Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 79
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 079
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1300 - 1499
- Language
- Latin
- Middle English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 079: Pontifical
- Reception of a papal nuncio offering the cap and sword to Henry VII
- Blessing of a crosier, ring and mitre of an abbot
- Marriage service || Ordo ad facienda sponsalia
- Penitential psalms, Benedictions for various occasions and Blessing of a hermit || Psalmi plures et benedictiones
- Table of contents and prayer before mass || Oratio sacerdotis
- Conditions for validity of ordinands || Conditiones ordinandorum secundum sacros canones
- Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA, De sacramentis christianae fidei, book 2, part 3, De ecclesiasticis ordinibus (paraphrased and excerpted) || Admonitio informatoria ad primam tonsuram accipientes, et ad omnes alios ordines secundum Hugonem de sancto Victore, libro de sacramentis
- Standards of conduct of a bishop || Quae episcopus in sua ordinatione profitetur se observaturum
- Edict on the office of a bishop || Edictum quod dat summus pontifex episcopo cui benedicit
- Confirmation || Ordo ad confirmandum pueros
- First tonsure || Modus faciendi tonsuras primas et ordinandi clericos
- Vesting of a bishop for mass || Modus induendi pontificem ad solenniter celebrandum
- Colour of vestments for services of the year || De colore vestimentorum secundum Romanam ecclesiam quando et quoties per annum variis coloribus in ecclesia utendum est
- Psalms and prayers at vesting and divesting of a bishop || Quae sunt dicenda induendo et exuendo episcopum
- Conditions for validity of ordinands || Qualiter ordines agantur
- Ordinations of doorkeepers || Ordinatio ostiariorum
- Ordination of readers || Ordinatio lectorum
- Ordination of exorcists || Ordinatio exorcistarum
- Ordination of acolytes || Ordinatio accolitorum
- Ordination of subdeacons || Ordinatio subdiaconorum
- Litany for ordination of deacons || Litania dicenda in ordinibus et dedicationibus ecclesiarum et aliis agendis
- Ordination and blessing of deacons || Diaconorum ordinatio
- Ordination of priests || Presbiterorum consecratio
- Ordinations in Lent || De celebratione ordinum in quarta septimana quadragesimae et in vigilia paschse
- Confirmation of election and examination of a bishop (Roman form) || Confirmatio et examinatio electorum in episcopos secundum Romanam ecclesiam
- Consecration of a bishop (Roman form) || Consecratio pontificum secundum Romanam ecclesiam
- Presentation of bishop elect || Decretum quod clerus et populus firmare debet de electo episcopo secundum modum Anglicanum
- Confirmation of election and examination of a bishop (English form) || Examinatio et confirmatio electorum in episcopos secundum modum Anglicanum
- Consecration of a bishop (English form) || Consecratio pontificis secundum modum Anglicanum
- Pontifical mass at consecration of a bishop || Missa episcopi pro seipso in die consecrationis
- Enthronement of a bishop || Cathedratio episcopi consecrati cum ad sedem episcopii sui venerit
- Blessing of an abbot || Abbatis benedictio
- Installation of an abbot or abbess || Installatio abbatis vel abbatissae
- Blessing of an abbess || Abbatissae benedictio
- Consecration of a virgin || Virginum sanctimonialium consecratio
- Profession of a nun || Professio sanctimonialium non virginum
- Blessing of a widow || Viduarum benedictio
- Enclosing of an anchoress || Ordo ad recludendum reclusum
- Expulsion of the penitents on Ash Wednesday || Ejectio penitentium feria quarta in capite jejunii
- Reconciliation of the penitents, Consecration of holy oils and mass on Maundy Thursday || Reconciliatio penitentium et totum post officium in coena Domini
- Reconciliation of an apostate || Ordo ad reconciliandum apostatam a judaismo heresi vel gentilitate reverse vel diu in sententia excommunicationis obstinate
- Ordo for a synod || Ordo qualiter ab episcopo synodus agatur
- Coronation service of a king || Ordo secundum quem rex debet coronari pariter et inungi
- Coronation service of a queen || Coronatio reginas
- Consecration of a church || Ordo Romanae ecclesiae ad benedicendam ecclesiam
