This composite manuscript, consisting of two 13th century parts,
contains a Latin translation of the first two books of
Aristotle’s Metaphysics. A first hand, using a Textura script
tending towards cursive, wrote the first nine leaves, while the
main part of the manuscript was written by a second scribe, who
used a formal Textura. The manuscript contains numerous 13th
century glosses and marginal notes, some of which, relating, among
others, to the translation of the Aristotle text, are highlighted
by means of rubrication. The codex presents some old shelfmarks
that create a connection to the Dominican Convent of Basel. The
14th/15th century binding was originally chained and had two
clasps. 13th and 14th century paper and parchment fragments were
used as pastedown and flyleaf.
e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland