Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 3
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 003
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1100 - 1199
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 003: The Dover Bible, Volume I
- The Dover Bible, Volume I
- Description
Summary: CCCC MSS 3-4 are a two-volume Bible made for Dover Priory, a dependency of Christ Church cathedral priory, Canterbury. Like the Bury Bible, CCCC MS 2, it is of very large size and typical of twelfth-century luxury monastic Bibles. This first volume contains the Old Testament from Genesis to the Minor Prophets. There is no firm evidence for dating, although a date c. 1150 is generally accepted. The script is close to the Eadwine Psalter (Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.17.1) and dated charters produced at Canterbury in the 1150s. It seems fairly certain that the mother house provided its dependency, Dover Priory, with the book, although at what date it came to Dover is not known. It appears first in the 1389 catalogue of their books. There are historiated or decorated initials at the beginning of the biblical books, illuminated by several artists working in different styles. The artists of this first volume work in a Byzantinising style, but different from that of Master Hugo in the Bury Bible, CCCC MS 2. Although it is also a version of the 'damp-fold' style, the folds are patterned in a way closer to that of Byzantine artists. This artist of the Dover Bible may have travelled to Sicily and was influenced by the style of mosaics such as those of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo.
Contents :
1r-273v - The Dover Bible, Volume I
Note: f. 1 gone
incipit: (1r) Incipit ordo librorum catholicorum qui in ecclesia romana ponuntur in anni circulo ad legendum
explicit: (1r) In octauas theophanie eosdem psalmos easdemque lectiones quas in theophania preter has festiuitates quas superius diximus
rubric: (1r) Incipit prologus Jeronimi presbiteri in Genesim
incipit: (1r) Desiderii mei
Note: (2r) Capitula (84)
Note: f. 4 (frontispiece to Genesis with word IN) gone
Note: (3r) Genesis, beginning: principio: four lines in large coloured capitals
rubric: (23r) Explicit liber Bresith id est Genesis. Incipiunt capitula libri Hellesmoth idest Exodus
Note: (23r) Capitula (149)
Note: (24r) Initial to Exodus of fine conventional foliage on blue ground. It contains a bust of Jacob in medallion in the cross-bar of the H and busts of the twelve patriarchs in four groups of three below
Note: (41r) Capitula to Leviticus (89)
Note: (41v) Initial to Leviticus: decorative, contains lion and dragon
Note: (53v) Capitula to Numbers (74)
Note: (54v) Initial to Num. (L.) containing six busts in medallions, the topmost one an angel, the others men
Note: (72r) Capitula to Deuteronomy (154)
Note: (73v) Initial to Deuteronomy (H). Above, on blue ground, Moses nimbed, pointing to Mons Horeb on L. and holding scroll which hangs down into the lower half of the letter, inscribed, in wonderfully fine capitals: sufficit vobis quod in hoc monte mansistis. Below, two groups of men (five in each) on yellow ground, receiving the scroll
rubric: (89r) Explicit ad dabarim quod grece dicitur deuteronomium VIDC (= 1600)
Note: (89r) Praefatio in Josue
incipit: (89r) Tandem finito
Note: (89v) Capitula (33)
Note: (89v) Decorative initial to text
Note: (100v) Capitula to Judges (18)
Note: (100v) Initial. IOSVE ET CALEPH, two figures on brown ground robed, each holding sword and shield, one shield (L.) is or seven bends sinister vert, the other checky of az. and arg. a chief or fretty sable
rubric: (112r) Explicit liber soptim id est iudicum V II DCCL
Note: (112r) Decorative initial to Ruth, with dragon and grotesque head: bust of Ruth in medallion
Note: (113v) Prologue to Kings
