Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 286
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 286
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 0500 - 0599
- Language
- Latin
- Old English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 286: Gospels of St Augustine
- Gospel of Matthew
- Prologue and Capitula to Mark
- Gospels of Mark, Luke and John
- Grant of renders from land at Brabourne, Kent by Ealhburg to St Augustine's Abbey, c. A.D. 850 || Testamentum Ealhburgae in quo recitantur quae legavit monasterio S. Augustini
- Agreement between Wulfric, abbot of St Augustine's, Canterbury, and Ealdred, son of Lyfing, about land at Clife, Kent, c. A.D. 990 x 1005 || Conventio Saxonice scripta [Paulo ante initium evangelii secundum D. Marcum] quae facta fuit inter Wulfricum abbatem [qui floruit A.D. 949] et Ealredum Lifingi filium
- Agreement about land at Wicham || Redditio terrae de Wicham Deo et S. Augustino et domino Hugoni abbati per Robertum Fresla, in illa quadragesima in qua rex Henricus dedit filiam suam imperatori
- Agreement between Osbern de Ripla and St Augustine's Abbey || Conventio inter Osbernum de Ripla filiosque ejus et abbatem S. Augustini de annua pensione XVIs. VIIId. solvenda ex terra de Ripla
- List of relics || Reliquiae quae sunt in uno parvo nigro scrinio uno flore notato
- Agreement about a hill near Sakenhethe || Concessio collis, qui est proximus Sakenhethe, Jacobo filio Gilrici per Robertum abbatem et conventum, ea conditione ut dictus Jacobus ibi faciet unam salinam et reddet annuatim ad curiam de Cistelet II ferdendellos salis et V solidos
- Agreement about seven acres in Betleshangre || Concessio 7 acrarum in Betleshangre Willelmo filio Hugonis de Betleshangre per Robertum abbatem et conventum, reservata pensione XLII denariorum curiae de Norb. annuatim solvenda
- Agreement about the messuage of Colombine the cleric || Concessio messuagii Columbino clerico per eundem abbatem et conventum, reservata pensione Xs
- Agreement about the messuage of Benedict son of Radulph || Concessio messuagii Benedicto filio Radulphi per abbatem et conventum reservata pensione XIIIIs. annuatim
- Agreement about ten and a half acres at Estbotleshangre || Concessio 10 acrarum terrae et dim. in villa de Estbotleshengre Hamoni filio Willelmi de Botleshanger per Robertum elemosinarium cum consensu abbatis et conventus
- Confirmation of the previous agreement about ten and a half acres at Estbotleshangre || Confirmatio ejusdem donationis per abbatem et conventum
- Agreement about the garden of William son of John of Fenglesham || Concessio cujusdam horti Willelmo filio Iohannis de Fenglesham per dictum elemosinarium
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Matthieu (saint)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Matthew
- Other form
- Mathieu (Saint)
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Marc (saint, ....-0075?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Mark
- Other form
- St Mark
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Luc (saint, ....- 0070?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Luke
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Jean l'Évangéliste (saint, ....-006.?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John
- Other form
- JOANNES evangelista (S.)
- Jean l'Évangéliste (saint ; ....-006.?)
- Iohannis
- Jean l'Évangéliste (....-006.? ; saint)
- Joannes
- Jean (Saint), apôtre
- S. Johannes evangelista
- Jean l'Évangéliste (saint ....-006.?)
- Joan, Evangelista, sant
- John, the Apostle, Saint
- Juan Evangelista, Santo
- Johannes, Evangelist, Heiliger
- Johannes <Apostolus>
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Ealhburg (07..?-08..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Ealhburg
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 286 is the famous manuscript known as the St Augustine Gospels. This is a late sixth-century gospelbook which has for centuries been held to have been sent by Pope Gregory the Great to Augustine of Canterbury (d. 604) during his mission to England. Certainly the manuscript was in Canterbury by the end of the seventh century, and various additions were made there, including some tenth-century Anglo-Saxon charters written between the gospels of Matthew and Mark. CCCC MS 286 is the earliest surviving Gospel Book with figure illumination: although most of it has been lost, with only a picture of Luke as a scribe under an arcade, and a page of gospel images in a grid. Unfortunately, only these two of the probably eight full-page pictures which the book contained have survived. These images seem to have been highly influential on later English art; a number of Anglo-Saxon and Romanesque manuscripts seem to owe a debt to its imagery, as does a famous scene in the Bayeux Tapestry. In the later Middle Ages this manuscript was probably kept on the altar at St Augustine's, Canterbury, where Thomas of Elmham describes a number of manuscripts associated with Augustine being kept. Parker may have been unaware of its association with the Gregorian mission. In recent years it has continued to play a role outside the library: since the Second World War it has been used in the enthronement of archbishops of Canterbury, and in 1982 it was put in the place of honour between Pope John Paul II and Archbishop Robert Runcie during the first papal visit to England since the Reformation.
