Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 140
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 140
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1000 - 1099
- Language
- Old English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 140: The Bath Old English Gospels
- West-Saxon translation of the Gospel || Evangelia quatuor, Saxonice
- Manumission of Ælfwig the Red || Testificatio ingenuitatis Ælfwigi cognomento Rufi, qui seipsum emerat una libra ab Ælfsigo abbate
- Manumission of Sægifu and her children || Testificatio libertatis Sægifae cum prole sua, quam ab Ælfsigo abbate emerat Edricus aet Forda pater ejus
- Manumission of Ælfric Scot and Ægelric Scot || Testificatio manumissionis Ælfrici Scot et Ægelrici Scot pro Ælfsigi abbatis anima
- Manumission of Sydeflæd || Testificatio manumissionis Sydefledae quam 5 solidis et --- denariis emerat a Iohanne episcopo Siwinus aet Lincumbe Leofwii filius
- Manumission of Gunnhild || Testificatio manumissionis Gunnildae Thurkilli filiae quam Ioannes emerat dimidia libra
- Manumission of Sæwig Hagg || Testificatio manumissionis Sæwii cognomento Hagg de Widecum, qui seipsum lucratus est [ȝedon] ab Ælfsigo abbate
- Manumission of Leofgyth and her two children || Testificatio manumissionis Lifgithae aet Forda cum binis filiis ejus per Ioannem episcopum
- Agreement between the prior and brothers of Bath and Sæwig and his wife Theodgifu || Testificatio pactionis sive conventionis inter priorem et fratres Bathonenses ex una parte et Saewium cum Theodgyfa uxore sua ex altera
- Manumission of Sæthryth || Testificatio manumissionis Sæthrythae quam 3 mancsis emerat a Saewoldo abbate Ægylmerus
- Manumission of Ælfgyth || Testificatio manumissionis Ælfgythae quam dimidia libra emerat Wulwinus cognomento Hareberd ab Ælwigo abbate
- Manumission of Wynric || Testificatio manumissionis Wynric quam una yra [yre] auri emerat Ægylsigus ab Ælfwigo abbate
- Homily on The Sunday Letter || Scriptum de coelo delapsum seu potius homelia de diei dominicae observatione, quae sic incipit M. þa l. Her onginð þæt halie geƿrit
- Archbishops of Canterbury || Nomina archiepiscoporum Dorobernensis civitatis ad Anselmum
- Archbishops of York || Nomina archiepiscoporum Eboracensium ad Bosan
- Bishops of the West Saxons || Nomina episcoporum occidentalium Saxonum ad Willelmum
- Bishops of Sherborne || Nomina episcoporum Scireburnensis ecclesiae ad Asserium
- Bishops of Ripon || Nomina episcoporum ad Ripam
- Bishops of Hexham || Nomina episcoporum Hagustaldensis ecclesiae
- Bishops of Whithorn || Nomina episcoporum ad Casa Candida
- Bishops of Wells || Nomina episcoporum Wellensis ecclesiae
- Bishops of the Hwicce after Seaxwulf || Nomina episcoporum Hvicciorum post Saxulfum
- Bishops of London || Nomina episcoporum Londoniae
- Bishops of Lindsey after Seaxwulf || Nomina episcoporum Lindisfarorum post Saxulfum
- Bishops of Rochester || Nomina episcoporum Roffensium
- Bishops of Mercia || Nomina episcoporum Merciorum
- Grant by Walter Hosatum to the bishop and monastery of Bath || Donatio capellae B. Mariae Magd. de Holewey extra Bath. et capitalis messuagii ibidem episcopo et conventui Bathon. per Walterum Hosatum, ea conditione ut episcopus et monachi aedificent et exaltent dictam capellam
- Agreement between Bath and Worcester concerning Peter Croke || Finalis concordia in curia regis apud Westm. 13 Hen. III. inter conventum de Bath. et episcopum Wigorn. de custodia et maritagio Petri Croke et heredum ejus
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- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 140 contains the four gospels in Old English, specifically in West-Saxon Old English, written in the second half of the eleventh century at Bath Abbey in Somerset. Each of the gospels was written by a different scribe in codicologically separate sections, but this was probably for speed of production rather than because the gospels were originally kept separately. The scribe of Matthew ended with a colophon naming himself as one Ælfric, and stating that he wrote at Bath for the benefit of a certain Brihtwold. The manuscript attracted early additions, especially of documents, in the manner typical of Latin gospel books, suggesting that its language gave it no lower status. These include many manumissions of slaves and an agreement between the prior of Bath and some townspeople. Some of MS 140 was moved by Parker into CCCC MS 111, which contains among other things the twelfth-century Bath cartulary, presumably to keep the Bath documents together; these leaves now constitute pp. 7-8 and 55-56 of MS 111, and contain further manumissions and two lists of Bath's relic-collections. These displaced pages also include a very interesting agreement of confraternity between various West Country houses including Bath, dating from the time of Bishop Wulfstan II (1062-1095).
