London. British Library, Cotton MS Claudius C VI
- Source
- The British Library, Polonsky Pre-1200 Project
- Library
- London. British Library
- Shelfmark
- British Library, Cotton MS Claudius C VI
- Biblissima authority file
- Language
- Latin
- Title
- Polemius Silvius, Nomina Provinciarum Omnium ; Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Galliae ; letters of Popes Leo I and Zosimus; a tree of consanguinity; Burchard of Worms, Decretum ; a bull of Pope Leo IX; obituary of William I, king of England (1066–87); confraternity agreements; obituaries of Prior Conrad of St Benet of Hulme (d. 1127), and Priors Wibert (d. 1167) and Honorius (d. 1188) of Christ Church, Canterbury; obituary of Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury (1070–89); lectionary fragment; Lanfranc of Bec, Consuetudines ; obituary of Louis VII, king of France (1137–80)
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Léon I (pape, 039.?-0461)
- Original form
- Leo I, d 461, Pope; also known as 'the Great'
- Other form
- LÉON (S.)
- LEO I papa (S.)
- LEO Magnus I (s.), papa
- LEO Magnus I, papa (s.)
- S. Leo Magnus
- S. Leo papa
- Leo I (pape ; 039.?-0461)
- Leo I
- Léon
- Leo Magnus
- LEO I MAGNUS (s.), papa
- Léon I (pape ; 039.?-0461)
- S. Léon
- Sancti Leonis Papae
- Leonis Papae
- Leonis [Magni]
- Léon I pape 039.?-0461
- Leo I, papa
- Leo I, Pope, d. 461
- Leo I (paus)
- León I, Papa, Santo
- Leo Papa, I. -461
- Lleó I, papa, m. 461
- Author: Leo I, Papa
- Leo, I, Pope, -461
- Léon I (039.?-0461 ; pape)
- Pope Leo
- Leo I., Papst, 400-461
- S. Léon
- Léon (saint), pape
- Leo papa
- Leo <I., Papst> (400-461)
- Beatus Leo
- D. Leo papa
- Leo papa I
- Leo I, Pope (-461)
- Leão Magno, Santo, ?--461 > , co-autor
- Igreja Católica, Papa 440-461 (Leão I)
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- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Zosime (pape, 03..-0418)
- Original form
- Zosimus, d 418, Saint, Pope
- Other form
- ZOSIMUS (s.), papa
- Zosimus (03..-0418 ; pape)
- S. ZOSIMUS, papa
- ZOSIMUS (s.),
- Zosime, pape
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Burchard de Worms (0965-1025)
- Original form
- Burchard of Worms, c 965-1025, Bishop of Worms
- Other form
- Burchardus Wormaciensis (0965-1025)
- Burchardus Wormatiensis
- Burchard de Worms (0965-1025)
- Author: Burchardus, Wormaciensis
- Burchard, Bishop of Worms, approximately 965-1025
- Burchardus
- Burchard de Worms (950-1025)
- Burchardus Wormatiensis, 965?-1025 > , co-autor
- Burchardus Wormatiensis, 965?-1025
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Polemius Silvius
- Original form
- Polemius Silvius, fl 5th century
- Other form
- Polemius Silvius
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Lanfranc (1010-1089)
- Original form
- Lanfranc of Canterbury, c 1010-1089, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Other form
- Lanfrancus
- LANFRANCUS, archiep. Cantuariensis
- Lanfrancus, Cantuariensis archiep.
- Author: Lanfrancus, Cantuariensis
- Lanfranc
- Lanfranc OSB
- Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1005?-1089
- Lanfranco, O.S.B., 1010-1089 > , coment.
- Lanfrancus Cantuariensis - ca. 1005 - 1089 - auteur
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- Biblissima authority file
- Description
- This composite manuscript contains two parts. The first part (ff. 5-169), produced in the 2nd half of the 11th century in France (ex. info Michael Gullick), contains a collection of historical and legal works, predominantly the Decretum (Decretals) − a collection of canon law − by Burchard (b. c. 965, d. 1024), bishop of Worms. The second part (ff. 170-204) was produced at various stages during the 12th century at the Cathedral Priory of the Holy Trinity or Christ Church, Canterbury. It contains various documents (obituaries and confraternity agreements) related to Christ Church, and the Consuetudines (Constitutions) of Lanfranc (b. c. 1010, d. 1089), archbishop of Canterbury. This part was originally part of Royal MS 7 E V, which contains a martyrology of Christ Church. The manuscript also contains two flyleaves from a fifteenth-century theological text of which other leaves can be found in a number of other Cotton manuscripts: Cotton MS Vitellius C VIII, ff. 157–164, Cotton MS Vespasian B XI, ff. 145–158, Cotton MS Cleopatra E I, ff. 184, 188, 312, and Cotton MS Cleopatra E IV, ff. 1, 475. The two parts and flyleaves were joined together in the library of Sir Robert Bruce Cotton (b. 1571, d. 1631). Contents: f. 5r: Polemius Silvius, Nomina Provinciarum Omnium (Names of All the Provinces), an excerpt from the so-called Laterculus [see Chronica Minora , ed. by Mommsen (1892), pp. 535-42]. ff. 5r-6r: Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Galliae (Notice of the Provinces and Cities in Gaul) [see Chronica Minora , ed. by Mommsen (1892), pp. 584-612]. ff. 6r-7v: Letters of Popes Leo I (440–61) and Zosimus (417–18). f. 8r: A tree of consanguinity ( arbor consanguinitatis ). ff. 8v-168r: Burchard of Worms, Decretum. ff. 168r-169r: A bull of Pope Leo IX (1049–54). f. 170v: Obituary of William I, king of England (1066–87). ff. 171r, 172r-172v: Confraternity agreements.f. 171v: Obituaries of Prior Conrad of St Benet of Hulme (d. 1127), and Priors Wibert (d. 1167) and Honorius (d. 1188) of Christ Church, Canterbury. f. 173r: An obituary of Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury (1070–89).f. 174r: A lectionary fragment, featuring lections for the dedication of a church. ff. 174v-202r: Lanfranc, Consuetudines.f. 203r: An obituary of Louis VII, king of France (1137–80). ff. 203r-203v: A grant to Louis VII by the Archbishop of Canterbury to join the prayer confraternity of Christ Church. The manuscript contains a number of additions:ff. 1r-1v [bound upside down] and ff. 205r-205v: A theological text on vices and virtues, written in a 15th-century script. f. 3r: A table of contents, added by Richard James (b. 1592, d. 1638), librarian for Sir Robert Bruce Cotton (b. 1571, d. 1631).f. 4r: A title-page to Lucius Annaeus Seneca, The Works both Morall and Natural, trans. by T. Lodge (London, 1614): engraving displaying the philosophers Zeno, Chrysippus, Socrates and Cato by William Hole (d. 1624).[ff. 2r, 2v, 3v, 169v, 170r, 173v, and 202r, 204r, 204v are empty].Decoration:See Cotton MS Claudius C VI, f 1; Cotton MS Claudius C VI, ff 5–169; Cotton MS Claudius C VI, ff 170–203; Cotton MS Claudius C VI, f 205
- Place
- Preferred form
- France
- Original form
- France, Europe
- Other form
- France
- France (Paris ? Fontainebleau ?)
- France.
- France (?)
- Lieu de copie : France ( ?) : cf. Hans-Collas ― Schandel, p. 327
- France ?
- France -- 16e siècle
- Frankreich
- França
- Francia
- Frankrijk
- Abbaye de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadia de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abtei Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abbey of Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abadía de Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Abdij van Fleury (Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire)
- Région de la Loire (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- Loire Region (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Regió del Loira (Abadia de Fleury ?)
- Región del Loira (Abadía de Fleury ?)
- France (Abbaye de Fleury ?)
- França (Abadia de Fleury?)
- Francia (Abadía de Fleury?)
- France (Abbey of Fleury?)
- Frankreich (Abtei Fleury?)
- Frankrijk (Abdij van Fleury?)
- France (est : Lorraine ?)
- França (est: Lorena?)
- Ostfrankreich (Lothringen?)
- Eastern France (Lorraine?)
- Francia (este: Lorena?)
- Lothringen
- Lorena
- Lotharingen
- Lorraine
- França (Borgonya?)
- France (Burgundy?)
- Francia (Borgoña)
- France (Bourgogne ?)
- Frankrijk (Bourgondië?)
- France (Bretagne ?)
- França (Bretanya?)
- Frankreich (Bretagne?)
- France (Brittany?)
- Francia (Bretaña)
- Frankrijk (Bretagne?)
- France (ouest : Bretagne ?)
- Western France (Brittany?)
- França (oest: Bretanya?)
- Francia (oeste: Bretaña?)
- Frankrijk (westen) (Bretagne?)
- Westfrankreich: Bretagne?
- Bretagne
- Bretanya
- Bretaña
- Brittany
- Probably the Loire region
- France: Auxerre or Brittany
- France: Fleury. vicinity of Paris (Saint-Denis?) (Bischoff)
- France: Ile-de-France (Sens?)
- France: Fleury; Reims?
- France (Southern France?)
- France: Fleury
- France: probably Auxerre
- France: evidently Eastern France
- Central- or southern France
- France, Vienne
- [France]
- Paris (?)
- France (Paris?) or Flanders
- France (3rd part)
- Strassburg (probably)
- Paris (?) or Tours (?)
- France (Normandy?)
- Rouen (?) or Paris (?)
- France: Champagne, Burgundy or Centre
- Lyon or Luxeuil (?)
- France (Besançon?)
- France (Paris?)
- France, Northern (probably)
- Probably Eastern France
- St. Denis near Paris (monastery) (?)
- Tours (?)
- France (possibly near the court)
- Italy and France (illumination)
- [Provence?]
- France, East (?)
- France, Northeast?
- France, Pontigny (or Paris?)
- France, North?
- France, Paris?
- France, Diocese of Limoges?
- France, Auxerre or area
- France, Burgundy?
- France, Brittany or Paris?
- France, Angers?
- France, Normandy?
- France, East?
- France, Bourges?
- France, Anjou?
- France, Northwest?
- France, Tours?
- France (probably Paris)
- SW France?
- FR
- [FR]
- Frankreich (Angers?)
- Frankrijk (?)
- Gallia
- Gallia (Frankrijk)
- Gallia? (Frankrijk?)
- Frankreich (I.)
- Frankreich (III.)
- Frankreich (III)
- Frankreich (II)
- Frankreich (I)
- I./III. Frankreich
- II. Frankreich
- Frankreich (Ergänzung)
- [Frankrijk]
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Canterbury (Kent, United Kingdom)
- Original form
- Canterbury, England
- Other form
- Canterbury (?)
- Angleterre (Canterbury)
- England, Canterbury
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Rights
- Public domain in most countries other than the UK
- License