Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 173
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 173
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 1099 - 0700 - 1099
- Language
- Old English
- Latin
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 173: The Parker Chronicle
- The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, A-version, preceded by the West-Saxon Royal Genealogy || The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
- Acta Lanfranci
- Anglo-Saxon Laws of Alfred and Ine
- Lists of popes and English bishops
- Sedulius, Letter I to Macedonius || Sedulius
- Sedulius, Carmen paschale || Sedulius
- Sedulius, Hymn A solis ortus cardine || Sedulius
- Sedulius, Letter II to Macedonius || Sedulius
- Verses of Damasus on St Paul
- Sedulius, Elegia || Sedulius
- Augustine, De ciuitate Dei, xviii.23 (excerpts) with three versions of Sibylline prophecies
- see more
- Agent
- Preferred form
- Caius Coelius Sedulius (04..-04..)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Sedulius
- Other form
- Sedulius, Caius Coelius (04..-04..)
- SEDULIUS (Caelius)
- Sedulii
- Caelius Sedulius
- Sedulius, Caius Coelius
- Seduli, m. ca. 450
- Sedulio, Celio
- Sedulius, 5th cent.
- Sedulius Caelius fl.5. Jh.
- Author: Sedulius, Caelius
- Sedulius, fl 450
- Sedulius, Coelius, 5th century
- Sedulius <Caelius>
- Sedulius, Caelius, ca. 5. Jh.
- Sedulius, Coelius, 4--
- Coelius Sedulius - 5de eeuw - auteur
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- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Preferred form
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Role
- Author
- Original form
- Augustine
- Other form
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin (saint, 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (saint ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint)
- Augustinus Hipponensis
- Saint Augustin
- Augustin d'Hippone
- Augustin (saint ; 0354-0430)
- S. Augustinus
- Augustin, S.
- Augustin (sain ; 0354-0430)
- Augustinus (s.)
- S. Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustinus Hiponnensis
- Augustin
- Sancti Augustini
- Sanctus Augustinus
- S. Augustinus (?)
- Augustinus episcopus
- Augustini
- Sancti Augustini
- S. Augustin
- [Augustinus]
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis
- Augustin (Saint)
- Augustin saint 0354-0430
- Agustí, sant, bisbe d'Hipona, 354-430
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Augustinus, Aurelius, 354-430
- Augustinus (heilige)
- Author: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Translator: Augustinus, Aurelius
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Augustine of Hippo, 354-430, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
- Augustin (0354-0430 ; saint). Auteur des citations ou des fragments textuels
- Augustine (attrib.)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430)
- St Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430), author
- Pseudo Augustine
- Pseudo Augustine (Quodvultdeus)
- Pseudo Augustine (Patrick of Dublin)
- Pseudo Augustine (Jeronimus)
- St Augustine
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430
- Augustinus, Aurelius, Hipponensis, 354-430 (role)aut
- Augustin (saint)
- Augustinus, Aurelius
- S. Augustin
- Aurelius Augustinus (354-430)
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, author,
- D. Augustinus
- B. Augustinus
- Agostino
- Augustinus Aurelius santo
- Augustine of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Docteur de l'Eglise
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430)
- Augustin d’Hippone (0354-0430) > Evêque
- Augustinus, Aurelius (354-430)
- Agustín, Santo, Obispo de Hipona, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , co-autor
- Agostinho, Santo, 354-430 > , ant. bibliog.