Contents :
1r-74r - Gospel of Matthew
Note: Evangelia quatuor Latine secundum versionem D. Hieronimi, haud tamen absque majoris momenti lectionibus ab editione vulgata discrepantibus. De hoc autem codice notandum est eum ab aliis antiquissimis codicibus, quos in Anglia scriptos esse constat, cum quoad membranorum faciem tum quoad atramenti colorem tum denique quoad literarum ductum maxime differre. Quae quidem cum aliis infra dicendis rationibus faciunt ut credam hunc codicem unum esse eorum quos ad Augustinum Anglorum apostolum et primum Dorobernensem archiepiscopum mille et centum abhinc annis misit Gregorius magnus papa Romanus. De libris ab eo in Angliam missis consulat eruditus lector Iohannem Diaconum in vita Gregorii magni cap. 37. et Beda historiam ecclesiasticam lib. i. cap. 29
Note: f. 1r begins imperfectly in capitula of Matthew (xii)
incipit: (1r) (Nine)uitarum signumpharisaeis traditmatrem et fratres spernit
Note: xxviii ends
explicit: (2r) et doctrina eius de baptismo
rubric: (2r) Explicuerunt
Note: (red)
Note: Below this is written (xi?) Siferð7 tate
rubric: (2r) Incipit ipse liber
Note: On f. 2v is only Mattheus hominem in large capitals
Note: Text begins at top of f. 3r
incipit: (3r) Liber generationis
Note: (in red)
Note: This page bears some stains from a lost frontispiece
Note: A conspicuous corrector, who writes in black uncials, appears on f. 14r, 15r etc.: he may be of cent. viii. A later corrector, English (ix?), writes haec on f. 14v, imperauit on 18r, muliere on f. 45v etc.
Note: On f. 29r, col. 2, is seen a line written in the same script as the section-numbers. See also f. 39r, col. 1, and notably f. 58v, col. 2, bottom
Note: Ends 74r, colophon in rustic capitals, lines alternately red and black
rubric: (74r) Explicit Euangeliumsecundum MattheumIncipit Euangeliumsecundum marcumDeo gratias
75r-77r - Prologue and Capitula to Mark
Note: (75r) Two little heads of dogs (?)sketched at top of f. 75r
Note: Prologue to Mark
incipit: (75r) Marcus euangelista dei
explicit: (75v) incrementum dat deus est
rubric: (75v) Explicit prologus
Note: (75v) (rustic capitals, red)
rubric: (75v) Incipiunt capitula
incipit: (76r) i de iohanne baptista et uictu etc.
explicit: (77r) xiii -et resurrectio eius
rubric: (77r) Explicueruntcapitula.
77r-265v - Gospels of Mark, Luke and John
rubric: (77r) Incipitipse liber
Note: (78r) Text, beginning in red
Note: (78r) Between the columns is drawn a half-length figure of a being with lion's claws and ears, and human face, winged, holding a book (facsimile in Goodwin, l.c.). It is before this leaf that the leaf with the frontispiece seems to have stood: there are some colour-stains on 78r.
