Munich. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14540
- Source
- Europeana Regia
- Library
- Munich. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
- Shelfmark
- Clm 14540
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 2e quart du 9e siècle
- 751 - 800
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Excerpta ex Patribus (ff. 159r - 177r)
- Actus Silvestri (ff. 177r - 219r)
- Passio septem dormientium [u.a.] (ff. 226r-242v)
- Leo Papa, I.: Epistulae (Collectio Ratisbonensis) (ff. 1v - 157v)
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Léon I (pape, 039.?-0461)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Léon I pape 039.?-0461
- Leo I, papa
- Leo I, Pope, d. 461
- Leo I (paus)
- León I, Papa, Santo
- Leo Papa, I. -461
- Lleó I, papa, m. 461
- see more
- Other form
- LÉON (S.)
- LEO I papa (S.)
- LEO Magnus I (s.), papa
- LEO Magnus I, papa (s.)
- S. Leo Magnus
- S. Leo papa
- Leo I (pape ; 039.?-0461)
- Leo I
- Léon
- Leo Magnus
- LEO I MAGNUS (s.), papa
- Léon I (pape ; 039.?-0461)
- S. Léon
- Sancti Leonis Papae
- Leonis Papae
- Leonis [Magni]
- Author: Leo I, Papa
- Leo, I, Pope, -461
- Leo I, d 461, Pope; also known as 'the Great'
- Léon I (039.?-0461 ; pape)
- Pope Leo
- Leo I., Papst, 400-461
- S. Léon
- Léon (saint), pape
- Leo papa
- Leo <I., Papst> (400-461)
- Beatus Leo
- D. Leo papa
- Leo papa I
- Leo I, Pope (-461)
- Leão Magno, Santo, ?--461 > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 440-461 (Leão I)
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- Leo Papa, I.: Epistulae (Collectio Ratisbonensis). Excerpta ex Patribus. Actus Silvestri. Passio septem dormientium [u.a.]
- Place
- Preferred form
- Regensburg. Abbey of St. Emmeram (Germany)
- Original form
- Kloster Sankt Emmeram (Regensburg)
- Abadia de Sankt Emmeram (Ratisbona)
- Abbey of St. Emmeram (Regensburg)
- Abadía de Sankt Emmeram (Ratisbona)
- Abbaye de Saint-Emmeram (Ratisbonne)
- Abdij van Sankt Emmeram (Regensburg)
- see more
- Other form
- Cloister of St. Emmeram in Regensburg
- Regensburg, St. Emmeran
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Italy, Northern
- Original form
- Oberitalien
- Northern Italy
- Itàlia (nord)
- Italia (norte)
- Italië (noorden)
- see more
- Other form
- Italie septentrionale (Venise).
- Italie du Nord
- Italie du nord
- Italie (Nord)
- Italie (Nord).
- Italie du nord (?)
- Italie (nord)
- Italie du Nord (?)
- Nord de l’Italie
- Verona
- Vérone
- Italie (nord : Vérone ?)
- Northern Italy (Verona?)
- Oberitalien (Verona?)
- Itàlia (nord: Verona?)
- Italia (norte: Verona?)
- Upper Italy
- Northern Italy (Padua - Venice?)
- Northern Italy, Switzerland (?)
- Northern Italy (Monza?)
- Northern Italy (Verona?)
- Northern Italy (Monza o Verona?)
- Most likely northern Italy
- Probably northern Italy (Verona?)
- Northern Italy (Milan)
- [Northern Italy]
- Northern Italian
- [North Italy]
- Italy, North
- Italy, north (Bologna or Padua)
- [Oberitalien, Ferrara?]
- [Oberitalien]
- [Oberitalien und Bologna]
- [Oberitalien und Südwestdeutschland]
- Oberitalien und Nordfrankreich
- Oberitalien und Weingarten
- Noord-Italië (?)
- Noord-Italië
- Norditalien
- Norditalien (II)
- Noritalien (I)
- (Nord-)Italien
- II. Oberitalien
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Metadata records from Europeana Regia published under CC0 1.0 license (Public Domain)
- Biblissima portal