Vatican. Biblioteca apostolica vaticana,
- Source
- Heidelberg University Library, Bibliotheca Palatina
- Library
- Vatikan, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Shelfmark
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400
- um 1400
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- ar - Felix namque es sacra virgo Maria
- 1r-59r - Petrus Hispanus: Thesaurus pauperum
- 59va-61va - Quid pro quo
- 62ra-67ra - Synonyma simplicium
- 69r-75v - Johannes de Parma: Practicella sive De medicinis simplicibus ex dictis Mesue
- 76r-85r - Paulinus: De medicinis compositis
- 85v-89v - Compendium medicinae
- 90r-114r - Arnaldus De Vilanova: De vinis
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- Agent
- Preferred form
- Jean XXI (pape, 1220?-1277)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Petrus <Hispanus>
- Other form
- Jean (pape ; 1220?-1277)
- Author: Johannes XXI, Papa
- Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.
- Pedro de Alcalá (Petrus Hispanus)
- Jean XXI (1220?-1277 ; pape)
- Petrus Hispanus
- John XXI, Pope, -1277.
- Magister Petrus Hispanus
- Hispanus, Petrus, 1220-1277
- Petrus Hispanus (b. c. 1220, d. c. 1277), philosopher and later Pope John XXI(?)
- Jean XXI ou Pierre d'Espagne (v. 1215/20-1277), pape
- Johannes XXI., Papst, 1210-1277
- Johannes <Papa, XXI.> (Petrus Hispanus)
- Johannes <Papa, XXI.>
- Joao XXI Papa, 1276-1277
- Pedro, Hispano, ca 1220-1277
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Johannes de Parma (12..?-13..?)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Johannes <de Parma>
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Paulinus
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Paulinus
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Arnaud de Villeneuve (1240?-1311)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Arnoldus <de Villa Nova>
- Other form
- ARNALDUS de Villanova
- VILLANOVA (Arnaldus de)
- Arnaldus de Villanova (1240?-1311)
- Arnaud de Villeneuve
- Arnaud de Villeneuve (1240?-1311)
- Rinaldo de Villanova
- Arnauld de Villeneuve
- Arnaud de Villeneuve,
- Arnaut de Villeneuve
- Arnaldus de Villa Nova
- Arnaldi de Villanova
- Author: Arnoldus, de Villa Nova
- Arnoldus de Villa Nova
- Arnold of Villanova
- Arnoldus <de Villa Nova> (1235-1312)
- Arnaldus, de Villanova, -1311.
- Ranellus de Bellanova
- Villanova, Arnold of, 1240-1311
- Arnold of Villanova (b. c. 1240, d. 1311), physician and reformer
- Arnaldus, de Villanova (-1311)
- Arnaud de Villeneuve (1240-1311)
- Arnau de Vilanova
- Arnoldus
- Arnaldus de Villanova
- Arnoldus de Villa Nova, ca 1240-1311 > , trad.
- Arnaldus de Villanova - 1240?-1311 - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Place
- Preferred form
- Germany
- Original form
- Deutschland
- Other form
- Allemagne
- Allemagne (?)
- Allemagne ?
- Germany
- Alemanya
- Alemania
- Duitsland
- Southwestern German region (?)
- Germany (Trier ?)
- Germany (Gladbach Abbey?)
- Germany (Tegernsee?)
- Cologne (?)
- [Germany]
- Germany, Nuremberg?
- Germany, Erfurt?
- Flanders; Germany
- Fritzlar? (Germany)
- Cologne? (Germany)
- Germany, Augsburg?
- Germany, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg (St. Kylian (?))
- Germany, Cistercian abbey of Eberbach (?)
- German, Eberbach, Cistercian abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey, Benedictine abbey (?) or Hildesheim, Benedictine abbey (?)
- Germany, Würzburg, St. Kylian or Niederaltaich, Benedictine abbey
- Germany, Eberbach?
- Germany, Murbach
- Germany, Lower Saxony, Corvey?
- Germany, Fulda?
- Germany and Switzerland, Constance(?)
- Germany, Hirsau?
- Germany, Reichenau?
- Germany, Rhineland?
- Germany, Europe
- Germany, Cologne or Lower Saxony
- [Deutschland]
- Duitsland (?)
- Germania
- [Duitsland]
- [Duitsland?]
- Germania (?)
- Deutschland (I)
- Deutschland (II)
- Deuschland
- Deutschland (III)
- Deutschland (V)
- Deutschland (I, III, V)
- I./II. Deutschland
- I. Deutschland
- Alemanha
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- Biblissima authority file
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