Vatican. Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Vat.ebr.206
- Source
- Heidelberg University Library, Bibliotheca Palatina
- Library
- Vatikan, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Shelfmark
- Vat.ebr.206
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- c.1400
- ca. 1400
- Language
- Hebrew
- Title
- 1v-2v - Kabbalistic permutations and values of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet
- 4v-6v - Extracts from Zohar on Exodus
- 11r - References and indexes to the text of the Zohar in the manuscript
- 12r-28r - Completions of pericopes Va-Yigash and Yitro
- 30r-560v - Zohar
- 30r-166v - Tikkunei Zohar
- 168r-388v - Zohar on Genesis to Deuteronomy (pericope Va-Etḥannan)
- 389r-427r - Zohar on Genesis, on pericopes Noaḥ to Va-Yera
- 427r-437r - Zohar on pericope Va-Yeẓe
- 440r-455v - Zohar on pericope Bereshit [Teil 1]
- 457r-560r - Zohar on Va-Yeḥi [Teil 1]
- 462r-560v - Zohar on Va-Yeḥi [Teil 2]
- 462v-553r - Zohar on pericopes from Exodus to Numbers
- 553r-556v - Zohar on pericope Va-Yelekh from Deuteronomy
- 560rv - Zohar on pericope Bereshit [Teil 2]
- 560r - Extracts from Zohar on Genesis
- 561r - Extracts from Zohar on Genesis
- 563v - Draft of a letter
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Heidelberg. Bibliotheca Palatina
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Bibliotheca Palatina
- Other form
- Bibliotheca Palatina, Heidelberg
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Place
- Preferred form
- Crete (Greece)
- Original form
- Kreta
- Other form
- Castro (Crête)
- Crète
- Crète (Candie-Héraklion ?)
- [Candia (Crete)]
- Candia (Crete)
- Crète ?
- Kreta
- Candia (Kreta)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Biblissima portal