Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 540
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 540
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1375 - 1399
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 540: Book of Hours (Use of Rome)
- Indulgence and prayers to St Sebastian
- Suffrage for St Sebastian
- Calendar
- Readings from the Four Gospels
- Invocations in honour of the Virgin Mary
- Hours of the Virgin Mary of the Use of Rome
- Psalms and antiphons of the Virgin
- Hours of the Virgin Mary
- Mass of the Virgin Mary
- Seven Joys of the Virgin
- Gospel Reading of the Passion and a Prayer
- Penitential Psalms
- Litany
- Mass of the Holy Trinity
- Mass of the Holy Spirit
- Mass of the Holy Cross
- Mass of the Dead
- Salutations to be said at the elevation at mass
- Prayer to be said at mass
- Hours of the Passion
- Short Hours of the Cross
- Short Hours of the Holy Spirit
- Hours of St Catherine
- Office of the Dead of the Use of Rome
- Short Office of the Dead
- Instructions regarding a vision of Christ
- Missa pro morte evitanda
- see more
- Description
Summary: This Book of Hours, CCCC MS 540, of c. 1390-1400, was given to Corpus Christi College by Lord Queenborough (1861-1949) in 1923. It was made in Avignon and is decorated by the same group of artists as three other Books of Hours, Paris, BnF MS lat. 10527, Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek MS ser. nov. 9450, and New York, Public Library MS Spencer 49. It contains eight half-page miniatures and many decorative ornamental borders. One of the artists involved in the illumination may be Jean de Toulouse, documented as working in Avignon 1378-94. A note in the calendar records the anniversary of the building of the castle of Cordes-sur-Ciel, near Albi, and the owner very likely lived in that region.
Contents :
1r-3v - Indulgence and prayers to St Sebastian
Note: By a different scribe, probably added at a later date than that of the main text
Note: (1r) Indulgence for attending masses
incipit: (1r) Si quis vult clemenciam altissimi salvatoris exorare
Note: Gives an offer of an indulgence of 100 days for attending certain masses which are listed with the texts of their introits: De adventu - Ad te levavi; De nativitate - Puer natus; De apparicione Domini (i.e. Epiphany) - Ecce advenit; De dominica lx (i.e. Sexagesima) - Exurge quare; De resurrectione (Easter Sunday) - Resurrexi; De ascensione - Viri Galilei; De pentecoste - Spiritus Domini; De cruce (Invention of the Holy Cross) - Nos autem gloriari; De Maria - Vultum tuum; De assumpcione - introit not listed; De apostolis - Mihi autem; De angelis - Benedicite dominum. The list ends on f. 2v
3r-3v - Suffrage for St Sebastian
incipit: O martir beatissime miles Christi
4r-15v - Calendar
Note: Calendar written in red and black with the KL's in gold with blue and pink red frames and infills with short extensions of gold ivy leaves. Contains saints of the region of Albi and Rodez, and an added note on Nov. 7th records the building in 1222 of the castle of Cordes. Cordes is between Albi and Rodez. This suggests that the owner of the book perhaps lived in or near Cordes
Note: July 23rd Sigolena - born in the seventh century near Albi
Note: Sept. 6th Eugenius Ep. - died at Albi in 505 - the feast of the translation of his relics
Note: Sept. 7th Carissima - born at Albi in the fifth century
Note: Sept. 10th Salvius Ep. - bishop of Albi in the sixth century
Note: Oct. 16th Gratus - martyred c. 316 in the diocese of Rodez
Note: Nov. 4th Amancius Ep. - the first bishop of Rodez d. c. 445
Note: Nov. 5th Martiana - born at Albi in the eighth century - her relics were preserved at the cathedral
Note: Nov. 7th Anno domini 1222 fuit edificatum castrum de Cordua albigensii per comitem tholosani
Note: Nov. 13th Dalmacius Ep. - Bishop of Rodez, d. c. 581
Note: Dec. 11th Paul of Narbonne - patron of the neighbouring dioceses of Carcassonne and Narbonne
Note: f. 16r-16v blank
17r-21r - Readings from the Four Gospels
Note: All beginning with two line initials of gold with blue and pink red frames and infills with short extensions of gold ivy leaves
Note: (17r) John
incipit: (17r) In principio erat verbum
Note: (18r) Luke
incipit: (18r) In illo tempore missus est angelus Gabriel