- Consecration of a cemetery || Consecratio cimeterii quum ecclesia non dedicatur
- Consecration of an altar || Dedicatio altaris solummodo
- Consecration of a portable altar || Ordo de consecratione tabulae portabilis more Gallicano
- Blessing of salt, water, ashes and wine, and consecration of altar slab || Benedictio salis et aquae, cineris et vini
- Blessing of a portable altar slab || Benedictio lapidis itinerarii secundum modum Romanae ecclesiae
- Reconciliation of a church or cemetery || Reconciliatio ecclesiae violates vel cimiterii
- Blessing of the crosier, mitre, gloves and shoes of a bishop || Ordo ad benedicenda parimenta pontificalia sive baculum sive cirothecas aut quaecunque alia
- Blessing of the seal of the bishop || Benedictio novi sigilli episcopalis
- Blessing of altar cloths || Benedictio lintheaminum altaris
- Blessing for various ornaments || Benedictio ad quodcunque volueris
- Blessing of albs || Benedictio vestimentorum sacerdotalium seu levitarum vel ordinatorum
- Blessing of girdles || Benedictio zonae
- Blessing of stoles || Benedictio stolae
- Blessing of stoles and maniples || Benedictio stolae et manipuli
- Blessing of chasubles || Benedictio casulae
- Blessing of albs (alternative) || Alia benedictio ad vestimenta sacerdotalia vel levitica
- General blessing for church ornaments || Benedictio generalis ad cultum ecclesiae
- Blessing of corporals || Benedictio corporalium
- Blessing of patens || Benedictio patenae consecrandae
- Blessing of chalices || Benedictio calicis consecrandi
- Blessing of censers || Benedictio thuribuli
- Blessing of bells || Benedictio campanae
- Blessing of a crucifix || Benedictio imaginis crucifixi
- Blessing of an image of the virgin Mary || Benedictio imaginis beatas Mariae virginis
- Blessing of an image of St John Evangelist || Benedictio imaginis beati Ioannis evangelistae
- Blessing of pyxes or ciboria || Benedictio pyxidis sive vasculi eucharistiae
- Blessing of the offertory cloth || Benedictio lintheaminis offertorii
- Consecration of a baptistery || Consecratio baptisterii cum missa pertinente
- Blessing of service books || Benedictio librorum ecclesiasticorum
- Blessing of gifts to the church || Benedictio cujuscunque muneris vel donati
- Blessing of processional and military banners || Benedictio vexillorum processionalium vel militarium
- Blessing of reliquary caskets || Benedictio capsae reliquiarum vel corporum sanctorum
- Blessing of reliquary shrines || Benedictio feretri vel scrinii sanctorum
- Profession of canons regular || Receptio vel professio canonicorum regularium
- Profession of monks || Monachorum receptio et professio
- Blessing of oil for the sick || Benedictio generalis olei pro quacunque infirmitate
- Blessing of a new well || Benedictio putei novi
- Blessing of new fruit || Benedictio novorum fructuum
- Blessing of bread || Benedictio panis
- Blessing of a new house || Benedictio novae domus
- Liturgy for Excommunication || Excommunicatio sacrilegorum
- Absolution at confession || Absolutio in foro conscientiae id est secretae confessionis
- Episcopal benedictions at mass || Benedictiones solemnes episcopi in missa super populum per totum annum
- Baptism service || Officium baptismi
- Marriage service || Officium contrahendi sponsalia
- Visitation and anointing of the sick, Burial service || Officium visitandi infirmos et inungendi et mortuos sepeliendi
- Enthronement of an archbishop and benedictions || Inthronizatio archiepiscopi
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Hugues de Saint-Victor (1096?-1141)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA
- Other form
- Hugo de Sancto Victore
- Hugo de Sancto Victore (1096?-1141)
- Hugues de Saint-Victor
- Hugues de Saint-Victor (1096?-1141)
- Magistro Hugone
- Hugo
- Hugonis de Sancto-Victore
- Hugues de Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141
- Hug, de Sant Víctor, 1096-1141
- Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141
- Hugo de Sancto Victore, 1096?-1141
- Hugo van Sint-Victor
- Author: Hugo, de Sancto Victore
- Hugh of St. Victor
- Hugh of St.-Victor
- Hugh of Saint-Victor, c 1096-1141
- Hugues de Saint-Victor (10..-1141)
- Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA (attrib.)