incipit: (113v) Uiginti ed (!) duas
Note: (114v) Capitula of 1, 2 Reg. (96)
Note: (114v) Initial. Blue panel on green. Goliath in mail shirt, peaked helmet, kite-shaped shield, long spear. David small on L. slings at him. At the tail of the letter Goliath fallen, with broken spear, helmet fallen off showing nose-piece. David stands on him and beheads him
Note: (131r) 2 Reg. Initial. David throned rends his clothes, a courtier at each side weeps. The Amalekite kneels on L. holding up crown and ring. At the tail of the letter, a man beheads the Amalekite
Note: (143v) Capitula of 3, 4 Reg. (86)
Note: (144v) 3 Reg. Decorative initial
Note: (159v) 4 Reg. Initial. Blue ground, coloured clouds above. Christ nimbed in car drawn by two dappled horses surrounded by red flames (He holds the reins) grasps the wrist of Elijah on L. who is in a single brown garment. Below his feet the mantle. At bottom Elisha looks up and holds scroll (damaged) Pater mi Pater mi currus Israel et auriga eius
Note: (173v) Prologue to Isaiah
incipit: (173v) Nemo cum prophetas
Note: (173v) Initial. Isaiah (on blue and green ground) with scroll ve genti peccatrici. He holds his hand to his face
Note: (195r) Prologue to Jeremiah
incipit: (195r) Ieremias propheta cui hic
Note: (195r) Initial. Christ (Α̂ and ω̂ on the background) holds scroll, Prophetam in gentibus dedi te. Outside the letter, on brown ground, Jeremiah (beardless). Above him the words A, A, A, domine deus
rubric: (220r) Lamentatio ieremie prophete
incipit: (220r) Et factum est
rubric: (222r) Finit lamentatio Jeremie prophete. Oratio Jeremie prophete (Lam. v)
rubric: (222v) Explicit liber Jeremie prophete secundum Hebraicam translationem
Note: (222v) Prol. to Ezekiel
incipit: (222v) Ezechiel propheta cum loachim
Note: (222v) Initial decorative
Note: (245r) Prologue to Daniel
incipit: (245r) Danihelem prophetam iuxta
Note: (245v) Initial. Daniel pointing upward to bust of Christ. Scroll, cum venerit sanctus sanctorum cessabit unctio
Note: (255r) Prologue to Twelve Prophets
incipit: (255r) Non idem ordo
Note: (255r) Hos. Initial. Hosea with scroll in both hands. Recte vie domini iusti ambulabunt in eis
Note: (258r) Joel. Initial. Joel nimbed with scroll. Magnus enim dies domini et terribilis valde
Note: (259v) Amos. With scroll. Ve desiderantibus die(m domi)ni
Note: (261v) Obadiah with scroll. In monte Sion erit salvatio et vocabitur sanctus
Note: (262r) Jonah baldheaded, with scroll in both hands. Adhuc xl dies et ninive subvertetur. Below his feet the fish, with Jonah's head protruding from its mouth
Note: (263r) Micah, beardless with scroll. Erit mons domus domini preparatus in vertice montiunt
Note: (264v) Nahum. Preface
incipit: (264v) Naum consolator
Note: (265r) Initial. Nahum with scroll. Dominus patiens est et magnus fortitudine
Note: (265v) Habakkuk. Preface
incipit: (265v) Abacuc luctator
Note: (265v) Initial. Habakkuk with hand to head and scroll. Domine audivi auditionem tuam et timui
Note: (266v) Zephaniah. Preface
incipit: (266v) Sophonias speculator
Note: (266v) Initial. Zephaniah nimbed with scroll. Sol convertetur in tenebras et luna in sanguinem
Note: (267v) Haggai. Preface
incipit: (267v) Aggeus festiuus
Note: (267v) Initial. Bust of Haggai in medallion at top with scroll. Ecce veniet desideratus cunctis gentibus
Note: (268v) Zechariah. Preface
incipit: (268v) Zacharias memor
Note: (268v) Initial like the last, scroll. Exulta satis filia syon ecce rex tuus venit
Note: (272r) Malachi. Preface
incipit: (272r) Malachias aperte
Note: (272r) Initial. Malachi beardless with scroll. Quis poterit cogitare diem adventus domini
Note: Each of the minor prophets is described in title and colophon as secundum hebraicam veritatem
Note: (273r) Text ends
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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