Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, MSS 05040
- Source
- Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. University of Toronto Libraries
- Library
- Toronto. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
- Shelfmark
- MSS 05040
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- ca. 1475
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Missal. 1475
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Église catholique
- Original form
- Catholic Church
- Other form
- Église catholique
- Catholic Church.
- Iglesia Católica
- Igreja Católica
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Extent:
240 [i.e. 241] leaves : ill., music.
Title from contents.
Collation: i⁶, ii⁴, iii-iv⁸, v-xiii¹⁰, xiv⁸, xv-xxiii¹⁰, xxiv⁸, xxv-xxviii¹⁰, xxix⁶.
Leaves ii4, x10, xiii5-6, xiv7 (blank), xx9, xxii8-10, xxv9-10, xxvi1, xxvi5 wanting.
Written in a gothic liturgical script in dark brown with red rubrics. Contemporary foliation in red; modern foliation in pencil, with one unnumbered leaf between 42 & 43.
Numerous burnished gold initials on dark pink or blue grounds highlighted in white tracery. A few initials decorated with gold besants and burnished gold vine leaves on hair-line stems. Illuminated bracket-borders with coloured acanthus leaves, gold besants and vine leaves, flowers, fruits, and leaves on reserved grounds.
With five illuminated initials: The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (170v), Sts Peter & Paul (182v), the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (195v), the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (200r), and St Michael the Archangel (204v).
Text in two columns with 30 lines of text per column.
Vertical catchwords.
Includes calendar with noteworthy Rodez saints and several Masses specifically for local use in the diocese of Rodez, France, including the "Dedicatio ecclesie ruthensis" (1 May). The diocese of Rodez was one of three in France that followed the Roman Rite at this time. The calendar reflects the calendar reforms passed in 1472 by the diocesan Bishop Bertrand de Chalencon.
Tanned leather calf binding of the 18th century, sewn on five raised bands, with gilt lettering on spine "Missale Romanum". Edges stained in red.
Purchase; Les Enluminures; 2014; MS.14.099.
Catholic Church Liturgy Texts
Manuscripts, Latin--France
Manuscripts, Medieval
- Extent:
- Place
- Preferred form
- France
- Original form
- France
- Other form
- France (Paris ? Fontainebleau ?)
- France.
- France (?)
- Lieu de copie : France ( ?) : cf. Hans-Collas ― Schandel, p. 327
- France ?
- France -- 16e siècle
- Frankreich
- França
- Francia
- Frankrijk
- Abbaye de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadia de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abtei Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abbey of Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadía de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abdij van Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Région de la Loire (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- Loire Region (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Regió del Loira (Abadia de Fleury ?)
- Región del Loira (Abadía de Fleury ?)
- France (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- França (Abadia de Fleury?)
- Francia (Abadía de Fleury?)
- France (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Frankreich (Abtei Fleury?)
- Frankrijk (Abdij van Fleury?)
- France (est : Lorraine ?)
- França (est: Lorena?)
- Ostfrankreich (Lothringen?)
- Eastern France (Lorraine?)
- Francia (este: Lorena?)
- Lothringen
- Lorena
- Lotharingen
- Lorraine
- França (Borgonya?)
- France (Burgundy?)
- Francia (Borgoña)
- France (Bourgogne ?)
- Frankrijk (Bourgondië?)
- France (Bretagne ?)
- França (Bretanya?)
- Frankreich (Bretagne?)
- France (Brittany?)
- Francia (Bretaña)
- Frankrijk (Bretagne?)
- France (ouest : Bretagne ?)
- Western France (Brittany?)
- França (oest: Bretanya?)
- Francia (oeste: Bretaña?)
- Frankrijk (westen) (Bretagne?)
- Westfrankreich: Bretagne?
- Bretagne
- Bretanya
- Bretaña
- Brittany
- Probably the Loire region
- France: Auxerre or Brittany
- France: Fleury. vicinity of Paris (Saint-Denis?) (Bischoff)
- France: Ile-de-France (Sens?)
- France: Fleury; Reims?
- France (Southern France?)
- France: Fleury
- France: probably Auxerre
- France: evidently Eastern France
- Central- or southern France
- France, Vienne
- [France]
- Paris (?)
- France (Paris?) or Flanders
- France (3rd part)
- Strassburg (probably)
- Paris (?) or Tours (?)
- France (Normandy?)
- Rouen (?) or Paris (?)
- France: Champagne, Burgundy or Centre
- Lyon or Luxeuil (?)
- France (Besançon?)
- France (Paris?)
- France, Northern (probably)
- Probably Eastern France
- St. Denis near Paris (monastery) (?)
- Tours (?)
- France (possibly near the court)
- Italy and France (illumination)
- [Provence?]
- France, East (?)
- France, Northeast?
- France, Pontigny (or Paris?)
- France, North?
- France, Paris?
- France, Diocese of Limoges?
- France, Auxerre or area
- France, Burgundy?
- France, Brittany or Paris?
- France, Angers?
- France, Normandy?
- France, East?
- France, Bourges?
- France, Anjou?
- France, Northwest?
- France, Tours?
- France (probably Paris)
- France, Europe
- SW France?
- FR
- [FR]
- Frankreich (Angers?)
- Frankrijk (?)
- Gallia
- Gallia (Frankrijk)
- Gallia? (Frankrijk?)
- Frankreich (I.)
- Frankreich (III.)
- Frankreich (III)
- Frankreich (II)
- Frankreich (I)
- I./III. Frankreich
- II. Frankreich
- Frankreich (Ergänzung)
- [Frankrijk]
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Rodez (Aveyron, France) (?)
- Original form
- Rodez, France?
- Rights
- For rights and reproduction information please contact