- Hugo de Sancto Victore, 1096-1141
- Hugo<de Sancto Victore>
- Hugo <de Sancto Victore> (1096-1141)
- Hugo von Sankt Victor
- Hugo de S. Victore
- Hugo De Sancto Victore
- Hugh of Saint-Victor (1096?-1141)
- Hugh, of Saint-Victor (1096?-1141)
- Hugues de Saint-Victor (1096?-1141) > Chanoine
- Hugues de Saint-Victor (1096?-1141) > théologien
- Hugo (ca. 1096-1141)
- Hugo, von Sankt Victor, 1096-1141
- Hugo <de Sancto Victore>
- Hugo de Sancto Victore, 1096-1141 > , co-autor
- Hugo de Sancto Victore - 1096 - 1141 - auteur
- Hugo de Sancto Victore - 1096 - 1141 - auteur (dubium)
- Hugo de Sancto Victore - auteur
- De Sancto Victore, Hugo - 1096-1141 - auteur
- Hugo de Sancto Victore - 1096 - 1141 - auteur glossen
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 79, dating from c. 1400 and c. 1410, is the most elaborate decorated Pontifical to survive from medieval England. The text contains the church services particular to bishops, and is a specifically English version rather than the Durandus edition of the Pontifical widely used throughout Europe at this time. Its ownership can be determined from the heraldry on some of its pages, and it seems to have passed through the hands of three bishops who made additions to the text and illumination. The original patron of the book seems to have been Guy de Mohun, bishop of St Davids (1397-1407), and it then passes first to Richard Clifford, bishop of Worcester (1401-1407) and bishop of London (1407-1421) who had further illumination done, and finally to Philip Morgan, bishop of Worcester (1419-1426) and bishop of Ely (1426-1435) who added a section of text. By 1489 the Pontifical was at St Paul's Cathedral because on ff. 1v-2 are added the texts for the ceremony held there in that year of the presentation of the papal sword and cap to Henry VII by Pope Innocent VIII's nuncio. Small framed miniatures and historiated initials illustrate the various pontifical offices, and many pages have elaborate gilded borders and ornamental initials. The book was probably made in London because its artists in their ornament and figure style derive from the illuminators who made the Litlyngton Missal (Westminster Abbey MS 37) in 1383-1384.
Contents :
1r-2r - Reception of a papal nuncio offering the cap and sword to Henry VII
Note: f. 1r is blank
Note: On f. 1v, in a hand of cent. xv late, is an ordo
Note: (1v) Quando recipitur Nuncius apostolicus qui portabit capellum et ensem domino Regi Anglie
Note: The Pope mentioned is Innocent VIII (1484-1492). The king is Henry (VII)
2v-3v - Blessing of a crosier, ring and mitre of an abbot
Note: (2v) in a large hand of cent. xv (early)
Note: (2v) Sequitur benedictio baculi pastoralis - anuli - mitre
Note: (3v) blank
4r-12v - Marriage service || Ordo ad facienda sponsalia
Note: (4r) still in a hand of cent. xv, later than the body of the book. Fully bordered in good English style, conventional foliage
Note: (4r) Ordo ad facienda sponsalia (with musical cues)
13r-20v - Penitential psalms, Benedictions for various occasions and Blessing of a hermit || Psalmi plures et benedictiones
Note: (13r) Seven Penitential Psalms. Another hand of cent. xv. Arms in initials of Philip Morgan, Bishop of Worcester 1419-1426, and of Ely 1426-1435
Note: f. 16r sqq. a series of Benedictions, viz.