- Augustin (05.. ?-0604 ? ; saint)
- Augustinus - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - auteur
- Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis - 354 - 430 - oorspronkelijke auteur
- Saint Augustin d'Hippone
- see more
- Biblissima portal
- Biblissima authority file
- Description
Summary: In CCCC MS 173 is found the Parker Chronicle, one of the most important manuscripts for our understanding of Anglo-Saxon history. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the earliest history written in English, seems to have originated under the impetus of Alfred the Great's educational reforms, and a core set of annals was composed which were then augmented variously over the years in different places. Every version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is therefore different and has its own complicated transmission history. The Parker Chronicle, also known as the A-version, is the oldest manuscript surviving. It was started in the late ninth century and continued into the eleventh. It originated somewhere in Wessex, probably Winchester where it has mid tenth-century provenance, but had moved to the cathedral priory of Christ Church, Canterbury by the end of the eleventh century. Although the Chronicle is the most famous part of the manuscript, it also contains other very important material. In the same section as the Chronicle there are important early texts of the Old English laws of Alfred the Great and the late seventh-century laws of his distant predecessor on the throne of Wessex, King Ine (d. in or after 726), as well as a list of bishops and popes. A second volume was already bound with the Chronicle manuscript in the Middle Ages: this contains works by the late Antique poet Sedulius (fl. first half of the fifth century), in particular his Carmen paschale, a retelling of the gospels in bombastic Virgilian Latin verse. This part of the manuscript is older than the Chronicle, probably dating to the third quarter of the eighth century, and is an important witness to English scholarship before the disruption caused in the ninth century by Viking attacks. It seems to have the name of Frithestan, bishop of Winchester 909-31, on f. 57r. The volume was greatly valued by Parker and his circle; Parker brought the list of archbishops of Canterbury up to date to include own name. It was also used in the earliest printed book in Old English, Parker's Testimonie of Antiquitie.
Contents :
1r-32r - The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, A-version, preceded by the West-Saxon Royal Genealogy || The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Note: The most recent edition is that of the Rev. C. Plummer, M.A., Corpus Christi College, Oxford (vol. I, 1892, II, 1899). His symbol for this MS. is Ā. He describes it fully at p. xxiii sqq. of vol. II
Note: Facsimiles in Mon. Hist. Brit. pl. xxiii, xxiv and New Pal. Soc. pls. 134-136
Note: On previous editions of the text see Plummer's Introduction
Note: The Chronicle, mostly in single columns except f. 1v (part) to f. 4v sub fin. where it is in double columns: number of lines varying from 39 to 25
Note: A complete survey of the hands in which this is written is given by Plummer, p. xxv, § 13 and in the New Pal. Soc. Plummer's list summarized is as follows: 1. To the end of f. 16r death of Suibhne in 891, and the year-number 892. 2. f. 16v including part of 894 (to Ac hi haefdon). 3. f. 17r-17v. 4. f. 18r to f. 21r sub fin. (end of 912). 5. f. 21r sub fin. to f. 24v sub fin. (end of 921) except three lines on f. 28v. 6. Three lines on f. 23v (gefaran mehte ... abraecon), four lines on f. 24v (beginning of 922): apparently more, now erased and re-written on f. 23v. A poor scribe. 7. f. 25r-25v to end of 924, half of f. 25v left blank. 8. f. 26r to f. 27v, end of 955. 9. f. 28r and year-number 968 on f. 28v. 10. f. 28v to f. 30r sub fin., end of 1001, except the last ten words. So far the Winchester portion. 11. (Year-numbers on f. 30r?) f. 30v to f. 31v, end of 1066, except the last sentence about the comet and the fragmentary charter at 1031. 12. f. 31v last sentence of 1066 and first part of 1070 to gehersumnesse mid aðswerunge. 13. The charter at 1031 and the remainder of 1070. 14. The Latin Acts of Lanfranc and some of the lists of bishops etc.
