankrijk (Bourgondië?)
- France (Bretagne ?)
- França (Bretanya?)
- Frankreich (Bretagne?)
- France (Brittany?)
- Francia (Bretaña)
- Frankrijk (Bretagne?)
- France (ouest : Bretagne ?)
- Western France (Brittany?)
- França (oest: Bretanya?)
- Francia (oeste: Bretaña?)
- Frankrijk (westen) (Bretagne?)
- Westfrankreich: Bretagne?
- Bretagne
- Bretanya
- Bretaña
- Brittany
- Probably the Loire region
- France: Auxerre or Brittany
- France: Fleury. vicinity of Paris (Saint-Denis?) (Bischoff)
- France: Ile-de-France (Sens?)
- France: Fleury; Reims?
- France (Southern France?)
- France: Fleury
- France: probably Auxerre
- France: evidently Eastern France
- Central- or southern France
- France, Vienne
- [France]
- Paris (?)
- France (Paris?) or Flanders
- France (3rd part)
- Strassburg (probably)
- Paris (?) or Tours (?)
- France (Normandy?)
- Rouen (?) or Paris (?)
- France: Champagne, Burgundy or Centre
- Lyon or Luxeuil (?)
- France (Besançon?)
- France (Paris?)
- France, Northern (probably)
- Probably Eastern France
- St. Denis near Paris (monastery) (?)
- Tours (?)
- France (possibly near the court)
- Italy and France (illumination)
- [Provence?]
- France, East (?)
- France, Northeast?
- France, Pontigny (or Paris?)
- France, North?
- France, Paris?
- France, Diocese of Limoges?
- France, Auxerre or area
- France, Burgundy?
- France, Brittany or Paris?
- France, Angers?
- France, Normandy?
- France, East?
- France, Bourges?
- France, Anjou?
- France, Northwest?
- France, Tours?
- France (probably Paris)
- SW France?
- FR
- [FR]
- Frankreich (Angers?)
- Frankrijk (?)
- Gallia
- Gallia (Frankrijk)
- Gallia? (Frankrijk?)
- Frankreich (I.)
- Frankreich (III.)
- Frankreich (III)
- Frankreich (II)
- Frankreich (I)
- I./III. Frankreich
- II. Frankreich
- Frankreich (Ergänzung)
- [Frankrijk]
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Netherlands, Southern
- Original form
- Southern Netherlands
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License