Genève. Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 5
- Source
- e-codices
- Library
- Genève. Bibliothèque de Genève
- Shelfmark
- Ms. fr. 5
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 15th century
- around 1460
- Language
- French
- Title
- François Ximenes, Livre des anges (El Llibre dels àngels)
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Denys l'Aréopagite (auteur prétendu)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Dionysius Areopagita
- Other form
- DENYS L'AREOPAGITE (Ps.-) martyre
- DIONYSIUS Areopagita (S.)
- Ps.-Denys l’Aréopagite
- Denys l'Aréopagite (auteur prétendu)
- Pseudo-Denys l'Aréopagite
- Denys l'Aréopagite
- Dionysius Areopagita (auteur prétendu)
- Saint Denis l'Aréopagite
- Dyonisii
- Dyonisii Ariopagite
- Denis l'Aréopagite (saint)
- Denys l'Aréopagite, auteur prétendu
- Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita
- Dionysius Areopagita (Pseudo-)
- Pseudo Dionís Areopagita
- Pseudo Dionisio Areopagita
- Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite
- Dionysius, the Areopagite, pseudo
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
- Dionysus the Areopagite
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
- Peudo-Dionysius Areopagita
- Dionysius Areopagita
- Dionysius
- Dyonysius Pseudo-Aeropagita
- Dyonisius
- Dyonysius
- Dionysius Pseudo-Areopagita
- Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita
- Dionysius, Areopagita, ca. 5./6. Jh.
- Dionysius <Areopagita>
- Dionysius, Areopagita
- Pseudo-Dionísio, o Areopagita, 04-05?
- Dionysius Areopagita - 6de eeuw - auteur
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- François Eximenis (1330?-1409)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Author: Francesc, Eiximenis
- Other form
- Francesc Eximenis
- Francesc Eiximenis
- Ximenès (François)
- Ximenes, Franciscus
- Eiximenis, Francesc (1330?-1409)
- Eiximenis, Francesc, approximately 1340-approximately 1409
- Eximenis, François$$$$Patriarche de Jérusalem
- Eiximenis, Francesc, ca. 1340-ca. 1409
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Guillaume Jouvenel des Ursins (1401-1472)
- Role
- Patron
- Original form
- Patron: Guillaume, Jouvenel des Ursins
- Other form
- Jouvenel des Ursins, Guillaume (1401-1472 ; chancelier de France)
- Guillaume Jouvenel des Ursins
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Maître de Jouvenel des Ursins
- Role
- Illuminator
- Original form
- Illuminator: Jouvenel-Maler
- Other form
- Maître de Jouvenel des Ursins
- Maître de Jouvenel des Ursins > , ilumin.
- Maître de Jouvenel des Ursins > , il.
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Amédée Lullin (1695-1756)
- Role
- Former owner
- Original form
- Former possessor: Lullin, Ami
- Other form
- Ami Lullin
- Ami Lullin (1695-1756)
- Ami Lullin (1720)
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- In this work, written at the end of the 14th century in Valencia, the author describes the universe of angels, inspired by Dionysius the Areopagite’s De triplici gerarchia. The text, which was in wide use during the second half of the 15th century, was translated into French and published as a first printed edition in Geneva in the year 1478. The Ms. fr. 5 was illuminated by the Master of the Geneva Boccaccio and contains the coat of arms of Jeanne de Laval, second wife of King René of Anjou.
- Rights
- e-codices - Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
- Digitisation