Note: There are also numerous interpolations, most of them by the scribe 14 who is also according to Mr Plummer the scribe of Domitian A. VIII (the Latin-Saxon Chronicle called F). Others are: The annals 710 accidentally omitted, supplied by scribe 8. Additions at 923 and 941 by no. 11 (a Christchurch hand). Additions relating to Dunstan at 925 (first part), 943, 956, 959, 961, by no. 12. Early additions at (688), 728, 870, 890, 993, 1001. At 988 is a beautifully-written small Latin note on the death of Dunstan. The hands were dated as follows by Dr G. F. Warner (l. c. p. xxvii note). Nos. 1-6 900-930; no. 7 cir. 930; no. 8 cir. 960; no. 10 cir. 1000; no. 11 cir. 1075. For remarks on the character and affinities of the script, the description in New Pal. Soc. should be consulted
Note: Cameron B17.1, incorporating the Chronicle poems Cameron A10.1-4
32r-32v - Acta Lanfranci
Note: The Latin Acts of Lanfranc are printed by Plummer, vol. I, App. B, pp. 287-292. In the MS. this Parkerian note is prefixed to them in the margin
Note: (32r) hec habentur in libro S. Aug. cui titulus est Diversi tractatus monasterii S. Augustini
Note: The book here mentioned was formerly in Parker's possession, but is marked in his Register as missing at the time when the collection was bequeathed to the College. It is now MS. 1213 in the Lambeth Library
33r-52v - Anglo-Saxon Laws of Alfred and Ine
Note: The next two quires containing the Laws are apparently all in one hand, with 25 lines to a page
Note: Liebermann, Gesetze p. xxiv, calls this MS. E, and assigns it to cir. 925. It is the oldest of his authorities. Text, p. 16
Note: The writer in New Pal. Soc. speaks of the writing as rounded English minuscules of the eleventh century
Note: (33r) The capitula occupy ff. 33r-35r
Note: (35v) blank
Note: (36r) Laws of Alfred
Note: (39v) Laws of Ine
Note: Cameron B14.4
53r-56v - Lists of popes and English bishops
rubric: (53r) Incipiunt nomina pontificum romane urbis
Note: The names as far as Damasus are in one hand: from Damasus to Julius in a second hand, and from Liberius (lx) to Marinus (cxxxv - the numbers being continued to clxx) in a hand which may be that of the Latin on f. 32r (Acts of Lanfranc)
Note: Two blank pages follow (ff. 53v, 54r)
Note: (54v) Then the list of the Popes who sent palls to archbishops, mostly in one hand of cent. xi (scribe of Acts of LanfrancLanfranc's name is written in capitals.): but the last two entries are added later, viz. Urbanus Anselmo, Paschalis Radulfo
Note: (55r) The lists of Archbishops and Bishops on the next leaf are in one hand, English of cent. x (?). They are in five columns
Note: (55r) Column 1: Nomina archiepiscoporum dorouernensis ecclesie, i Agustinus to xxiii Dunstan
Note: (55r) Column 2: Nomina episcoporum hrofensis ecclesie, i Paulinus to xv Ælfstan
Note: (55r) Column 3: Nomina episcoporum orientalium Saxonum i Mellitus to xx Ælfstan
Note: (55r) Column 4: Nomina episcoporum australium Saxonum i Ƿilfrið to xvii Æþelgar
Note: (55r) Column 5: Nomina episcaporum occidentalium Saxonum. i. Primus occidentalium Saxonum birinus fuit episcopus qui cum consilio honorii papae uenerat brittanniam to xix Ealhferð After xiii the numbers were originally written wrong and corrected
Note: (55v) On verso, original hand
Note: (55v) Col. 1 continues lists of West Saxon Bishops. xx Tumberht to xxvii ælfheah
Note: (55v) Col. 2. Nomina episcoporum Scireburnensis ecclesie i Aldhelm to xix æƿelsige
Note: (55v) Col. 3. Nomina episcoporum ƿiltuniensis ecclesie i æþelstan to vii sigric
Note: And, below
Note: (55v) Nomina episcoporum cridiensis ecclesiae i Eadulf to iii Alfƿold
Note: (55v) Besides these are three Latin paragraphs in brown ink in Christ Church (Canterbury) hand, viz.
Note: a. (col. 1)
Note: (55v) Nomina episcoporum lindisfarnensis id est dunelmensis ecclesie. Aidanus, Finanus etc.