Contents :
2r-147r - West-Saxon translation of the Gospel || Evangelia quatuor, Saxonice
Note: (Cameron B8.4.3)
Note: De quibus sic dicit Cl. Marescallus, Hunc codicem et Oxoniensem rarius reperi ab invicem dissentientes, superioremque eos vetustatem spirare existimo. Ad calcem evangelii secundum D. Mattheum habentur base; Finit, amen. Sit sic hoc hic interim: Ego Ælfricus scripsi hunc librum in monasterio baðþonio et dedi brihtƿoldo preposito ∵ Qui scripsit vivat in pace in hoc mundo et in futuro seculo et qui legit legator in eternum.
Note: (2r) West-Saxon translation of the Gospel of Matthew
Note: Matthew begins without rubric or initial: a space of 4 lines blank at top
incipit: (2r) aefter matheus gerecednysse. her is on cneorisse boc. haelendes cristes dauides sunu
Note: At first there are rubrics to Gospels, e.g.
rubric: (2v) Cum esset desponsata
rubric: (3r) Cum natus esset Ihesus in bethleem
rubric: (3v) Ecce angelus domini apparuit
Note: The last is on f. 6v
rubric: (6v) Quia nisi habundauerit
Note: which is in capitals
Note: Initials to sections are nearly always in single colours, dark red, green, orange, blue. Some simple ornament grows out of them. Two colours sometimes occur in the same initial
Note: Matthew, which, I believe, is all in one hand, ends f. 45v
Note: Colophon exactly as in Nasmith (above)
Note: (46r) West-Saxon translation of the Gospel of Mark
Note: This Gospel is in a second hand: and another scribe is said to have written a single page XII 26-38 (f. 63v). The initials show no change
Note: (73r) West-Saxon translation of the Gospel of Luke
Note: The hand seems a little smaller than that of Mark, and the vellum differs in quality. Initials as before
Note: (114r) Ends
Note: The lists of Popes and Bishops (see below) occupy ff. 114v-115v. They are probably all in one hand, but the Popes, on f. 114v, are written larger. The two last, on f. 115v, Rochester and Mercia, are unrubricated
Note: Lists of Popes
rubric: (114v) Nomina pontificum sedis apostolice
Note: Six columns
Note: (114v) Petrus - Poppo
Note: Leo. Iste est qui nouum canticum de S. Gregorio fecit. Victor. Stephanus. Nicolaus. Alexander.
Note: (115r) Postea iio pape in roma facti sunt, id est, episcopus parmensis qui expulsus est. Et episcopus de luca qui papa permansit scilicet hildebrandus qui et Gregorius. Post istos etiam duo pape fuerunt Wibertus in roma qui et Clemens et Urbanus in apulia. Post istos Pascalis (the last three words added)
Note: (116r) West-Saxon translation of the Gospel of John
Note: (116r) The first words (On frymðe ƿæs) are in red capitals and the initial in purple red has ornament of various colours within it
Note: The hand is clearly a different one from what has preceded. It is very possibly the same throughout the Gospel, but if so it develops from a rather round script into a very tall narrow one
Note: The initials seem uniform with the rest
Note: This version of the four Gospels occupies the first column in the four-volume edition of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels planned by Kemble and brought out by Hardwick and Skeat, Cambridge, 1858-78
1r-1r - Manumission of Ælfwig the Red || Testificatio ingenuitatis Ælfwigi cognomento Rufi, qui seipsum emerat una libra ab Ælfsigo abbate
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3)
1r-1r - Manumission of Sægifu and her children || Testificatio libertatis Sægifae cum prole sua, quam ab Ælfsigo abbate emerat Edricus aet Forda pater ejus
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
1r-1r - Manumission of Ælfric Scot and Ægelric Scot || Testificatio manumissionis Ælfrici Scot et Ægelrici Scot pro Ælfsigi abbatis anima
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
1r-1r - Manumission of Sydeflæd || Testificatio manumissionis Sydefledae quam 5 solidis et --- denariis emerat a Iohanne episcopo Siwinus aet Lincumbe Leofwii filius
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
1v-1v - Manumission of Gunnhild || Testificatio manumissionis Gunnildae Thurkilli filiae quam Ioannes emerat dimidia libra
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
1v-1v - Manumission of Sæwig Hagg || Testificatio manumissionis Sæwii cognomento Hagg de Widecum, qui seipsum lucratus est [ȝedon] ab Ælfsigo abbate
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
1v-1v - Manumission of Leofgyth and her two children || Testificatio manumissionis Lifgithae aet Forda cum binis filiis ejus per Ioannem episcopum
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
1v-1v - Agreement between the prior and brothers of Bath and Sæwig and his wife Theodgifu || Testificatio pactionis sive conventionis inter priorem et fratres Bathonenses ex una parte et Saewium cum Theodgyfa uxore sua ex altera
Note: (Cameron B16.2.1)
1v-1v - Manumission of Sæthryth || Testificatio manumissionis Sæthrythae quam 3 mancsis emerat a Saewoldo abbate Ægylmerus
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
1v-1v - Manumission of Ælfgyth || Testificatio manumissionis Ælfgythae quam dimidia libra emerat Wulwinus cognomento Hareberd ab Ælwigo abbate
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
1v-1v - Manumission of Wynric || Testificatio manumissionis Wynric quam una yra [yre] auri emerat Ægylsigus ab Ælfwigo abbate
Note: (Cameron B16.2.3 cont.)