Note: De S. Trinitate per totum annum. 2a feria, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a per tot. annum, in commem. S. Crucis. in sabbato per tot. ann.
Note: De SS. Fabiano et Sebastiano, Benedicto, ad Vincula S. Petri, Bartholomeo, Egidio, Lucia, de quocumque translato, in cathedra S. Petri
Note: (18v) Ordo induendi et benedicendi heremitam
Note: (18v) Init. Hermit bearded, in brown with white scapular (?), kneels to Bishop. Frere, pl. IX, fig. 28
Note: (19r) Benedictio vestium
Note: (19r) Small initial of the brown habit and white scapular on blue ground with white flourishing
Note: Praecedentes quaterniones post codicem exaratum additas videntur, ut ex tabula contentorum proxime sequenti colligi licet
Note: (20v) blank
21r-24v - Table of contents and prayer before mass || Oratio sacerdotis
Note: Here begins the main part of the book, of which the contents are enumerated by Nasmith
rubric: (21r) Pontificalis huius libri talis est ordo
Note: Table of contents with reference to folios
Note: Ends with Intronizatio archiepiscopi (f. 254v)
Note: Prayer
incipit: (22v) Summe sacerdos et uere pontifex
Note: (24v) Ending
25r-25v - Conditions for validity of ordinands || Conditiones ordinandorum secundum sacros canones
Note: After this begins the original foliation in red (often wanting because the corners of the leaves have been gnawed by mice)
Note: (25r) Seated bishop. Fully bordered, with arms. Frere, pl. 1. The shields are: L. bottom, Eglesfield. C. Henry IV. R. Clifford
25v-30v - Hugh of Saint-Victor OSA, De sacramentis christianae fidei, book 2, part 3, De ecclesiasticis ordinibus (paraphrased and excerpted) || Admonitio informatoria ad primam tonsuram accipientes, et ad omnes alios ordines secundum Hugonem de sancto Victore, libro de sacramentis
Note: PL 176, cols. 421-30
30v-31r - Standards of conduct of a bishop || Quae episcopus in sua ordinatione profitetur se observaturum
31r-33v - Edict on the office of a bishop || Edictum quod dat summus pontifex episcopo cui benedicit
33v-34r - Confirmation || Ordo ad confirmandum pueros
34r-35r - First tonsure || Modus faciendi tonsuras primas et ordinandi clericos
35r-36r - Vesting of a bishop for mass || Modus induendi pontificem ad solenniter celebrandum
36v-37v - Colour of vestments for services of the year || De colore vestimentorum secundum Romanam ecclesiam quando et quoties per annum variis coloribus in ecclesia utendum est
37v-40r - Psalms and prayers at vesting and divesting of a bishop || Quae sunt dicenda induendo et exuendo episcopum
40v-41v - Conditions for validity of ordinands || Qualiter ordines agantur
41v-42v - Ordinations of doorkeepers || Ordinatio ostiariorum
Note: (41v) Miniature: Ordination of Ostiarii. Frere, fig. 2
42v-43r - Ordination of readers || Ordinatio lectorum
Note: (42v) Miniature: Ordination of Lectores. Frere, fig. 3
43r-43v - Ordination of exorcists || Ordinatio exorcistarum
Note: (43r) Miniature: Ordination of Exorcists. Frere, fig. 4
43v-45r - Ordination of acolytes || Ordinatio accolitorum
Note: (43v) Miniature: Ordination of Acolytes. Frere, fig. 5
45r-46r - Ordination of subdeacons || Ordinatio subdiaconorum
Note: (45r) Miniature: Ordination of Subdeacons. Frere, fig. 6
46r-50r - Litany for ordination of deacons || Litania dicenda in ordinibus et dedicationibus ecclesiarum et aliis agendis
46r-53v - Ordination and blessing of deacons || Diaconorum ordinatio
Note: (46r) Miniature: Ordination of Deacons. Frere, fig. 7
Note: (50r) Miniature: Blessing of Deacons. Frere, fig. 8
53v-58v - Ordination of priests || Presbiterorum consecratio
Note: (53v) Miniature: Ordination of Priests. Frere, fig. 9
