Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 5
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 005
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1400 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 005: John of Tynemouth, Historia aurea, Part I
- John of Tynemouth, Historia aurea, Part I
- Agent
- Preferred form
- John of Tynemouth
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- John of Tynemouth
- Other form
- Johannes <Tinmouthensis> (????-1370)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 5 is the first of a two-volume copy of the Historia aurea of John of Tynemouth (fl. c. 1350), dating from c. 1420-40, the second volume being in CCCC MS 6. This manuscript of the Historia contains a history of the world from creation to the death of Vespasian, but also includes a description of the world based on the writings of Marco Polo and the versified Itinerarium Cambriae. CCCC MS 5 was one of several manuscripts (others include CCCC MSS 6 and 7, BL MS Lansdowne 375 and Cambridge UL MS Ee.4.20) owned and, in some cases, commissioned by William Wintershill (d. c. 1435) the almoner of the Benedictine Abbey of St Albans in Hertfordshire. An inscription in this manuscript relates how Wintershill donated CCCC MS 5 and its companion, now CCCC MS 6, to the Abbey at his death.
Contents :
iiir-284v - John of Tynemouth, Historia aurea, Part I
Note: (iiir) Alphabetical table of names etc. beginning imperfectly in Cresus, ending with Uxores
Note: (ixv) The account of John of Tynemouth given by Bale, copied out in good black letter by one of Parker's secretaries
Note: The following note is appended
Note: Hunc Authorem in quibusdam libris tradunt Authorem esse Johannem Anglicum ut habetur in exemplari scripto Mri Richi Prise in Wallia, qui habet plures libros usque ad (blank) inter quos capite 49 habentur quedam grauamina 9 scilicet monachorum Sancti Edmundi contra Willelmum Bateman Ep. Norwicensem circa Am Dni 1344. Ubi etiam recitantur carte plurimorum regum el pontificum pro libertatibus predicti monasterii
Note: The MS. here mentioned is Bodl. 240. Cf. Arnold, Memorials of Bury, III 321
rubric: (1r) Historie auree pars prima
incipit: (1r) Julius cesar diuinis humanisque rebus singulariter instructus This is the incipit of the Polychronicon which is extensively used by Tynemouth
Note: (1r) Handsome gold initial on pink and blue
Note: Liber I has 89 chapters and contains a description of the world. The sources are given in the margin. Much is drawn from Marco Polo: for English geography Alfridus or Affridus is quoted. The versified Itinerarium Cambriae (printed in Wright's Poems of W. Mapes) is extensively used
Note: (28v) Liber II: 68 chapters, beginning Deus est etc. and ending with
rubric: (48r) De oppressione filiorum Israel post mortem ioseph
Note: The History of Aseneth and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs are used
Note: (48v) Liber III
Note: chapter 1
rubric: (48v) De natiuitate moysi
Note: chapter 29
rubric: (56r) De secundis tabulis et composicione tabernaculi
Note: (56r) Liber IV
Note: chapter 1
Note: (56r) De sacrificiis
Note: chapter 30
Note: (63v) De morte moysi etc.
Note: (64r) Liber V
Note: chapter 1
Note: (64r) De Iosue etc.
Note: (64r) Fine gold initial
Note: chapter 44
rubric: (76v) De uictoria dauid contra amalech et de morte saulis
Note: (77r) Liber VI
Note: chapter 1
Note: (77r) De planctu dauid etc.
Note: chapter 77
rubric: (98r) De fuga sedechie et urbis incendio
Note: (98v) Liber VII
Note: chapter 1
Note: (98v) De morte sedechie etc.
Note: chapter 60
rubric: (114r) De nece philippi regis
Note: chapters 21-24 are from Aesop's fables
Note: chapters 40-43 from 4 Esdras
Note: (114v) Liber VIII
Note: chapter 1
rubric: (114v) De primordiis regis Alexandri
Note: chapter 94
rubric: (139v) De aduentu domini - nostri jhesu christi
Note: chapters 1-19 from Gesta Alexandri
Note: chapter 60 from Moralia Catonis
Note: chapter 66. Julius Celsus is quoted = Caesar's Commentaries
Note: (140r) Liber IX
Note: chapter 1
rubric: (140r) De natiuitate domini
Note: chapter 176
rubric: (197r) De claudii imperatoris gestis et moribus
Note: chapters 102-115 are on the Assumption and Miracles of the Virgin
Note: chapter 124. Acts of S. James the Great (Abdias liber iv)
Note: chapters 129-164. On the Sacraments
Note: (198r) Liber X
Note: (198r) Here a change of hand takes place. There is a fine border
Note: chapter 1
rubric: (198r) De nerone et eius moribus
Note: chapter 63
rubric: (231v) De hiis que precesserunt mortem neronis
Note: chapters 2-7 are from Seneca
Note: chapters 13-21 from Clementine Recognitions
Note: chapter 22. S. Petronilla
Note: chapters 23-25. S. Martial
Note: chapters 30, 31. Thecla
Note: chapter 39 etc. Legends of Apostles
Note: A gap from the end of chapter 50 to the end of chapter 52
Note: (232r) Liber XI
Note: chapter 1
rubric: (232r) De moribus vespasiani imperatoris
Note: chapter 132
rubric: (284v) De Sanctis Agapito et ceteris martiribus
Note: (284v) This ends imperfectly: only one leaf seems to be wanting
Note: This book is practically all concerned with Lives of Saints
Note: (xr) Then follows the alphabetical table to Part II beginning with Aaron and ending with Pueri. Three leaves are gone at the end
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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