Note: (19r) Matthew
incipit: (19r) Cum natus esset Ihesus in Bethleem Iude
Note: (20v) Mark
incipit: (20v) In illo tempore recumbentibus undecim discipulis apparuit illis Ihesus
21v-21v - Invocations in honour of the Virgin Mary
Note: These to be said daily in case of dying without confession. Added in a different hand than the main text
incipit: (21v) Pater digna Dei venie
22r-69v - Hours of the Virgin Mary of the Use of Rome
Note: (22r) Matins. Two thirds page framed miniature of the Annunciation with a full border of gold, blue and pink ivy leaves in part set on a gold ground. The miniature has a background of gold rinceaux on red. Ornamental initial of three lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold
Note: (32r) Lauds begins imperfectly. The leaf containing the miniature at the beginning is lacking
Note: (43r) Prime begins imperfectly. The leaf containing the miniature at the beginning is lacking
Note: (47r) Terce. Two thirds page framed miniature of the Nativity with a full border of gold, blue and pink ivy leaves. The miniature has a background of gold rinceaux on pale green. Ornamental initial of three lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold
Note: (51v) Sext. Two thirds page framed miniature of the Adoration of the Magi. The miniature has a background of gold diaper pattern on pale green. Ornamental initial of three lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold
Note: (56r) None begins imperfectly. The leaf containing the miniature at the beginning is lacking
Note: (58v) Vespers begins imperfectly. The leaf containing the miniature at the beginning is lacking
Note: (59r) Compline begins imperfectly. The leaf containing the miniature at the beginning is lacking
70r-77v - Psalms and antiphons of the Virgin
Note: To be read on various days of the week
rubric: (70r) Isti tres psalmi sequentes cum suis antiphonis dicuntur die martis et die veneris
Note: (70r) Antiphon: Specie tua et pulchritudine tua. Psalm: Eructavit cor meum
Note: (72r) Antiphon: Adiuvabit eam Deus vultu suo. Psalm: Deus noster refugium
Note: (73r) Antiphon: Sicut letancium omnium nostrum. Psalm: Fundamenta eius
rubric: (73v) Isti tres psalmi sequentes cum suis antiphonis dicuntur die mercurii et die sabbati
Note: (74r) Antiphon: Gaude Maria virgo. Psalm: Cantate Domino canticum novum
Note: (75r) Antiphon: Dignare me laudare. Psalm: Dominus regnavit
Note: (76v) Antiphon: Post partum. Psalm: Cantate Domino canticum novum
77v-84r - Hours of the Virgin Mary
Note: Variants for the liturgical year
rubric: (77v) Sabbato ante primam dominicam de adventu usque ad vigiliam nativitatis Domini mutatur officium beate Marie
rubric: (78v) Ad matutinas invitatorium hymnus et omnia alia non mutantur usque ad lectiones
Note: Then follows a listing of variant lessons, responsories, versicles, antiphons, capitula and collects
rubric: (81v) Et nota quod supradicte orationes antiphoni et versus ad omnes horas dicuntur usque ad vigiliam nativitatis Domini
rubric: (82v) Istud officium beate Marie virginis mutatur a vigilia nativitatis Domini usque ad festum purificationis
rubric: (83v) Notandum quod a vigilia pasche usque ad ascensionem Domini fit officium beate Marie virginis sicut ante adventum
84v-86r - Mass of the Virgin Mary
rubric: (84v) Missa de beata Maria
incipit: (84v) Salve sancta parens
86v-89r - Seven Joys of the Virgin
Note: (86v) Revelation of the Virgin Mary to St Thomas of Canterbury regarding the Seven Joys
rubric: (87v) Incipiunt gaudia per dictum sanctum super hiis ordinata
incipit: (87v) Gaude flore virginali
Note: Ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with small partial border
89r-90v - Gospel Reading of the Passion and a Prayer
rubric: (89r) Passio domini nostri Ihesu Christi secundum Iohannem
incipit: (89r) In illo tempore apprehendit Pylatus Ihesum et flagellavit
rubric: (90r) Oratio
incipit: (90r) Deus qui manus tuas et pedes tuas
91r-102v - Penitential Psalms
Note: (91r) Two thirds page framed miniature, badly damaged, of David kneeling in prayer before God
incipit: (91r) Domine ne in furore tuo
Note: Ornamental initial of three lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with full border of the same type as for Matins of the Virgin
103r-108r - Litany