Note: 91r, col. 2, has been largely re-inked
Note: Ends 124r. Colophon as before in red and black rustic capitals
rubric: (124r) Explicit Euangelium secund(um)Marcum. Incipitsecundum Luca
Note: 124v blank
Note: On f. 125r the famous painting in twelve compartments. For reproductions see above. Another painting most probably preceded it
Note: 125v is blank
Note: Prologue
incipit: (126r) Lucas syrus antiocensis arte medicus
explicit: (126v) prodisse
rubric: (126v) Explicit prologusIncipiunt capitula
incipit: (127r) i Zacharias angelo non credens
explicit: (129r) xx -resurrectio eius et reliqua
rubric: (129r) ExplicueruntBrebes. Incipitipse liber
Note: (129v) 129v has the second painting, of St Luke, surrounded by scenes from the Ministry. For reproductions see above
Note: (130r) Headline in rustic
rubric: (130r) Incipit Euangelium secundum Luca
Note: Text
incipit: (130r) Quoniam quidem
Note: After 130v a leaf is gone. 130v ends Et incredibiles (1 17). 131r begins Et regni eius (1 33)
Note: On f. 194v, col. 2 passio dni nri is written in the hand of the later corrector (English minuscule of cent. viii?)
Note: Ends
rubric: (205v) Explicit Euangelium secundum Luca.Incipit secundum IohanneInc. prologuseiusdem. Deogratias
Note: (205v) Here a leaf with the frontispiece to John is missing. There are slight stains on f. 206r
Note: Headline
rubric: (206r) Praefatio
incipit: (206r) Iohannes euangelista
explicit: (206v) doctrina seruetur. Amen
rubric: (206v) Explicit prologusIncipiunt capitula
incipit: (207r) i Pharisaeorum leuitae
explicit: (207v) xiv -Et resurrectio eius
rubric: (207v) Expliciunt capitula. incipit ipse liber
Note: At top of 207v in rustic capitals + More volans aquilae petit astra Iohannes
Note: Text
incipit: (208r) In principio eratuerbum
Note: On f. 256r is a spirited sketch of a man in a pointed cap gesticulating: probably meant for a Jew
Note: Ends
rubric: (265v) Explicit Euangeliumsecundum IohannemDeo gratiassemper. Amen
74v-74v - Grant of renders from land at Brabourne, Kent by Ealhburg to St Augustine's Abbey, c. A.D. 850 || Testamentum Ealhburgae in quo recitantur quae legavit monasterio S. Augustini
Note: Quod quidem testamentum publicavit D. Georgius Hickesius in dissertatione sua epistolari
Note: On f. 74v, in fine round black hand, the Will of Ealhburh
incipit: (74v) In nomine domini ealhburh hafaþ geset myd hyre freonda
Note: (facsimile in Goodwin, Cambridge Antiquarian Society 1847, pl. 1)
explicit: (74v) agife land 7 bec þam hiƿum to sanctæ agustine
Note: Wanley, p. 151
Note: S 1198
77v-77v - Agreement between Wulfric, abbot of St Augustine's, Canterbury, and Ealdred, son of Lyfing, about land at Clife, Kent, c. A.D. 990 x 1005 || Conventio Saxonice scripta [Paulo ante initium evangelii secundum D. Marcum] quae facta fuit inter Wulfricum abbatem [qui floruit A.D. 949] et Ealredum Lifingi filium
Note: On f. 77v, originally blank, in good black hand
incipit: (77v) In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi her sƿutelað on þisum geƿrite hu ƿulfric abb.
Note: (facsimile in Goodwin, l.c.)
explicit: (77v) to hyra saƿle ðearfe á butan ende; amen
Note: Wanley, p. 157
Note: S 1455
ir-ir - Agreement about land at Wicham || Redditio terrae de Wicham Deo et S. Augustino et domino Hugoni abbati per Robertum Fresla, in illa quadragesima in qua rex Henricus dedit filiam suam imperatori
incipit: (ir) Item de terra WICHAM nominata, etc.