58v-60r - Ordinations in Lent || De celebratione ordinum in quarta septimana quadragesimae et in vigilia paschse
60r-60v - Confirmation of election and examination of a bishop (Roman form) || Confirmatio et examinatio electorum in episcopos secundum Romanam ecclesiam
61r-66r - Consecration of a bishop (Roman form) || Consecratio pontificum secundum Romanam ecclesiam
Note: Half of f. xxxvii cut away (in the Interrogationes of priests). The text, as Parker notes, recurs on f. xliii
66r-67r - Presentation of bishop elect || Decretum quod clerus et populus firmare debet de electo episcopo secundum modum Anglicanum
Note: (66v) Miniature: Presentation of Bishop Elect. Frere, fig. 10
Note: Busts of Bishop in initials (4)
67r-68v - Confirmation of election and examination of a bishop (English form) || Examinatio et confirmatio electorum in episcopos secundum modum Anglicanum
69r-74v - Consecration of a bishop (English form) || Consecratio pontificis secundum modum Anglicanum
74v-76v - Pontifical mass at consecration of a bishop || Missa episcopi pro seipso in die consecrationis
76v-77v - Enthronement of a bishop || Cathedratio episcopi consecrati cum ad sedem episcopii sui venerit
Note: (76v) Miniature: Enthronement of Bishop. Frere, fig. 11
77v-80v - Blessing of an abbot || Abbatis benedictio
Note: (77v) Miniature: Blessing of an Abbot. Frere, fig. 12
80v-81r - Installation of an abbot or abbess || Installatio abbatis vel abbatissae
Note: (80v) Miniature: Installation of an Abbot. Frere, fig. 13
81r-84r - Blessing of an abbess || Abbatissae benedictio
Note: (81r) Miniature: Blessing of an Abbess. Frere, fig. 14
84r-92r - Consecration of a virgin || Virginum sanctimonialium consecratio
Note: (84r) Miniature: Consecration of a Virgin. Frere, fig. 15
Note: (91Ar) A rubric and prayer inserted on slip in Consecration of Virgins
92r-94v - Profession of a nun || Professio sanctimonialium non virginum
Note: (92r) Miniature: Profession of a Nun. Frere, fig. 16
94v-96r - Blessing of a widow || Viduarum benedictio
Note: (94v) Miniature: Blessing of a Widow. Frere, fig. 17
96r-98r - Enclosing of an anchoress || Ordo ad recludendum reclusum
Note: (96r) Miniature: Enclosing of a Recluse. Frere, fig. 18
98r-102r - Expulsion of the penitents on Ash Wednesday || Ejectio penitentium feria quarta in capite jejunii
Note: (98r) Miniature: Penitents leaving the church door 'in capite ieiunii'
102r-122r - Reconciliation of the penitents, Consecration of holy oils and mass on Maundy Thursday || Reconciliatio penitentium et totum post officium in coena Domini
Note: (102r) Miniature: Reconciliation of Penitents
Note: (108v) Miniature: The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John. Title, sun and moon: bones lie at the foot of the Cross. This is a tall oblong picture, occupying the lower part of col. 2 (otherwise blank), and is worn by kissing
Note: (108v) The Crucifixion, occupying lower part of a blank column on lxxxvv before the Canon, is much worn by kissing. The Canon has large decorative initials
Note: (109r) A fine decorative initial to the Canon of the Mass
122v-123v - Reconciliation of an apostate || Ordo ad reconciliandum apostatam a judaismo heresi vel gentilitate reverse vel diu in sententia excommunicationis obstinate
Note: (122v) Miniature: Reconciliation of an Apostate
123v-126v - Ordo for a synod || Ordo qualiter ab episcopo synodus agatur
Note: (123v) Miniature: A Synod
Note: Two decorative initials on 101, 102
126v-147v - Coronation service of a king || Ordo secundum quem rex debet coronari pariter et inungi
Note: (126v) Miniature: Coronation of a King
Note: (136r) Busts of King in initials
Note: 112v sqq. In initials:
Note: (136v) The Sword
Note: (136v) The Armillae
Note: (137r) The Pallium
Note: (137r) The Crown, The King crowned
Note: (137v) The Ring (twice)137v-138r
Note: (138v) The Sceptre
Note: (138v) The Rod
147v-150v - Coronation service of a queen || Coronatio reginas
Note: (147v) Miniature: Coronation of a Queen
Note: (149r) Bust of Queen in initial
151r-179r - Consecration of a church || Ordo Romanae ecclesiae ad benedicendam ecclesiam
Note: The alphabets for dedication of a church are in gold capitals on cxxxiiv, cxxxiiir
Note: (151r) Miniature: Consecration of a Church, Frere, fig. 19
Note: (151r) On this page are the arms of Guy de Mona or Mohun, Bishop of St David's 1397-1407
Note: (175r) Terribilis. Two surpliced boys sing at lectern
179r-182v - Consecration of a cemetery || Consecratio cimeterii quum ecclesia non dedicatur
Note: (179r) Miniature: Consecration of a Cemetery. Frere, fig. 20
182v-192v - Consecration of an altar || Dedicatio altaris solummodo
Note: (182v) Miniature: Consecration of an Altar. Frere, fig. 21
192v-193r - Consecration of a portable altar || Ordo de consecratione tabulae portabilis more Gallicano
Note: (192v) Miniature: Consecration of a Portable Slab. Frere, fig. 22
193r-197r - Blessing of salt, water, ashes and wine, and consecration of altar slab || Benedictio salis et aquae, cineris et vini
197r-200r - Blessing of a portable altar slab || Benedictio lapidis itinerarii secundum modum Romanae ecclesiae
Note: (197r) Miniature: Benedictio lapidis itinerarii
200r-206r - Reconciliation of a church or cemetery || Reconciliatio ecclesiae violates vel cimiterii
Note: (200r) Miniature: Reconciliation of a Church (scene in the churchyard)
206r-206v - Blessing of the crosier, mitre, gloves and shoes of a bishop || Ordo ad benedicenda parimenta pontificalia sive baculum sive cirothecas aut quaecunque alia
Note: (206r) Miniature: Blessing of Episcopal Ornaments. Frere, fig. 23
206v-206v - Blessing of the seal of the bishop || Benedictio novi sigilli episcopalis
206v-207r - Blessing of altar cloths || Benedictio lintheaminum altaris
207r-207r - Blessing for various ornaments || Benedictio ad quodcunque volueris
207r-207v - Blessing of albs || Benedictio vestimentorum sacerdotalium seu levitarum vel ordinatorum
207v-207v - Blessing of girdles || Benedictio zonae
207v-207v - Blessing of stoles || Benedictio stolae
207v-208r - Blessing of stoles and maniples || Benedictio stolae et manipuli
208r-208r - Blessing of chasubles || Benedictio casulae
208r-208v - Blessing of albs (alternative) || Alia benedictio ad vestimenta sacerdotalia vel levitica
208v-208v - General blessing for church ornaments || Benedictio generalis ad cultum ecclesiae
208v-209r - Blessing of corporals || Benedictio corporalium
Note: (208v) In initial: The Linteamen
209r-209r - Blessing of patens || Benedictio patenae consecrandae
Note: (209r) In initial: Paten
209r-209v - Blessing of chalices || Benedictio calicis consecrandi
Note: (209r) In initial: Chalice
209v-210r - Blessing of censers || Benedictio thuribuli
Note: (209v) In initial: Censer
210r-212v - Blessing of bells || Benedictio campanae
Note: (210r) Miniature: Blessing of Bells. Frere, fig. 24
212v-215av - Blessing of a crucifix || Benedictio imaginis crucifixi
Note: (212v) Miniature: Blessing of a Crucifix
Note: After clxxxxi is inserted a smaller leaf of cent. xv late with Benedictions of a ring and of a sceptre
Note: The Benedictions include Alphege, Dunstan, Augustine, Edmund of Canterbury. One is cut out between Peter and Paul and Magdalene
216r-216v - Blessing of an image of the virgin Mary || Benedictio imaginis beatas Mariae virginis