Note: Does not contain any significant local saints
108v-110v - Mass of the Holy Trinity
rubric: (108v) Missa de sancta trinitate
incipit: Benedicta sit sancta trinitas
Note: Ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with partial border
110v-113r - Mass of the Holy Spirit
rubric: (110v) Missa de sancto spiritu
incipit: (110v) Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum
Note: Ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with partial border
113r-115r - Mass of the Holy Cross
rubric: (113r) Missa de sancta cruce
incipit: (113r) Nos autem gloriari
Note: Ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with partial border
115r-117v - Mass of the Dead
rubric: (115r) Missa pro defunctis
incipit: (115r) Requiem eternam
Note: Ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with partial border
117v-118r - Salutations to be said at the elevation at mass
rubric: (117v) Iste salutationes dicuntur ad elevationem corporis Christi
incipit: (117v) Ave domine Ihesu Christe verbum Patris filius virginis
Note: Ornamental initial of three lines of the same type as the Readings from the Four Gospels
118v-118v - Prayer to be said at mass
rubric: (118v) In presencia corporis Christi oratio
incipit: (118v) Domine Ihesu Christi qui hanc sacratissimam carnem
Note: Ornamental initial of three lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with partial border
119r-154v - Hours of the Passion
Note: (119r) Two thirds page framed miniature of the Man of Sorrows standing in the tomb, flanked by standing Mary and John, and behind the Cross and the Arma Christi. There is a full border of gold, blue and pink ivy leaves
Note: At the beginning of each hour there is an ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with small partial border
Note: (125v) Lauds
Note: (130r) Prime
Note: (132v) Terce
Note: (137r) Sext
Note: (141v) None
Note: (146v) Vespers
Note: (150r) Compline
155r-158r - Short Hours of the Cross
Note: (155r) Two thirds page framed miniature of the Crucifixion with a full border of gold, blue and pink ivy leaves. Ornamental initial of three lines with blue and pink ivy leaves
Note: 158v blank
159r-162r - Short Hours of the Holy Spirit
Note: (159r) Two thirds page framed miniature of Pentecost set against a blue ground with gold stars. There is a full border of gold, blue and pink ivy leaves with interlace at the corners. Ornamental initial of three lines with blue and pink ivy leaves.
Note: 162v blank
163r-166v - Hours of St Catherine
Note: (163r) Two thirds page framed miniature of St Catherine standing holding sword and wheel set against a green ground with gold rinceaux. There is a full border with acanthus leaves against gold. Ornamental initial of three lines with blue and pink ivy leaves.
167r-209r - Office of the Dead of the Use of Rome
Note: (167r) Vespers begins imperfectly. The leaf containing the miniature at the beginning is lacking
Note: (173v) Matins. Ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with partial border
Note: (196r) Lauds. Ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with partial border
210r-212v - Short Office of the Dead
rubric: (210r) Incipit officium mortuorum in brevi compendio
incipit: (210r) Salutiferis meritis
Note: (hymn at Matins)
Note: Ornamental initial of four lines with blue and pink ivy leaves on gold with small partial border
212v-212v - Instructions regarding a vision of Christ
Note: Added by a different hand than the main text
rubric: (212v) Nota qua cito merita attribuuntur homini propter visionem Christi.
incipit: (212v) Primo necessaria vite illa die sibi ministrantur
Note: Seven other instructions follow
213v-216v - Missa pro morte evitanda
Note: Added by a different hand than the main text
rubric: Missa pro morte evitanda a domino papa data anno domini millesimo cccxlviii
Note: Gives an indulgence of 210 days to those hearing the mass and portare in manu sua missam audiens unam candelam ardentem per quinque dies continuos sequentes. Et sic mors subitanea eis non nocebit. Et hoc est certum et probatum in Avinione et in aliis partibus
incipit: (213v) Recordare domine testamenti tui
Note: 217r blank
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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