71r-72v - Homily on The Sunday Letter || Scriptum de coelo delapsum seu potius homelia de diei dominicae observatione, quae sic incipit M. þa l. Her onginð þæt halie geƿrit
Note: (Cameron B3.4.54)
Note: (71r) The Letter of Christ concerning Sunday, f. 71r-72v, is in a much smaller hand
incipit: (71r) (Men þa leofestan [above the line]) Her onginð þæt (halie [above the line]) geƿrit etc.
explicit: (72v) on þæs ƿitigan naman he under fehð þæs ƿitigan mede. Amen
Note: Printed by Priebsch Otia Merseiana I 135 (1899)
Note: This document exists in many versions, e.g.: Greek in Vassiliev, Anecdota Graeco-Byzantina, Latin, Syriac ed. Isaac Hall, New York 1889. Ethiopic trans. by René Basset Les Apocryphes Éthiopiens II 1893 after Praetorius (1869)
115r-115r - Archbishops of Canterbury || Nomina archiepiscoporum Dorobernensis civitatis ad Anselmum
rubric: (115r) Nomina archiepiscoporum dorobernensis ciuitatis
Note: Augustinus - Anselmus
115r-115r - Archbishops of York || Nomina archiepiscoporum Eboracensium ad Bosan
rubric: (115r) Nomina archiepiscoporum eboracensium
Note: Paulinus - Bosan eboraci substitutus est
115r-115r - Bishops of the West Saxons || Nomina episcoporum occidentalium Saxonum ad Willelmum
Note: West Saxons: Birinus ... Stigandus Walcalinus Willelmus (added)
115r-115r - Bishops of Sherborne || Nomina episcoporum Scireburnensis ecclesiae ad Asserium
Note: Sherborne to Asser
115r-115r - Bishops of Ripon || Nomina episcoporum ad Ripam
Note: Ripon to Wulsig
115r-115r - Bishops of Hexham || Nomina episcoporum Hagustaldensis ecclesiae
Note: Hexham to Eanbiriht
115r-115r - Bishops of Whithorn || Nomina episcoporum ad Casa Candida
Note: Casa Candida to Beaduulf
115r-115r - Bishops of Wells || Nomina episcoporum Wellensis ecclesiae
Note: Wells to Giso, Iohannes
115r-115r - Bishops of the Hwicce after Seaxwulf || Nomina episcoporum Hvicciorum post Saxulfum
Note: Hvicciorum to Wulstan and SAMSON
115r-115r - Bishops of London || Nomina episcoporum Londoniae
Note: London to Ealhun
115r-115r - Bishops of Lindsey after Seaxwulf || Nomina episcoporum Lindisfarorum post Saxulfum
Note: Lindsey to Eaduulf
115v-115v - Bishops of Rochester || Nomina episcoporum Roffensium
Note: (155v) Rochester to Alfstan, Goduuine
115v-115v - Bishops of Mercia || Nomina episcoporum Merciorum
Note: Mercia to Haedda
147r-147r - Grant by Walter Hosatum to the bishop and monastery of Bath || Donatio capellae B. Mariae Magd. de Holewey extra Bath. et capitalis messuagii ibidem episcopo et conventui Bathon. per Walterum Hosatum, ea conditione ut episcopus et monachi aedificent et exaltent dictam capellam
Note: The document about Holewey (f. 147r) was copied in cent. xv late
147v-147v - Agreement between Bath and Worcester concerning Peter Croke || Finalis concordia in curia regis apud Westm. 13 Hen. III. inter conventum de Bath. et episcopum Wigorn. de custodia et maritagio Petri Croke et heredum ejus
Note: 28 is on f. 147v and was copied in cent. xiii
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