Note: This is in a hand very closely resembling that of the Missal MS 270
ir-ir - Agreement between Osbern de Ripla and St Augustine's Abbey || Conventio inter Osbernum de Ripla filiosque ejus et abbatem S. Augustini de annua pensione XVIs. VIIId. solvenda ex terra de Ripla
incipit: (ir) Hec est actio que facta est in presentia hugonis abbatis secundi
explicit: (ir) Anno ab incarnatione domini Millmo co xlvito xvmo kal. apr. apud Norburnam in Hallimoto
Note: In a good black pointed hand
iv-iir - List of relics || Reliquiae quae sunt in uno parvo nigro scrinio uno flore notato
incipit: (iv) Héé sunt reliquie in uno paruo nigro scrinio flore uno signato. De ligno domini plures particule. De sepulchro domini. De Scapula Sancti Nicomedis martiris. De Capillis Sancte Cecilie uirginis et martiris, De Sancta Margareta. De Sancto Ianuario. De uestis Sancte Marie. De ossibus et uestis Sancti Clementis martiris. De uestis Sancte Cecilie. De Sancto Antonio episcopo. De Sancto Laurentio martire. De Sancto Johanne Baptista os unum. De Sancto Pancratio martire. Costa de Sancto Mathia Apostolo. De Sanctis Wandregesilo-Martino- Medardo atque Gildardo, Odulfo episcopo, Audoeno, Dens Sancti Vedasti, De Sanctis Wlgaro, Paulino, Affre, Geruasio, Ambrosio. De cruce Sancti Andree apostoli, De Sanctis Mildretha, Wilfrido, Eadgitha, Folquino, Walburga, Amato Episcopo, Petrocio, Bartholomeo Apostolo, Tecla. Digitus Sancti Gregorii. De Sancto Jacobo Apostolo fratre Sancti Johannis. De Sanctis Nicholao, Leonardo, Benedicto et alie plures reliquie sine scriptis. Et de Sancta Fide Virgine
Note: (iv) In a separate line: Hollord. Ketil. Ozor. Yun. Andreus. Asclathe
Note: iir blank
iiv-iiv - Agreement about a hill near Sakenhethe || Concessio collis, qui est proximus Sakenhethe, Jacobo filio Gilrici per Robertum abbatem et conventum, ea conditione ut dictus Jacobus ibi faciet unam salinam et reddet annuatim ad curiam de Cistelet II ferdendellos salis et V solidos
Note: On f. iiv in charter hand of cent. xiii, of the time of Abbot Robert (de Bello) 1224-1252
iiv-iiv - Agreement about seven acres in Betleshangre || Concessio 7 acrarum in Betleshangre Willelmo filio Hugonis de Betleshangre per Robertum abbatem et conventum, reservata pensione XLII denariorum curiae de Norb. annuatim solvenda
Note: On f. iiv in charter hand of cent. xiii, of the time of Abbot Robert (de Bello) 1224-1252
iiv-iiv - Agreement about the messuage of Colombine the cleric || Concessio messuagii Columbino clerico per eundem abbatem et conventum, reservata pensione Xs
Note: On f. iiv in charter hand of cent. xiii, of the time of Abbot Robert (de Bello) 1224-1252
iiv-iiv - Agreement about the messuage of Benedict son of Radulph || Concessio messuagii Benedicto filio Radulphi per abbatem et conventum reservata pensione XIIIIs. annuatim
Note: On f. iiv in charter hand of cent. xiii, of the time of Abbot Robert (de Bello) 1224-1252
iiir-iiir - Agreement about ten and a half acres at Estbotleshangre || Concessio 10 acrarum terrae et dim. in villa de Estbotleshengre Hamoni filio Willelmi de Botleshanger per Robertum elemosinarium cum consensu abbatis et conventus
Note: On f. iiir in charter hand of cent. xiii, of the time of Abbot Robert (de Bello) 1224-1252
iiir-iiir - Confirmation of the previous agreement about ten and a half acres at Estbotleshangre || Confirmatio ejusdem donationis per abbatem et conventum
Note: On f. iiir in charter hand of cent. xiii, of the time of Abbot Robert (de Bello) 1224-1252
iiir-viv - Agreement about the garden of William son of John of Fenglesham || Concessio cujusdam horti Willelmo filio Iohannis de Fenglesham per dictum elemosinarium
Note: On f. iiir in charter hand of cent. xiii, of the time of Abbot Robert (de Bello) 1224-1252
Note: iiiv-viv blank: unimportant scribbles on f. ivv
Note: (vr) On the paper flyleaf at end is this note: Codex tanta similitudine codicis Amiatini excellit ut omnino saeculi vi esse dicendus sit. M. mart. 9. a. 1865. Const. Tischendorf
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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