Note: ending
Note: (55v) Walcherus, Willelmus, Rannulfus
Note: b. (col. 4)
Note: (55v) Nomina episcoporum eboracensis ecclesie Primus ipsius ecclesie presul erat paulinus. Ordinatus arusto (sic for a iusto) archiepiscopo accipiens pallium ad consecrandum dorobernensem archiepiscopum ab honorio papa Hac enim de causa pallium habuit. (Here 1.5 lines erased.) Turbatis postea rebus northanhymbrorum paulinus rediit cantiam et quoniam rofensis ecclesia pastore tunc fuerat destituta: inuitante honorio archiepiscopo curam ipsius ecclesie suscepit. in qua moriens pallium reliquit. Post cuius discessum ab ecclesia eboracensi quod fuit anno. dc xxxiii dominice incarnat. usque dcc. xxxv. annum incarnacione dominice hoc est per cii. annos presides eboracenses non habuerunt pallium. Primus ipsius ecclesie presul paulinus. Ceadda, Wilfridus etc. to Thomas, Gerardus, Thomas
Note: c. Across the page at bottom
Note: (55v) Sciendum quod theodorus archiepiscopus sepe northanhymbrorum prouinciam sua presentia uisitauit epos, ordinando et in quibus locis ante non fuerant constituendo et alia primatis anglorum officia administrando. Testatur namque beda quod pulso ab episcopatu pro sua inobedientia Wilfrido duos in eius locum substituit episcopos (etc. he ordained other bishops and presided at a synod in Northumbria). Hec et alia nonnulla ex iure primatis anglorum suo tempore ibidem exercuit. etiam eo tempore quo eboracensis ecclesia suum episcopum habuit. bosam uidelicet qui Wilfrido successerat
Note: After this a hand more like that of the Lists, but not identical with it, writes
Note: (55v) Hec sunt nomina regum cantie post aduentum Sancti Augustini, Ægelberhtus, Eadbaldus, Hercanberhtus, Egberhtus, Lotharius, Wihtredus, Eadberhtus, Ægelbertus
Note: The last leaf of the quire (7) is ruled but blank (f. 56r-56v): edges have been cut off it
57r-58v - Sedulius, Letter I to Macedonius || Sedulius
Note: (cent. viii-ix Bradshaw)
Note: ff. 1r-2v are in single lines, in a different hand from the restf. 2v may very well be by a third hand, 33 lines to a page. The rest is in double columns of 27 lines. Both hands are of Celtic aspect. The first is much rounder and more legible than the second
Note: At the top of f. 1r in large capitals is
rubric: (57r) FRI ÐESTAN
Note: (57r) (followed by diacon in minuscule)
Note: The first three letters appear to have been written over some others, two of which appear to be IN. The letters in DES (with a tall minuscule s) seem perhaps to be altered from DEI. I have some suspicion that an inscription in capitals IN DEI NOMINE has been partly erased and adapted to FRIÐESTAN. Dr G. F. Browne, Bishop of Bristol, has suggested that this name may be an early signature of Frithestan afterwards (909) Bishop of Winchester
Note: References are made here to the edition by Huemer in the Vienna Corpus Scriptt. Eccl. Latt. (1885) for which this manuscript was not used
rubric: (57r) Incipit epistula sedulii ad macedonium praesbiterum
incipit: (57r) Sedulii iuxta fidem catholicam christiani. Inquo sunt haec uersibus heroicis paschalis carminis Libri u.
Note: (57r) Sancto ac beatissimo patri macedonoi presbitero sedulius in christo salutem
Note: (p. 1)
incipit: (57r) Priusquam me uenerabilis pater
explicit: (58v) Cum [patre et corr.] sancto spiritu per omnia (in cuncta corr.) secula seculorum
Note: (p. 13)
Note: Corrector adds in space
Note: (58v) h p usque ad passionem et resurrectionem ascensionemque domini nostri Ihesu Christi
Note: Red capitals
rubric: (58v) Explicit epistola Sedulii ad Macedonium presbiterum
59r-79v - Sedulius, Carmen paschale || Sedulius
Note: The second hand
Note: (59r) Large initial P with serpent heads and panels of interlaced work: dotted with red and ? purple
incipit: (59r) Paschales quicumque dapes
Note: (p. 14)
Note: Titles are in small capitals: often in the margin
Note: Smaller initials are sometimes plain Roman in red: some are of the Celtic type, with dots about them
Note: (68r) A bit of Celtic ornament drawn in the margin
Note: (68v) Upper L. corner in red RA. Each book has an interesting initial
Note: Ends
explicit: (79v) per tanta uolumina libros
Note: (p. 146)
rubric: (79v) Explicit liber u.