Note: (216r) Miniature: Blessing of an Image of the Virgin and Child
216v-217r - Blessing of an image of St John Evangelist || Benedictio imaginis beati Ioannis evangelistae
Note: (216v) Miniature: Blessing of an Image of St John (apparently a Virgin Martyr holding a palm)
217r-217r - Blessing of pyxes or ciboria || Benedictio pyxidis sive vasculi eucharistiae
217r-217v - Blessing of the offertory cloth || Benedictio lintheaminis offertorii
217v-218r - Consecration of a baptistery || Consecratio baptisterii cum missa pertinente
Note: (217v) In initial: A Font
218r-218v - Blessing of service books || Benedictio librorum ecclesiasticorum
Note: (218r) In initial: A Book
218v-219r - Blessing of gifts to the church || Benedictio cujuscunque muneris vel donati
219r-219v - Blessing of processional and military banners || Benedictio vexillorum processionalium vel militarium
Note: (219r) In initial: Three Banners, one silver with red cross, another gold with red lion, the third gold with red saltire and four red dots
219v-221r - Blessing of reliquary caskets || Benedictio capsae reliquiarum vel corporum sanctorum
Note: (219v) In initial: A Silver Shrine
221r-222r - Blessing of reliquary shrines || Benedictio feretri vel scrinii sanctorum
Note: (221v) In initial: A Gold Shrine
222r-224v - Profession of canons regular || Receptio vel professio canonicorum regularium
224v-226r - Profession of monks || Monachorum receptio et professio
226r-227r - Blessing of oil for the sick || Benedictio generalis olei pro quacunque infirmitate
227v-227v - Blessing of a new well || Benedictio putei novi
Note: (227v) In inital: A well-head of stone
227v-227v - Blessing of new fruit || Benedictio novorum fructuum
Note: (227v) In initial: Bean stalks growing
227v-227v - Blessing of bread || Benedictio panis
Note: (227v) In initial: Loaves on a table
227v-228r - Blessing of a new house || Benedictio novae domus
Note: (227v) In initial: A house of stone, the sun above
228r-228r - Liturgy for Excommunication || Excommunicatio sacrilegorum
228r-228v - Absolution at confession || Absolutio in foro conscientiae id est secretae confessionis
229r-254v - Episcopal benedictions at mass || Benedictiones solemnes episcopi in missa super populum per totum annum
Note: (229r) Miniature: The Episcopal Blessing at Mass. Frere, fig. 25
Note: The Blessings for the greater feasts have large decorative initials
254v-265r - Baptism service || Officium baptismi
Note: There is a distinct change of hand at ccxxxi, but the decoration remains the same
Note: (255r) Miniature: Baptism. Frere, fig. 26
Note: The Litany on ccxxv (this should be ccxxxv) is Sarum
265r-269r - Marriage service || Officium contrahendi sponsalia
269r-281v - Visitation and anointing of the sick, Burial service || Officium visitandi infirmos et inungendi et mortuos sepeliendi
Note: On ccxlii the first hand resumes
Note: (269r) Miniature: Communion of the Sick. Frere, fig. 27
Note: (272Ar) After ccxlv is a slip (xv) with part of the office for Ordination of a Bishop
Note: (272v) Miniature: Office of the dying. A dying man in bed, his soul leaving his mouth. A man and woman stand over him
Note: The Litany on ccxlvi has Alban, Oswald, Edmund, (Thomas), Alphege; Augustine, Dunstan, Cuthbert, Aldelm, Swithun, Edward: Brigida, Editha, Radegundis
Note: (277r) Miniature: Coffin with black pall and white cross. Two surpliced singers at lectern. Four candles
281v-286r - Enthronement of an archbishop and benedictions || Inthronizatio archiepiscopi
Note: After the Intronizatio follow three Benedictions in the hand of those on f. 16r etc., viz. for SS. Peter Martyr, Francis, Dominic
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