Cambridge. Corpus Christi College, Parker Library MS 196
- Source
- Parker Library On the Web (Cambridge)
- Library
- UK, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, Parker Library
- Shelfmark
- MS 196
- Biblissima authority file
- Date
- 0900 - 0925
- Language
- Old English
- Title
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 196: Old English Martyrology. Old English Vindicta saluatoris
- Old English martyrology (incomplete) || Pars maxima Martirologii seu potius Menologii Anglo-Saxonici, nempe a die 19 mensis Martis usque ad diem 21 Decembris inclusive
- Old English Vindicta saluatoris (incomplete) || Fragmentum Saxonicum capite et calce truncatum sex tantum constans foliis, in quo habetur: Pars legationis fabulosse Nathanis Judei ad Tiberium Caesarem
- Description
Summary: CCCC MS 196 was probably once part of the same volume as CCCC MS 191 and part of CCCC MS 201; they may have been separated by Parker. They were made at Exeter in the time of Bishop Leofric (1050-72). MS 196 is an important manuscript of the Old English martyrology, though missing some material for December to March: Kotzor used it as the base text for his edition from 19 March to 21 December. It also contains the Old English Vindicta saluatoris, a translation of an apocryphon which interprets the destruction of the Jewish Temple by Titus in A.D. 70 as motivated by his desire to avenge the Crucifixion upon the Jews. Parker obtained several volumes from Exeter Cathedral, some decades before the majority of its medieval manuscripts were given to the Bodleian Library in 1602.
Contents :
1-110 - Old English martyrology (incomplete) || Pars maxima Martirologii seu potius Menologii Anglo-Saxonici, nempe a die 19 mensis Martis usque ad diem 21 Decembris inclusive
Note: Anglo-Saxon Martyrology beginning imperfectly at 19 March
Note: Cameron B19.2.1
Note: (1) Several quires must be gone at the beginning
Note: Text begins
incipit: (1) se ys to ƿam ge set ƿæt he celeð ƿæra tungla
Note: Edited by Herzfeld for the Early English Text Society, 1900
Note: Ends imperfectly in Dec. 21 (St Thomas)
explicit: (110) ne myhton ælreorde ƿeode hergian on ƿa
Note: On the character of this Martyrology see J. Chapman, Early History of the Vulgate Gospels
111-122 - Old English Vindicta saluatoris (incomplete) || Fragmentum Saxonicum capite et calce truncatum sex tantum constans foliis, in quo habetur: Pars legationis fabulosse Nathanis Judei ad Tiberium Caesarem
Note: (111) Fragment of an Anglo-Saxon version of the Vindicta Salvatoris
Note: (see Tischendorf, Evang. Apocr.)
Note: Cameron B8.5.4.1
Note: Printed by C. W. Goodwin, The Anglo-Saxon Legends of St Andrew and St Veronica, Cambridge, 1851, and last by Assmann, A.-S. Homilien u. Heiligenleben, 1889, p. 181 (in Bibl. d. A.-S. Prosa): both use other complete copies of the text
Note: Ends imperfectly
explicit: (122) Ac uolosianus hire to cƿæð. La ƿif
- Rights
- Images courtesy of The Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For higher resolution images suitable for scholarly or commercial publication, either in print or in an electronic format, please contact the Parker Library directly at
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