79v-80r - Sedulius, Hymn A solis ortus cardine || Sedulius
rubric: (79v) Incipit carmen (de laud)e christi
incipit: (79v) A solis ortus cardine
Note: (p. 163)
explicit: (80r) caelis reddidit
rubric: (80r) Explicit carmen de (?na)t' domini nostri Ihesu Christi
80r-81r - Sedulius, Letter II to Macedonius || Sedulius
rubric: (80r) Incipit Epistolis sancti Seduli ad
incipit: (80r) Sancto ac beatisimo patri macedonio praes. Sedulius in Christo salutem
Note: (p. 171)
incipit: (80r) Praecipisti reuerendae mi domine paschalis carminis textum
Note: Ends f. 25r col. 1
explicit: (81r) cum patre et sancto spiritu per omnia secula seculorum. Amen, beatissime ora pro me pater, finit
81r-81v - Verses of Damasus on St Paul
incipit: (81r) Iam dutum salus (saulus) procerum praecepta secutus cum domino patrias uellet praeponere leges
Note: (Verses of Damasus on St Paul, P. L. XIII 379)
Note: Ending
explicit: (81v) Sancte tuus damasus uoluit triumphos
81v-82v - Sedulius, Elegia || Sedulius
incipit: (81v) Cantemus socii domino cantemus honorem
Note: (Hymnus I. p. 155)
Note: (81v) At bottom an omission of a couplet is supplied
Note: Ends
explicit: (82v) Cum sancto spiritu gloria magna patriFinit hoc opusculum deo gratias. Amen
82v-83v - Augustine, De ciuitate Dei, xviii.23 (excerpts) with three versions of Sibylline prophecies
rubric: (82v) Hec sunt uaticiniae sibillae (?de Christo)
incipit: (83r) In manus infidelium post ea ueniet. dabunt et deo alapas manibus
explicit: (83r) Et tunc ab inferis regressus ad lucem ueniet primus resurrectionis principio reuocatus ostenso
Note: (Aug. de civ. dei xviii 23 from Lactantius)
incipit: (83r) Iudicii signum tellus sudore madescit
Note: (Aug. de civ. dei xviii 23)
explicit: (83v) e caelo ignisque et sulphur(is) annis
incipit: (83v) Hos predicens uersus sanctus / Agustinus ex libro sybellae adsu / mens in xxuii (blank) dei de greco / translates inseruit. non nulli hanc / sybellam aput grecos / natam ferunt eo tempore quo / romulus romam condidit in iudea / aesaia et osse profetantibus regnante ezechia, alii uero belli troiani temporibus quaedam de Christo / manifesta scribsise
rubric: (83v) Item in / ... uersos de aduentu Christi
incipit: (83v) Iudicii signum su / dauit rupada tellus / et saecli ueniet qui / cuncta lauabit secoram / celsus iudex orbemque probabit / etc.
Note: The writing of col. 2 is very faint. Ends
explicit: (83v) Salpix luctifera caelo tune uoce sonabit / Adfore iam monstrantur erumnasque adfore / Saeculi. loetiferumque chaus monstrauit terra de (?hiscens)
Note: This second version is not among those given by Alexandre (Oracula Sibyllina II 230)
Note: In the earlier part have been a good many Anglo-Saxon glosses, but a large number are erased. After col. 1 of f. 8v glosses of any kind decrease markedly in number
Note: Old English glosses to Sedulius are Cameron C97.2
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- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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